
Extreme Master ChenYang

Absolute expert Chen Yang novel introduction: mercenary king Chen Yang returned to the city, only to protect the goddess sister of his comrades. In the prosperous city, Chen Yang is like a fish out of water, free and easy. However, it is the dragon must eventually soar in the sky, Chen Yang in order to protect the beautiful president sister, inadvertently offended the Shaolin lay disciples of this horrible group. He has to use his iron fist, and more importantly, his wisdom to defuse this pile of trouble. And see how a generation of soldier king with iron fist and wisdom to fight a business empire ...... absolute expert Chen Yang novel alias: goddess's personal guard.

zuntian · 都市
113 Chs

High Speed Life and Death Scare

Lin Qingxue's concerned words caused Chen Yang to have mixed feelings for a while. In his heart, he treated Lin Qingxue as his own sister. Lin Nan and he were brothers in life and death.

Right now when he was on the verge of death, this call from Lin Qingxue seemed like a destiny. Chen Yang actually had slightly red eyes.

"Chen Yang, why don't you say anything?" Lin Qingxue asked nervously from her side.

Chen Yang's voice was slightly choked, he brewed for a moment and then said, "Qingxue, I'm sorry, I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of you in the future. There's something I haven't told you, your brother Lin Nan and I are the best of brothers. He and I sacrificed our lives while on a mission in Africa, I'm sorry!"

After saying that, Chen Yang immediately hung up the phone and focused on driving.

The reason why he didn't talk about Lin Nan's death was because Chen Yang didn't want Lin Qingxue to know about her brother's stain. Even though, that stain had also been cleared by Lin Nan's blood. But Chen Yang still wanted to create a great image of Lin Nan in Lin Qing Xue's heart.

Chen Yang, however, did not know how much of an impact his words had given Lin Qingxue.

In fact, she was not so sad about her brother Lin Nan's sacrifice. It was because her brother had gone out for so many years and there had been no news. She sometimes thought that something might have happened to her brother.

Of course, she was sad when it was confirmed at this time. But her heart was occupied by an even greater panic. This whole day, she had been worried about Chen Yang. Right now, this tone of Chen Yang's voice was clearly a farewell.

Something had really happened to him.

Lin Qingxue couldn't think of anything else and hurriedly dialed Chen Yang's cell phone again. This time, however, the line was busy.

Lin Qingxue's heart was in turmoil, she immediately called Qin Moyao again.

However, there was no answer from that side.

Finally, Lin Qingxue called Mu Jing again.

This time, the call went through.

"Sister Jing, is Chen Yang at your place?" Lin Qingxue asked anxiously.

Mu Jing said in a faint voice, "No, he's gone."

"Gone? Gone where?" Lin Qingxue asked anxiously.

Mu Jing sighed slightly and said "I don't know where he went, but it doesn't matter where. Because someone is trying to kill him, but he can't escape."

"What?" Lin Qingxue was horrified, then angrily said "Sister Jing, why don't you help him?" She was aware of Mu Jing's ability.

Mu Jing said in a low voice "Chen Yang and I together are no match for that person. Chen Yang just didn't want to involve us so he went alone to lure that person away."

Lin Qingxue froze.

She murmured and asked "Isn't there any way at all?"

These words weren't asked of Mu Jing either, she hung up the phone dumbfounded, her entire being as if she had lost her soul.

Lin Qingxue's heart longed for affection. When Chen Yang had appeared and protected her, she had many times felt that he was like her brother Lin Nan.

But now, the brother was dead. Chen Yang was also going to ...

At this instant, hot tears rolled down Lin Qingxue's face.

Chen Yang made a call to Su Qing as well, as people were dying.

However, there was no answer on the phone there.

Chen Yang dialed three times in a row before Su Qing picked up. After connecting, Su Qing's voice was very cold. Moreover, it was very noisy on her side, so it was conceivable that Su Qing must be busy in the bar at the moment.

"Something wrong?" Su Qing asked coldly. After she finished speaking, she went to a quiet place.

Chen Yang had a thousand words to say, but in the end, he could not say anything. He just gave a bitter and helpless smile and said, "Take care!" Then he hung up the phone.

Su Qing's side froze for a moment, feeling a bit puzzled. Then, she felt something was wrong, why did Chen Yang suddenly say the words "Take care!"? Could it be that he was leaving Binhai?

Su Qing's mind was complicated to the extreme, she wanted to know exactly. However, her self-respect told her not to ask or care.

Chen Yang hung up the phone and then threw that cell phone out of the car window violently.

He then gripped the steering wheel with both hands and concentrated on driving.

The speed of the car went up to two hundred yards, a real windy ride!

But at this moment, a silhouette suddenly appeared under the low beam lights in front of him.

The silhouette appeared very suddenly, just like a ghost.

Chen Yang didn't even look at it before the BMW hit it hard.

The force of this collision was absolutely terrifying.

Chen Yang did not take any action, although he did not see it clearly, he guessed that it was Shi Yonghu who had come.

The person coming was none other than Shi Yonghu, the body slammed into it, but Shi Yonghu did not blink. His hands into palms, his body violently high, and then boom sound, both palms fiercely toward the two sides of the front of the car slapped the past.

The palm force of his palms was majestic to the extreme, as if he was holding the Heaven Opening Divine Axe.

With a bang!

The huge palm force directly pressed the BMW all the way towards the highway.

Chen Yang only felt the body vibrate violently as the strong inertial force rushed towards his body. His seatbelt also instantly collapsed.

The back half of the car buckled hard while the front end was pressed inside the highway.

A small crater had been crushed underneath that piece of highway.

The BMW's rear wheel was still spinning madly in mid-air.

