

A girl named Violet and A guy named Arthur got reincarnated into a new world. Suddenly, they see a monster and it attacked them. Will they survive? What is this world? Why are they here?

14 Chs

Solviered Kingdom: A BABY


Solviered Kingdom: Chapter 9


They were running, through the forest. Violet was concerned about Prince. He was indeed the strongest in them but still there was something that made her concerned.

"What about the Prince? Won't we help him?" Violet said concernedly.

"Don't worry, he will be fine,"Hakuji replied.

When Violet looked behind…

She saw two people wearing the same grey hoodie, running behind them.


She tried to call Hakuji but as she was turning her head, she saw a hand. The hand was swung towards the two hooded men. It was the hand of Hakuji!

He was growling as he punched one of them, straight in the face. The guy he punched only moved a little backwards.

It was different from before when Hakuji punched those hooded guys. The hoodie looked familiar.

The guy Hakuji punched, just some drops of blood came out of his nose. He doesn't seem to be much damaged. Hakuji didn't waste a single moment after he punched that guy. The other hooded man blocked with his hand, when Hakuji kicked him almost in an instant. Hakuji doesn't seem to put much power on the kicks and punches. Both of them were Brawlers, using WINDY STRIKE. They were punching Hakuji, too. Their eyes, the intention of murder is visible on them. They were silent. They were not saying anything or making a single sound, even after Hakuji was punching and Kicking them. Hakuji was somehow able to block every attack from them and also land punches on them. Those guys also blocked most of Hakuji's attacks.

Violet was standing there, stunned. She was watching how fast things are going on. Hakuji and those guys were moving really fast and punching which was making a sound similar to a sword slashing in the air, before it hit their bodies. The speed of the punches was looking as fast as a ceiling fan looks when running at full speed.

Something in her snapped finally.

"I have to help."

She held her wand up, Started gathering magic cells in her hand which resulted in an orb to appear slowly…

But as she was creating the orb, she noticed an orb beside her head which came from behind. A blue comet shaped orb…


Violet was shocked as it passed her which made her stop creating her orb. The much she had already created, disappeared quickly into thin air.

The WATER STRIKE went straight to one of those hooded men. It didn't do much damage to him but knocked him back. The other guy tried to punch Hakuji when Hakuji kicked his hands, blocking him and also getting a boost to go towards the guy who got knocked back by the orb. As he was falling backwards, Hakuji holded his head and twisted it which resulted in an instant death. The other guy ran towards Hakuji when a young voice came from behind…


A blue and white laser went straight through the head of that man. He fell right there and blood spread on the ground.

"Why did you come, Thomas?" Hakuji said. He was looking angry at the young guy named Thomas.

"Thomas, so this is the guy who Prince wants to be the successor of this Kingdom," Violet thought.

"Huh? Umm ....I have been here for a long time. It's been 2 days since I came here in search of the Weanery Mushroom for an errand," Thomas said.

Wienery mushroom is a mushroom used for making healing potions. It is quite rare and normally found in forests.

"Dang it! Whatever I guess, with you our chance of winning increases," Hakuji said.

"Why are you here?"Thomas said.

"Remember the Deadly?It is most likely near this forest or in this forest,"Hakuji said.

"What? Seriously? I am lucky to not have met it. I am alone here,"Said Thomas. Thomas was looking like a pretty nice guy. He admires Hakuji. He has a smile on his face.

"Violet, meet Thomas,"Hakuji said while he was walking towards Violet. Thomas followed him.

"Hi, I am Thomas. I am 16 and I like fish, especially Droks. I am an A-ranked sorcerer adventurer who uses WATER WAVES. Nice to meet you,"Thomas said.

Droks is a really delicious species of fish. They fall in the Beast division.

"Oh Hi, I am Violet. I am 25 or as I have been told so. I am an unregistered adventurer who uses WINDY STRIKE. Nice to meet you,too,"Violet replied.

"Oh, so you are Violet. I've heard a lot about you from the Prince,"Thomas said.

