

A girl named Violet and A guy named Arthur got reincarnated into a new world. Suddenly, they see a monster and it attacked them. Will they survive? What is this world? Why are they here?

14 Chs

Solviered Kingdom: AMBUSH


Solviered Kingdom: Part 11


With The Prince enchanting "Flame Blast!", the Thurn ran towards the Prince. In the middle of it running, a huge blast occurred leading the Thurn's chest into fire. The fire which was spreading throughout the body didn't even stop it from running. It stopped all of a sudden and the flame on its body became huge. The flame became so huge that the giant body of the Thurn was not visible. The flame was just getting big and before a second could pass, the Thurn came right out of the flames. Its huge body was not in flames and the burns it got from the fire which burned through the hard skin was now regenerating faster than ever. Even the speed of it got a boost.

The Prince grabbed Violet in his arms and jumped and Thomas jumped the other side. It was too fast for Violet to understand anything.

"I see, it is a Wind user. It used Oxygen to make the fire huge and after the fire was huge enough to cover the body, it covered itself in Carbon Dioxide to stop the fire on its body and tried to do a surprise attack with boosted speed," Prince said.

The Thurn stopped far, controlling the enormous speed he gained.

"Listen, everyone, don't let it grab you by any chance. You'll get crushed in a second," the Prince finished saying when a huge wind blew from behind. The pressure of the wind made it clear that this is the technique of the Thurn. The pressure made them fly into the ground and it seemed like the Thurn was pulling them towards it.

"Damn you," the Prince thought while in the air. He was calm but the smile he always had disappeared. He had a straight face. The smile on his face always disappears when in a fight.

"Seems like he still has a Carbon Dioxide shield around him," Prince thought again.

"FLAME TRANSMUTE!" with the enchanting of the prince, the shield of Carbon dioxide that the Prince guessed burst into fires. It had the shield all around its body which caused the whole body to start burning immediately. Prince, Violet and Thomas got down safely as the Thurn couldn't focus on the attack anymore because of the flames.

The Thurn, screaming in pain, tried to turn on the Carbon Dioxide shield again. As soon as the fire stopped because of the shield, the Prince enchanted again, "FLAME TRANSMUTE!" which led to a flame bursting again.

Seeing that turning on the Carbon Dioxide shield would create the same thing again, the Thurn turned back and ran, dashing towards the pond burning in flames. The pond was huge, after splashing water everywhere and Thomas using water for techniques, it still had a lot of water left in it.

"We have got it back in the forest. Violet, do you have the power to put pressure on it?" asked the Prince.

"I'll try my best," Violet just finished saying that when the Prince grabbed her, dashing towards the Thurn. Violet could feel the power of flames in his speed. Just in a time of 8 seconds, they reached the Thurn which was not looking at them but focused on the pond water. The Prince jumped after reaching the Thurn, making their possession over the pond, way ahead of the Thurn.

"Make sure to use only Oxygen," Prince said.

"With all my power…." Violet thought as soon as Prince finished while in the air, using all her power, putting all the left magical cells in her wand,

"Air Pressure!"

Enormous wind flowing from the wand, with the same pressure and width as the Thurn's Air Pressure, hit the Thurn. It tried to block the huge Oxygen breeze by covering the head with its hands. The flame around the Thurn took a tremendous transformation, a tremendously large fire, burning the broken and the not-broken trees.

It screamed and growled in pain. It was screaming normally how a creature should scream in pain. Then, the scream became louder, suddenly. It happened again, it was getting louder every 10 seconds, getting a huge volume boost. It happened 4 times until the 5th time when a breeze came from all directions. The breeze was heavy and powerful. The breeze was going towards the Thurn and the Thurn was absorbing it. As soon as Violet got what was happening, a huge blast occurred in the place where the Thurn was. A transparent blast. A blast made the fire go off and let a huge and heavy wind flow towards all directions, breaking trees and sending all of them flying far back.

"Of course, a Thurn shouldn't be this easy to beat," Thought by Violet.

"It is angry at this point. The point where we are at an advantage are, that this Thurn is just a child. It doesn't know much technique. It can't control the WIND power that it has. It doesn't have that much speed, that's why we are able to easily dodge the attacks except the air pressure technique. As it is angry, it might go berserk. We'll use this to our advantage. It will leave a lot of blind spots that we'll use to blast off the head," Prince explained the plan.