If this scene was seen by anyone, they would definitely be scared half to death.

Shi Yonghu was simply like a humanoid Gundam, too fierce.

In fact, Shi Yonghu didn't fight against the BMW's impact force head on. He was using his own power to force the BMW's impact force to the ground.

In other words, the damage on the ground was caused by Shi Yonghu together with the BMW.

Putting that aside, Chen Yang was not injured in the car. His qi and blood were formidable after all, and in this instant, without thinking too much, he immediately kicked the car door out. Then the person followed suit and scurried out of the car.

Chen Yang did not run away either, he took a deep breath and his eyes looked at Shi Yonghu with icy coldness.

If he couldn't even escape by driving the car, how would Chen Yang expect to escape with his two legs?

Shi Yonghu looked at Chen Yang indifferently and said, "Do you want this seat to do it, or do you want to finish it yourself?"

Chen Yang was surprisingly calm as he kept his heart and mind intact and said, "I am not in the habit of committing suicide."

A cold light flashed in Shi Yonghu's eyes as he said, "Then this seat will send you on your way." As soon as he finished speaking, his body moved.

The two were separated by a distance of three meters, and Shi Yonghu took one step. One step was a distance of three meters, and in the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of Chen Yang.

At the same time, Shi Yonghu threw a simple Avalanche Fist at Chen Yang's abdomen.

In the hands of Shi Yonghu, the simple Avalanche Fist had the effect of transforming decay into magic.

Suddenly, a picture appeared in Chen Yang's brain, that is, Hou Yi was holding the Sun Shooting Bow, and a divine arrow was blasting towards his abdomen.

Chen Yang was also an expert, he instantly understood. It was Shi Yonghu's powerful punching intent causing himself to hallucinate under this pressure.

"Is a Jindan expert really irresistible?" Chen Yang gritted his teeth, and in the midst of the crisis, he advanced instead of retreating, and with a Dragon Claw Grand Tackle, he viciously grabbed at Shi Yonghu's face door.

Shi Yonghu was slightly surprised, not expecting Chen Yang to dare to counterattack under his pressure. However, he didn't care too much, he let out a cold snort, then took a step back diagonally, collapsed his fist into a palm, and his palm retracted and spat out again, just like a firecracker spewing out, directly grabbing at Chen Yang's wrist.

Chen Yang felt that Shi Yonghu's palm power was like a vortex suction that could dissolve all his strength. There he dared to let Shi Yonghu grab his wrist. In a moment of urgency, he flipped his Dragon Claw Hand, like a snake circling back, and directly closed his hand. At the same time, Chen Yang kicked his leg like a blade towards Shi Yonghu's lower yin.

Shi Yonghu's palm power sunk down and steadily slapped his palm towards Chen Yang's blade leg. No matter how hard Chen Yang attacked, he cracked it with a single stroke. It was really like the eight winds blowing without moving, sitting on the purple golden lotus.

Chen Yang could feel the majestic strength in Shi Yonghu's palm, and he knew that his blade leg would definitely be shattered once he collided with it. So Chen Yang still did not dare to touch it.

Chen Yang was having a huge headache, he had a million subtle strikes. But Shi Yonghu was like a rocky mountain without any breaks, leaving him nowhere to search.

In desperation, Chen Yang could only withdraw his legs.

Both of his attacks were pressed back, and his qi and blood tumbled unsteadily. While withdrawing his leg, Chen Yang knew that it was not good and retreated with the lightning of the antelope's body style.

As soon as he retreated, Shi Yonghu moved.

In an instant, Shi Yonghu was like a huge mountain pressing in.


Shi Yonghu's speed was too fast and directly slashed his palm towards Chen Yang's head.

Chen Yang had no choice but to cross his fists into a Heart Protecting Fist and block Shi Yonghu's palm.


The palm force blasted and Chen Yang only felt a powerful fist force drilling into his body with the intention of being indestructible. All his qi and blood power was disintegrated and shattered by this palm force. Chen Yang's body immediately fell uncontrollably and flew three meters away.

Finally, his entire body fell heavily on the ground and slid out another three meters away.

This time, Chen Yang only felt that his buttocks, and back were on fire. All of his clothes were cut by the ground, countless scratches appeared on his back and sand stirred in.

At the same time, Chen Yang also felt his head buzzing and his eyes danced with golden stars.

His eyes, ears, mouth and nose were overflowing with blood.

The force of Shi Yonghu's punch had shaken Chen Yang's qi and blood wildly, like water overflowing from a closed pot of water after a violent blow.

The reasoning was just that.

But for the human body, it was a huge blow and injury.

Chen Yang shook his head with effort, and with a sharp calming of his mind, which restored his head to a fresh state. Just as soon as he looked up, he saw Shi Yonghu walking over. Shi Yonghu's eyes were cold, obviously coming to end Chen Yang's little life.

But at this moment, Chen Yang was already having some difficulty even standing up. The only thing he could do was to wait for death.

Chen Yang's heart flashed a thousand grass mud horses, he had thought that he would die one day and had mentally prepared for it. But when the moment actually came, he felt that it was still unacceptable and unwilling!

"Why did I come to this point? What have I done wrong?" In this instant, Chen Yang's mind raced as he interrogated himself inwardly.

What exactly did I do wrong? Was it wrong to protect Qing Xue? That's right. Was it wrong to rebel against the Shaolin Inner Sect? That's right.

The only thing that was wrong was that he was not strong enough.

In this instant, Chen Yang had a realization in his heart. But he also knew that it was already too late.

At that very moment, Shi Yonghu's cell phone suddenly rang.

When Chen Yang saw it, his heartbeat immediately accelerated ...