
Extra Is a Demon Prince

This Book Is Noval WSA 2023 please support ___He led a blissfully easy life as an otaku, immersing himself in a world of anime and manga. But all of that tranquillity shattered when he decided to delve into the comments section of an old novel he had authored, like stepping into a storm of criticism: [ "Why do all these characters have to meet such tragic fates? It's like the author enjoys torturing them!" ] "[The narrative feels lost, like a ship adrift in a sea of confusion. The author should abandon this style."] ["It's like a polished gem among ordinary stones—a shiny book worth exploring."] [He fumbles with storytelling as if words elude him. It's painful to watch. Maybe it's time to put down the pen.] With each comment he read, it was as if a thunderbolt of anger surged through him, raising his blood pressure to a dangerous level, leading to a sudden, unfortunate demise—an ending more befitting a dramatic plot twist than he could have ever imagined. --------------------------------------------------------------- In this strange twist of fate, I found myself reborn within the very world I had created, a surreal experience that held both excitement and disappointment. I had hoped to be the protagonist, the centre of attention, but fate had cast me as a mere extra, a bystander in my narrative. As I lay there, grappling with the irony of my underwhelming life and unfulfilled dreams, a voice echoed through the void. "You have the power to rewrite your story, to erase your regrets." "Who are you? Where can I find you?" "My identity is inconsequential. What matters is this: do you wish to erase your mistakes?" A resounding "yes" emerged from the depths of my being, a chance to rectify my past missteps. "Then, take this opportunity: step into one of your novels, face the challenges, reach the end, and survive." "So, you're telling me to enter my creation?" "Exactly. What's your decision?" "I'm in." Suddenly, a luminous system panel materialized before me, unveiling the path to redemption, an epic journey within the very world of my ____________________________________ That's how our MC will be going to his novel to make things right. he will do anything to survive. ______________________________________________ Hello, friends, this is my first novel and it's inspired by [ The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy ] so the first few chapters might be similar. thank you for your understanding.

Ink_Weaver122 · 奇幻
25 Chs

Character illustrations

Kali Jr ( name will change in future )

Race: Demon

Favourite Weapon: long slim sword

Magic Affinity: ???

Hair Color: white Silver ( in disguise Raven black. )

Eye Color: Blood colour ( in disguise black. )


Sara Hart

Race: Human

Favourite weapon: ???

Magic affinity: Light/water

Hair colour: light gold

Eye colour:light gold


Kevin Hart

Race: Human

Favourite weapon:Broadsword

Magic affinity:Light/Fire/Water

Hair colour: dark gold

Eye Colour:golden.


Andrus Hart

Race: Human

favourite weapon:short sword

Magic affinity: fire /light

Hair colour: Gold

Eye Colour:Gold


Malachai Duskwood

Race: Demon

Favourite weapon: Daggers

Magic affinity: shadows/Fire

Hair colour: dark as a moonless night with Hints of fiery red.

Eyes Colour: fiery shade of crimson.


Seraphina Nightshade

Favourite Weapon: Enchanted Dagger.

Magic Affinity:

Shadow manipulation.

Hair Color: Raven black.

Eye Color: Deep violet.


Evelyn Stormrider

Favourite Weapon: Tempest staff.

Magic Affinity:

Weather manipulation.

Hair Color: Platinum blonde.

Eye Color: Sky blue.


Lydia Ravenshadow

Favourite Weapon: Bone sceptre.

Magic Affinity: Necromancy.

Hair Color: Ashen grey.

Eye Color: Pale green.


Isabella Silverthorn

Favourite Weapon: Royal rapier.

Magic Affinity: Ice manipulation.

Hair Color: Icy blue.

Eye Color: Silver.


Professor Elara Moonwing: Highly respected sorceress, leading the Academy of Arcane Arts.

Favourite Weapon: swords and magic (reliant on magic).

Magic Affinity: Mastery of various spells.

Hair Color: Midnight purple.

Eye Color: Amber.


Male Characters:

Alistair Stormbringer

Favourite Weapon: Thunderaxe.

Magic Affinity: Electricity manipulation.

Hair Color: Jet black.

Eye Color: Electric blue.


Cedric Ironheart

Favourite Weapon: Forgehammer.

Magic Affinity: Enchantment.

Hair Color: Auburn.

Eye Color: Hazel.


Leopold Firestone's

Favorite Weapon:

Firestaff. Magic Affinity:

Pyromancy. Hair Color:

Fiery red.

Eye Color: Amber.


Name: Finn Blackwood

Favorite Weapon: sword .

Magic Affinity: Arcane manipulation.

Hair Color: Chestnut brown.

Eye Color: Emerald green.

Unique Ability: "Fateweaving" - Finn possesses the rare ability to subtly alter the outcomes of his actions, influencing luck and chance in his favor for 30 seconds. "Warrior's Insight" - Kellan possesses an innate ability to anticipate his opponent's movements, giving him a tactical advantage in combat.