As the Prince said, it was raging and started to go berserk. With a scream, louder than any of the other ones, it let out a wind flow not as powerful as before, they could stand without getting thrown but with that, the eyes and the edge of every horn started glowing green. As green as an emerald shining in bright sunlight.

"Thomas, get its attention. As it is angry, it will most likely only follow you," Prince ordered.

"Yes, prince," saying that he dashed towards it. The Thurn opened his mouth and let out a breath of heavy wind. Not only was it a heavy wind that was stopping Thomas from getting close to it, but it slowly started to become poisonous. Thomas found out about it when he saw his skin was getting torn slowly. He had understood it would get worse second by second and the pressure and poison level would get higher. Remembering what the Prince said before, he enchanted,


The "Whirlpool" technique was still powerful enough to destroy its mouth and again with that the technique stopped and it started regenerating faster than ever before.

"Hakuji!" Prince shouted, which made Hakuji jump out of a tree. With the same flaming hands and feet, he enchanted again,


Jumping from tree to tree, he landed on the neck each time landing a blow each time.

The Thurn letting out the air pressure again didn't do anything at all, Hakuji continued the punches.

Suddenly, as Hakuji went to punch jumping from a tree, he was shocked to see that a horn big enough to cover its face grew up from the place he was about to punch. In a matter of a few seconds, horns grew around the whole neck covering the whole face.

"What the hell!" Hakuji said while jumping from its neck and landing on the ground.

Not only did it grow horns from the neck, but some grew on its hands too. It grew rapidly and then disattached from the skin.

"It created projectiles," said Hakuji.

Hakuji couldn't finish the sentence before started throwing the horns at them. The Horns were 1.5 metres tall and 2.65 metres wide. Running around, Hakuji and Thomas started to dodge them. The horns it was creating and throwing were taking no time. It screamed when throwing horns every time.

"Fire Blast!" enchanted by the prince to blast the horns on the neck but when two of the horns blasted, it appeared right after.

It was fine until the horns didn't have magic. The Thurn started using magic soon. Thomas was shocked to see the projectiles which did nothing before, now were letting out a breeze every time, knocking them back.

The Prince who was watching and guiding now had to move. He was doing nothing before because Violet was out of capacity, and breath and probably couldn't run. He was sitting with her but now he can't just sit anymore.

"Violet, sit here. Move if you think you are in danger and try to refill the capacity as fast as you can. Remember the training?" Prince asked.

In the memories of Violet, she found the footage of the training. One of the teachers was teaching her the technique to refill capacity fast. The technique looked like normal world Yoga.

"I do," Violet said and with the Prince replying "try your best," he ran towards the Thurn.

Watching the Prince running towards the Thurn, Hakuji dodged a horn and then jumped on top of the next one.

"Water Burn," enchanted Thomas, melting every horn, on the ground and being thrown.

Hakuji jumped just in front of the Thurn when the Horn under him melted and disappeared.

"Flame Tran-" the Prince was enchanting that when he was astonished to see that a rope, burning in flames, O-shaped to cover the whole neck, came from behind the Thurn. The rope covered the whole neck and when it was tightened, it broke all of the Horns.

Not only that, right after this another 4 ropes came, one from right covering the right hand, one from left covering the left hand and two from behind covering the feet. All of them tightened at the same moment, cutting all of them off the body, making the Thurn scream louder than ever in extreme pain.

"GAMMA STRIKE!" came from a hard and evil-sounding voice, enough to send chills. The comet-shaped orb, coloured purple and black went straight towards the head, blasting it off the body. The Thurn died right there at that moment.

"Hello, prince. I killed the Thurn. We all know that you get rewarded for helping the royals. This was a huge help, wasn't it? How much of a reward will we get?" the Guy, most likely the leader, with a scar on his forehead looking like 2 years old, wearing the grey hoodie from before said.

"And what makes you think that?" Prince answered.

"That's rude for someone who's about to die. We will get the whole kingdom in our hands if we defeat you anyway. No need for your filthy reward," the guy said.

The guy had 20 people wearing the same hoodie behind him and also Prince was not watching his back when Violet got tied up by 5 guys wearing the same grey hoodie….


[To be continued….]