
Extra who isn’t actually an extra

Arthur Riverblood was a normal college student back in his previous life. After dying in an accident, he woke up in the worst possible novel [ Hero within the darkness]. A novel that was down rated and hated by the viewers due to the devilish author. Join our poor Arthur In his journey. Can he survive? Or would he die in vain?

Daoistv0hCZs · 奇幻
70 Chs

22. Second cycle






" looks like I am finished with the first cycle"

Noticing no more improvements from the first cycle, I had to change to the second one.

'Recalling the content in the scripture' I continued from where I stopped before.

{ After nourishing the body tissues with mana using the first cycle, the next step is body modification. This step requires repeated external body damage to regenerate a stronger bones and muscles. After the repeated damage, the practitioner must use the mana breathing technique and absorb the surrounding mana on the air. Not only will the body strengthen once again it will also grant a better control over mana. To begin, a partner could help with the damaging part, but the mana breathing should only be possible once the first cycle has been mastered.}

After thinking carefully about the professors proposal, I decided to accept it. It will help me find a great offensive technique as well as being beaten up by her, so I can continue with ' Gaia's teachings '.

I had to sell every artifact other than the ring so I can afford her lessons. For now I have enough money for one lesson, but once Livia accept my proposal. I will never worry again about money.




At 5 am in a private training ground, a pink haired professor could be seen beating the crab out of a black haired student. If other parents saw this, they would assume that their children are being abused, and they will file a suit against the academy.

The scary part is that the professor was smiling as she enjoyed beating the student. After all, Lisa was a sadistic character, and watching the student ask for more beating has pleased her.

" Hoo? As I thought your body is quite stronger"

She was currently using her ' Grothias maneuvers ' on me.

My whole body was pulsing, some of my bones were cracked and most of my skin turned into darker blue.

" Hff…Hff. P..please m-more"

As the student begged her for more, the professor questioned wether he was a masochist or a strong willed person.

" Sure, as I said before focus on my whole body not just my hands. The maneuver main key factors are momentum and your core."


" Make sure your core is close to the ground"


"when you punch use your legs and back as well"


"Strength is important but what you need is force*

*Swing* *PUNCH*

"Try to acquire as much momentum as possible without losing the target"

My consciousness began to fade after couple more hits. The professor who was excited and having fun suddenly realized how severe the students condition was, so she stopped her training.

' As she took out a healing potion and brought it closer to the students mouth' the student pushed away the potion and said

" P…potions are….for…. Cowards"

The professor stared at him and her smile grew more as she said.

" Woww… you really are a nut job for a kid" her breath grew more excited as the student eyes were watering but still not crying.

" Ah-ahem! excuse me, but I have a class to attend If you want to continue the lessons. Meet me here next tomorrow at the same time. By the way I am a generous professor so I will do a discount for the next lesson. To be honest I kinda enjoyed today's training…"


Sadistic devil….. As soon as the devil left the room I began the mana breathing technique. I have already familiarized myself with the breathing technique, so it shouldn't be a problem.

The reason why I refused the potion is because I want my bones to regenerate by the breathing technique and not by external aids. The breathing technique will gather mana from the surrounding environment to make the body regenerate faster. Once I complete the breathing technique and use it passively, my regenerative capability will grow as well. However, healing potions are only one time use with some minor side effects and no bodily benefits.

While performing the breathing technique for 1 more hour, I felt the pain finally started to subside slowly.

'Opening my eyes' I got up and went out of the training room to my class.




" Holy shit, dude you look like a zombie"

John was making fun of my condition when all of a sudden two students approached me.

" Hey commoner, looks like you already had a lesson with one of your superiors, bow before the heir of Helcons, the genius mage Daron himself. He will be generous and allow you to his assistant….. The pay will be 3 bronze coins a day…..be thankful… this chance….."

Hearing the sudden blabbering and chatter of this Helcons guy, I changed my view of John. Maybe he is not that much of a talker


Helcons? Who the hell were they….

Oh I see…..He must a spoiled brat from some rich parents.



Sigh.. I am really beat up to be playing with some kids. I tried not to piss him off and said politely 

" Hi friends, I am not really in a good mood now can you please come any other time"

Darons' brows raised as he thought that the commoner would start thanking him. As his face turned red and was about to shout, a feminine hand held his shoulders.

Daron said in anger


" Livia "



" L…..Livia? sister of A--A--Alicia the S rank huntress?!!!!"

The guy, who was showering daron with praises, screamed out as a Pope who saw the goddess herself.

Livia seemed tired at the shouting and said in an annoyed tone

" Get out of the way and go back to your seats"

As soon as she said those words, The student bowed and said in an anxious voice.

" Y-yes!!, sorrry young miss Livia"

After the kid ran, Daron left casually trying to act cool. After that, Livia swiftly threw an envelope on my table and left.

I took the high class envelope with the ' golden seagull ' logo and opened it.

The contents were ' Meet me at 10 pm next Friday in Lux near the city center '


" As expected from the richest celebrity in the world"

Lux was the most prestigious restaurant in the city. I am not sure why she treated me with such respect, but I don't care. Because I will eat lavishly. Some might argue that it is rude, but she is rich I mean hella rich. I am sure

" S-stake.. I must get some turkey slices with hummus and maybe some of that rich fish eggs caviar or whatever..."

' Drooling while fantasizing the menu' I looked at John who was hiding under the table the whole time…

" Did that halcon or whatever leave?"

I just stared at him with disappointment….

" How…dare you betray me… I thought we were friends"

A small sweat could be seen in Johns forehead as he replied

" D-dude I was getting ready for a surprise attack!"

Bewildered at his shamelessness, I tried to make him regret his actions by playing along.

" Thanks man! you really are my true best friend"

John bit on his lip and replied regretfully.

" S-s..sure any time"

Muttering in an inaudible voice John said " Shit I am such a piece of shit"

Of course I heard it and knew it as well, but I want him to experience this humiliation to repay for his betrayal.


