
Exploding Attribute System In Douluo Dalu

Someone from Earth reincarnates into Douluo Dalu 1 as someone from the same village as Tang San, Saint Spirit Village. He awakens a system when aged 3. The system enables him to beat up people and get drops from them. He can beat out mental power, Spirit Power, martial spirits, body defence, body strength, agility and flexibility. Ooh! Look, Tang San dropped Ghost Perplexing Track! ......... Look! I awakened a Black Tiger spirit with innate level 3 spirit power. But not for long. I've got a strong spirit now! Its called Sky Demon Tiger! With This System, I'll be a Title Douluo in on time!...... maybe even a God! ALL CREDITS AND RIGHTS BELONG TO THE AUTHOR: Master Ice Tea (this is the english translation name, I can'tput the chinese name or webnovel will remove power stone function) WARNING! THIS IS A TRANSLATION. ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO THE AUTHOR, IF HE WANTS ME TO TAKE THEM DOWN, PLEASE DO TELL ME! I HAVE AROUND 10 CHAPTERS IN MYPATREON. PLEASE GO THERE AND SUPPORT ME! PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/divindragoncelestialthearch

DivinDragonEmperor · 作品衍生
251 Chs

Chapter 46 Martial Spirit Fusion Skill, Unrivalled Dragon Serpent

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Before long, the Dragon Duke Meng Shu arrived.

"Chao Tianxiang, what's the matter?" Meng Shu asked anxiously. The signal Chao Tianxiang sent him was an emergency signal, it would not be used under normal circumstances.

Chao Tianxiang told Meng Shu why she had sent the emergency signal. After listening and understanding the situation, Meng Shu became relieved, at the same time he looked at Zhao Wuji a little angrily: "Zhao Wuji, do you really want to challenge us, Unrivalled Dragon Serpent duo?"

Zhao Wuji was merely a Spirit Saint, although he was a bit famous and renowned in the Spirit Master World, it was not to the degree this old couple was. So, if he were on his own, he would indeed not be qualified to provoke and challenge them. But it was different with Chen Feng here.

"You are wrong. It is not Teacher Zhao who is going to fight you, but me." Chen Feng stood up.

"You? A little boy?" Meng Shu asked puzzledly.

"One does not need to be old to have ambition just like how strength is not proportional to one's age. Otherwise, we would not fight. It would be enough to compare ages when in a dispute." Chen Feng spoke.

"What an arrogant boy." Meng Shu angrily spoke.

"Arrogance requires skill, and I happen to have it," Chen Feng wittily replied.

"I will teach you a good lesson today, it should let you know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is." Meng Shu laughed back; he did not take Chen Feng to heart. He did not understand how Zhao Wuji would allow a little boy to represent him in serious matters knowing that the youngster will only create a mess.

"Then it depends on whether you have the ability." Chen Feng stated coldly, he held his Spirit Origin Staff with both hands and pointed it at the old couple.

As soon as his voice fell, Chen Feng's figure flashed, the next moment he appeared next to Meng Shu, he smashed his Staff in his direction how a baseball player swings at an incoming baseball.

Meng Shu was shocked; he hurriedly raised his Dragon Staff in his hands to resist. With a crisp sound, Meng Shu slid across the ground feeling his arms numb from the impact of their Spirits.

"How strong." Meng Shu was surprised at the speed and strength of the youngster before him.

"Meng Shu!" Chao Tianxiang was also surprised by the sudden change, she ran to Meng Shu's side.

"I'm okay. I was careless just now. This kid is very weird. We have to be careful. You stand at the side and support when needed." Meng Shu informed.

"Yeah." Chao Tianxiang nodded, she walked aside whilst Meng Shu remained in his position.

"Brother Feng is so powerful, he can even best a Spirit Douluo." Ma Hongjun said exaggeratedly.

"Senior Dragon was careless just now, the real battle will begin now. I don't know if Brother Feng can win." Tang San commented with a serious expression.

"Boy, this old man is going to get serious now." Meng Shu warned.

"Since when did fights involve so much nonsense?" Chen Feng said impatiently, he then rushed out, swinging the Sprit Origin Staff in his hands towards Meng Shu.


Using the various techniques in the Clear Sky Nine Absolutes to generate power, Chen Feng's attacks became stronger with each blow he inflicted upon the Dragon Duke. Even if Meng Shu is a Spirit Douluo, it is difficult to resist the overwhelming wave of attacks sent his way.

"*Dragon swinging its Tail*." With a flick of his Dragon Staff Martial Spirit, Meng Shu repelled Chen Feng. Chen Feng felt a traction from the Spirit Origin Staff, his body was uncontrollably thrown back.

Being thrown into the air, his Wind-Thunder Wings spread out behind him, they enabled him to successfully stop in the air.

"External Spirit Bone!" Meng Shu saw Chen Feng's wings and his eyes opened wide. He had been in the Spirit Master World for many years, and thus knew the various treasures including the External Spirit Bone.

