

"Morning, Earp," Nicole smiled, as she stood by the counter making her coffee. "Is Waverly coming in today?"

Wynonna walked over and got her own mug off the shelf.

"Yeah, she's on her way now," she paused and looked up at Nicole, "since when are you two so close?" Nicole's cheeks turned light pink.

"I uhh wouldn't say we're close I just umm-"

"Wait? You my sister?" Nicole blushed harder. "Oh my god!"

"Fine. Yes. You're not gonna give me the protective older sister talk are you?"

"Hell no, I'm relieved. Out of all the people in this shit hole, Nicole, you're probably the only one good enough for my baby sister.

"Wow," Nicole smiled, "thanks."

"Do you guys flirt? Is Waverly even into chicks?"

"I don't know but I certainly get that vibe from her," she admitted. She wiped her sweaty palms on her pants anxiously. "Please don't tell Waverly, I plan on telling her myself and asking her on a date... soon."

"Okay, okay. But you should know that I'm not the best at keeping secrets so maybe get to that today," Wynonna said, then added, after glancing at her watch, "shit, Dolls is gonna kill me. I better get back in there. Good luck, Haught."

Wynonna walked through the door into the BBD offices, just missing somebody stepping in through the kitchen entrance.

Waverly Earp smiled shyly at the redhead who almost dropped her coffee mug in shock.

"Please tell me you didn't hear a word of that conversation," Nicole said, cringing at the possibility.

"What if I don't want to lie to you? I mean that would be a shitty place to start."

"Start what?"

"I don't know; you're the one planning to ask me on a date," she smirked and stepped towards the BBD offices. A hand on her wrist stopped her.


Nicole pulled her in for a kiss.