
Administrator of the Akashic Record [1]

"This is?"

"Eat something while we wait. Jack told us you've outside the professor's office for the last two days and you looked hungry."

Neo narrowed his eyes, staring at Jack with a piercing gaze.

Why did you tell them?

His eyes were asking.

Jack whistled and looked away.

"Hey, don't blame Jack. He was worried about you."

Felix stuffed the snacks in his hands.

"Besides, all this is luxury food. Do you know how long I waited in the line for all this?"

Neo, sighing internally, sat on the nearby bench.

The food was too much for him to eat alone.

While he wondering what to do, he noticed Jack and Felix staring at the food in his hand with salivating gaze.

"…Want some?"

"N-no, I'm not hungry." Felix gulped.

Neo clicked his tongue.

"Come eat with me, or I can just throw away the extra food."

"Well, if you insist so much.