Chen Feng dived down; he used the Kinetic Energy generated from falling as well as the force of Gravity to work with him to create a powerful attack which he swung down at full force on Meng Shu.

"5th Spirit Ability, *Dragon goes out to Sea*." The Fifth Spirit Ring on Meng Shu's body lit up, Meng Shu waved his Dragon Staff forming an Azure Dragon which flew out to greet Chen Feng's attack.

With a muffled bang, the Dragon flew back and crashed into the ground, Chen Feng was also pushed back by the attack but was able to quickly stabilise himself using his Wind-Thunder Wings.

"Brother Feng has become stronger again." Tang San whispered; the strength Chen Feng was displaying currently was beyond the strength he demonstrated when he fought Zhao Wuji not long ago.

In fact, it was not that Chen Feng had become stronger, rather, Chen Feng had been able to better apply his phenomenal strength in different ways after obtaining the Clear Sky Nine Absolutes.

"Let me help." Chao Tianxiang saw that Meng Shu was being suppressed by Chen Feng and became a little worried, she was prepared to deal with Chen Feng by ganging up on him alongside Meng Shu.

Meng Shu and Chao Tianxiang glanced at each other. The two had been married for many years and worked together for longer. They were able to understand each other's glances and tacitly cooperate within in an instant.

"Dragon Staff."

"Serpent Cane."

Meng Shu and Chao Tianxiang yelled at the same time, their aura bloomed as their power rose greatly. The Azure Dragon and the Lavender Serpent flew out and hovered around their bodies at the same time.

"Martial Spirit Fusion Technique, Serpent Dragon Joint Assault." The Dragon and Serpent merged together suddenly, the resulting body was several times larger. The Dragon had become Golden and green scales on its back and purple scales on its belly.

"Is this the Martial Spirit Fusion Technique of the Dragon Duke and Serpent Grandmother? It really can threaten a Title Douluo. I don't know if Xiao Feng can stop it." Zhao Wuji shielded the other students of Shrek Academy behind him, he was shielding them from the shockwaves of the battle and Spirit Power pressure that they were emitting.

"This Technique is called the Serpent Dragon Joint Assault. move is called Dragon and Snake Combat. It can perfectly display a Dragon's strength, but where is the Serpent's powers?" Tang San put his arms in front of him, he was carefully observing the Spirit Fusion Technique of the Unrivalled Dragon Serpent Duo.

A small grass next to the Dragon quickly withered, it enabled Tang San to immediately understand: "Its poisonous, its venom spreads through the air and is invisible. It truly is a perfected fusion of a Dragon and a Serpent." The Dragon took off, the huge Dragon head smashed down at Chen Feng like a hammer.

"Good come." Chen Feng shouted and greeted it with his Spirit Origin Staff.

The staff hit the Dragon's head with a muffled bang, Chen Fen was unable to resist the force from the Dragon and was sent flying upside down like a cannonball, he smashed into the ground fiercely.

"Brother Feng!" Tang San and the others exclaimed when they saw this.

"Its physical strength is indeed comparable to a Titled Douluo. Sigh, seems like I'll have to use it." Chen Feng wiped a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth and stood up again, he had already returned his Spirit Origin Staff to his Spirit Guidance Device.

"Netherworld God Tige, release."

A black light bloomed from the center of Chen Feng's eyebrows, it instantly flooded his body, he began to suddenly swell as his body enlarged, his hand turned into Tiger Claws, 5 Spirit Rings revealed themselves as well as they rotated, of the 5 Spirit Rings, 1 was Purple and 4 were Black.

"How is it possible?" Everyone was shocked when they saw Chen Feng's Spirit Ring configuration, they couldn't believe their eyes.

"What kind of Martial Spirit is this? Why do I feel suppressed by it?" Dai Mubai thought inwardly.

"Brother Feng's Spirit has changed a lot, has it evolved?" Tang San guessed.

"No wonder he refuses to show his Martial Spirit easily, such an abnormal Spirit Ring configuration is really shocking." Zhao Wuji muttered.

"1st Spirit Ability, *Sky Demon Tiger Claw*." The first Spirit Ring on Chen Feng's body lit up, light gathered in his claws strengthening them as he clawed at the Dragon's head.

The Dragon roared and charged at into Chen Feng.

The Tiger claws slapped the Dragon's head, the Dragon was sent flying by the unstoppable Claw and let out a painful roar before it was soon able to stabilise itself.

Chen Feng glanced at his palm, his palm was stained with some black poison, but this poison could not erode the dense Spirit Power on his body's surface, it could not harm him.

"*Poisonous Dragon Flame*." The Dragon took off again, spraying a green poisonous flame from its mouth.

"4th Spirit Ability, *Sacred Tiger Roar*." Chen Feng's fourth Spirit Ring lit up, and with a roar, a spiralling sound wave spread out and violently collided with the *Poisonous Dragon Flame* breath of the Dragon.

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