

There was another reason why Neo wanted to talk to Nathan alone.

"Give me your Shadow Spell."


Nathan's glare was useless thanks to his teary eyes.

"You should know no family shares their Spell to the outsiders!

"I… I won't give it to you! I'd rather die!"

Nathan shivered, not from the pain, but from the thought of what would his family to do him if he leaked the Spell.

Neo could take him time increasing the pain to force the Spell out of Nathan.

However, he didn't like torturing people and he had a faster method.

"You'd rather die?"

Neo's smile sent chills down Nathan's spine.

The temperature plummeted.

Nathan's teeth clattered and he sensed something was wrong.

He looked below…

The darkness beneath Neo's feet moved

It wasn't a shadow.

Nathan would've detected it with his Shadow Affinity if it was.

"D-darkness element! Why can you use that accursed power?!"