
Eyes Of Eternity

Taken to a world of elements and mythical eyes, Leyce decides to becomes a swordsman and fights his way towards the truth. By any means, he is ready to do anything for his precious friends and comrades even if it kills him.

Pantovicc · 武侠
19 Chs

S1: Chapter 15 - Love Is In The Air

- That will do it...

*master surely is stalking these two everytime they hang out... Last time, now as well. And he keeps saying the same thing in the end... - Koji thought

- That will do it. Good, just like that...

Mysterious man smirked while looking at Leyce and Akane from the distance.

- Master do you really think that a peasant from a Kingdom such as Heyria is, would be fine?

- Koji... - mysterious man said slowly with a calm voice...

- what is this feeling... - Koji thought to himself - A chill just went down my spine. My whole body is shaki-

As he looked up he saw the unknown man looking down at him.

- Koji do you really thi-

- Master I didn't mean to-

- Silence. I don't remember giving you permission to talk. Never question my choices ever again. Got it?

- Yes, Master.

- Get moving.

Just like that they both vanished.

Meanwhile, Leyce and Akane were going back home after a dinner. Down the street, Leyce and Akane were on their way to Akane's house.

- I had lots of fun today - said Akane.

- Me too.

- The food was great as well wasn't it Leyce?

- Yeah, I was a bit concerned at first but it turned out great!

- Yeah... It was...

- Hm? Akane?

- Say Leyce. What am I to you?

- What?

- Hm... That was a weird thing to ask, sorry.

- No what did you mean.

- Nothing. OH I wanted to ask, were there these huge paintings in men's toilet as well?


- Haha I'm just kidding. I'll be fine on my own from here. Thank you for taking me home.

- Oh, are you sure?

- No worries, it's just around the corner!

- If you say so...

- It was really fun tonight! Let's repeat this sometimes?

- Sure, I'd love to.

- Great! See ya later Leyce! Bye bye!!

- See ya.


The next day in school, Leyce was kind of down.

- What's up with you?


- Spit it out idiot, what happened? Did something bad happen last night? - asked Kaichi

- No...

- Then what's the deal?

- I just... I don't know. She asked me something weird and I didn't know how to answer...

- What?

- She asked me something weird and I didn-

- I heard you the first time moron, what did she ask?!

- Well uh...

- Spit. It. Out.

- since when are you so caring?

- I'm not, I'll just be able to make fun of you if I listen to your problems.

- Very funny...

- It is. So?

- "What am I to you?"

- And what did you reply?

- Nothing.

- Hm I see... So basically you are stupid.

- Thank you, that really does help.

- Fine, what is Akane to you?

- I don't know... A friend?

- Okay let me rephrase that. What would you want her to be?

- I'm not sure...

- Do you like her?

- Well uh... Kinda, yeah. But she's older, there's no way she'd be with someone like me.

- You can't know that. And the fact that she asked you that question means that she is probably interested.

- The hell are you talking about? You got 0 girls, I'm not gonna listen to your advice.

- Then we are on the same page.

- What are you two talking about?

- Oh Nariko.

- Hello.

- Nothing, Leyce is just stupid as usually.

- Oh, why is that? - asked Nariko.

- He can't take the hint. - Kaichi replied

- You were with Akane last night?

- Yup.

- Then why don't you just talk to her and clear things up?

- I feel like she's avoiding me today...

- She's not. - said Nariko


- Cut it Kaichi...

- No, he's right. Maybe I did mess up.

- See, just listen to your sensei and everything will be fine. Hey look, there's Akane. Go talk to her.

- You think so?

- Duh, that's why I'm telling you that she's behind.

- Nariko?

- Go.

Leyce stood up and went towards Akane.

- Hey Akane.

- Oh hey Leyce! Did you sleep well?

- I did, thanks. And you?

- Well I didn't get enough sleep. But it was good overall I guess.

- Uhm yeah so... I wanted to ask you something.

- Yes.

- I thought, about last night did-

- Yes.

- What?

- Yes.

- Uh....

- The answer is yes.


- To whatever you are about to ask, yes. And we will go somewhere again soon if you want.

- Then tonight maybe?

- We could.

- Oh cool. Then I'll see you after school?

- Great see you.

Leyce went back to Kaichi and Nariko.

- So, how'd it go.

- Genuinely no idea what just happened, but not as if I care. Everything's good.

- You see.

- Told ya.

Rest of the school day continued as usual with no one paying attention to their classes. Eventually, school ended and so Leyce and Akane met afterwards by the fountain in the city.

- Sorry I'm late Leyce!

- No worries. I actually just got there.

- Really?! Thank God.

- Yeah, don't worry about it (I was literally standing there for the past 20 minutes thinking how she's not gonna come) - Leyce thought to himself.

- Well where are we gonna go?

- I don't know, where would you like to go?

- Um let's see... Let's go for a walk? It's a nice evening tonight.

- Sure.

The two of them walked around the city until the found them self at the park on lookout.

- Let's sit on that bench over there. - said Akane.

3 minutes have passed of them sitting like that. Unable to move or say anything, Leyce started to panic.

- What should I do? - Leyce was thinking - I have to calm down. And find a topic to talk about and break this awkward silence. Quick! Come on think Leyce, what is it that you should talk about with girl when you're out of topics... OH I KNOW I'LL JUS-

That very moment, Akane leaned over to him and put her head on Leyce's shoulder.

- eh. - visual confusion was seen on Leyce's face until his brain managed to process what just happened. Then he finally realized...

- EHHHHH SAY WHAT NOW??? - he thought in panic. - THERE GOES MY PLAN!!!!

- Do you mind if I rest my head on you?

- N.. No....

- Good.

They kept sitting in that awkward silence for a bit more.

- what do I do.... Just what do I do.... No one prepared me for this... I didn't even think something like this could happen.

- My hands are cold...

- what? What?? Her hands... What are hands again? English is not my native language.... What are...

Akane grabbed Leyce's hand on her own.

- Jeez, you're so bad at this Leyce...


- The sky is clear and pretty tonight isn't it...

- Is this some sort of secret message? Maybe I should tell her something like same as you? Wait no, there's actually a few clouds... She might think I'm referring to those as to acne or something... That would be bad....

- Are you an overthinker?

- huh what? How did you know?

- I can feel that you're nervous.

- Wow amazing...

- Yes... Well, that and your hands are sweating.


- Hahaha, I'm just kidding. Trying to break this silence by messing around.

- Oh thank God... - said Leyce - Say Akane... What am I to you?

- Right now?

- Well, sure... In general.

- In general... Doesn't matter. Right now, nothing.

- Nothing?

- You decide what are you going to be to me.

- But how do I-

- I told you. My answer to your question yesterday was "yes". And you need to stop asking too many questions and thinking about every outcome. Be more confident.

- I think I get it...

Leyce moved away from Akane. They were looking at each other.

- Then, what are-

Akane just closed her eyes.

- Huh... What are you doing?

- This is plenty of me. I won't say a thing more.

- Is she expecting me to do something here... - Leyce thought - should I go for it....

As he slowly leaned towards her, the clock was ticking. Seconds were minutes long, they were breaths apart.

While keeping a tight hold of each others hand, in this silent night under the light of the bright full moon, eventually their lips met.

After all the struggle and unnecessary overthinking, Leyce finally got guts to make his move. He started living a bit and gave up on thoughts. He let his heart guide him this time alongside Akane.

With that, it marks the end of this romantic night for Leyce and Akane.

To be continued.....