"Prince talks about me?"Violet thought. She seemed happy.

"We shouldn't talk much. They can reach us,"Hakuji said. With that they started running back to the lake.

While running,

"Hakuji, it was a Thurn, right?"Thomas asked.

"Yes,"Hakuji replied.

"Violet, how many techniques did you master?"Thomas asked.

"I know three techniques. Windy Strike, Wind Repel and Soothing Press,"Violet replied.

"That's pretty good. You have been practising only for 1 month right?"

"Yeah, you know a lot,"

"Haha, Prince has told a lot about you,"

This time nobody was following them. They were running safe. There was no sign of the Deadly nor there was any sign of the Prince. What happened to him? They don't know. But looking at Hakuji, he wasn't concerned at all about the Prince. Thomas doesn't seem to be questioning about him because he is thinking that just Hakuji and Violet are on this mission. Only Violet was concerned and thinking about him. With Violet being concerned, they had reached the pond.

The pond was huge. Maybe it is a mistake thinking of it as a pond. In front of the pond is a mountain whose top was covered by white snow. Beside the mountain and around that lake was forest. It almost feels like they were some kind of border around the lake to keep the lake a secret place. The lake was beautiful and the water was crystal clear. The pond is deep. It gets darker and despite it being crystal clear, the floor of the pind can't be seen because of the darkness. The water is coloured Cyan.

"We wanted to check the floor of this pond but it seems to be really deep,"Hakuji said.

"Why the floor?"Thomas asked.

"The Leucus Pond has the footsteps of The Thurn. This pond is in the same direction as the Leucus Pond. It can have some clues. I wanted to check the floor to see if there were any footsteps,"Hakuji said.

"We have to dive I guess,"Thomas said.

"Yeah, Violet, you should search around the area while we dive in the pond,"

Violet said "yes" and with that Hakuji and Thomas jumped into the pond. Violet looked down the pond they had reached quite far in only 10 seconds.

"I should start, to-,"as Violet was thinking that, she heard a growl behind her. A growl which can be compared with a lion. It was much more of a deeper voice than a lion. A slow growl, which made Violet extremely scared. She could feel the presence of a big creature behind her.

Wasting no time, Violet turned, holding her wand up. She saw it was the thing that she saw in that book. IT IS THE THURN!

Gathering all her power, magic cells from her hand created a comet shaped orb again,

WINDY STRIKE!. At the same time, she used air pressure to push her back to land on the other side of the pond, safely. She used quite a lot of power in it as the pond was huge both in width and length. This time the Windy Strike was much bigger than before as she used much power in this too. It went straight to the Thurn. The Thurn didn't dodge it. In fact, he didn't even look at Violet as she could be a threat. It jumped right into the Pond which caused a huge water splash as the Thurn is huge.

Hakuji and Thomas had reached the bottom by now. They saw nothing there. They were swimming around to see if there was something when they felt a huge presence of a creature. They quickly turned to see the Thurn attacking them. They dodged the attack using magic cells to gain speed as the Thurn was too fast. Thomas grabbed Hakuji and since he is a Water Waves user, he used his magic cells to gain an insane speed which helped them to get out of the pond in a second.

They were flying and falling back to the ground as they gained an insane speed when Hakuji said, "Hey, why aren't you reporting us if the Thorn jumped on the pond?"

"Sorry, it appeared out of nowhere and by the time I had realised what was happening, it had already jumped,"Violet replied.

As both of them reached the ground, the Thurn also jumped up from the pond causing a huge splash of water. As it got out, it let out a loud scream.

Before the splashed water could fall on them, Thomas held his wand up, and then all the splashed water started to go towards the wand and created an orb.


The laser created by the technique was larger and wider than before. With the density of iron and the speed of an aeroplane, It reached the Thurn which didn't do any damage to him. It just destroyed some of its iron-hard skin. It was still screaming and growling, before this huge creature stood Hakuji, Thomas and Violet….


[To be continued….]