


Chapter Text

Not only did they speak the same Loen language, they also shared the same grim and tense vibes.

The audience echoed this atmosphere, staring at the screen with steely eyes. They were ready to pick apart the situation to its fullest in search of answers.

Mr. Fool will show up any second now! The Tarot Club leaned forward in anticipation.

Where am I? What do I plan to do here? I would like to know too… Calming himself down, Zhou Mingrui silently repeated the questions posed by the two.

"So would we," Danitz complained.

"He really is clueless..." Fors' eyes were wide as she ran a hand across her face. Really, how is he Mr. World?! That doesn't make sense at all! Explain it to me, damnit!

Leonard felt his lips twitch, his mood lifting ever so slightly. I don't understand anything, but neither does Klein - not yet, at least. Yes, he really seems to have no idea what he's doing. To think such a hapless person could become the fearsome Gehrman Sparrow, and even a god's vessel... it's a bit refreshing to see him like this.

Cattleya looked ahead intently. "Anyway, it seems that we still haven't gotten to Mr. Fool's memories. This viewing is clearly from Zhou Mingrui's perspective. I wonder, will there be some sort of trigger for 'His' memories, or have we simply not reached them yet?"

Don't laugh! Don't laugh! Don't laugh! Emperor Roselle was continuing to do his best.

Azik could already see where this was going and let out a soft sigh. Ah, if only his anchors weren't in such danger, I'm sure Zhou Mingrui and I could share a laugh over this...

What left the deepest impression on him were neither the sentences formed by words nor the meanings behind them, but the display of bewilderment, vigilance, panic, and reverence by the couple!

"Well, of course." Emlyn crossed his arms. "Any normal human in such a situation would certainly lack the grace of a Sanguine and act dumbfounded."

This guy... Xio's lips twitched. "In fact, it's a normal reaction, and probably the safest. Situations like these require caution."

For some baffling reason, two people had been mysteriously dragged into this world surrounded by gray fog. As the perpetrator, Zhou Mingrui was already feeling abnormally dumbfounded and startled, let alone the couple who was pulled into this mess completely passively!

The Moretti and Hall families sympathized with this sentiment, having just experienced a similar event themselves.

Perpetrator... This word caused Audrey and Alger some discomfort, as it seemed to point out the apparent impossibility of Mr. Fool's involvement. No! They shook their heads. 'He' will show up any second now, or show some sign of involvement! It's just up to us to find it!

Seeing the pair's behavior, Will Auceptin sniffled in annoyance. Oh, great. They went right back into denial. It's kind of funny to watch, but I'd rather just tell them and get this over with... His eyes darted towards the Evernight Goddess, who remained as silent and imposing as ever. Unfortunately, I don't think 'She' or Mysteries would like that. Whatever. Just let everyone come to their own conclusions for a while...

...Anyway, I wasn't supposed to be doing so much work in the first place! I was going to spend my day napping! Damn you, Klein Moretti! Will tightened one baby-sized fist and shook it at the screen.

This caused Azik to smile and whisper to him, "Are you impatient?" 

"I'm not impatient," Will huffed. "I just have better things to do. I left behind an ice cre - I mean, some very pressing business just to be here, you know."

The Angel of Death chuckled as he ruffled Will's hair. "Mr. Fool appreciates your efforts."

"I better be getting overtime pay for this," the baby grumbled in response.

For them, such events and encounters might already be beyond their imaginations, right?

"Certainly." Caitlyn Hall suppressed a shiver. Although she had passing knowledge of the Beyonder world, seeing such events up close was a new experience for her. Still, she had no intention of looking away from it; this was the world that two of her precious children navigated daily, after all.

Zhou Mingrui has a point, but... it feels like this is heading in a strange direction... The Tarot Club shifted in their seats.

Everyone's already pretty nervous. Danitz knew almost nothing about the Tarot Club, but he could at least read the room. Well, whatever's happening, it can't be too bad, right? Mr. Fool has always been a respectable existence who responds to followers! 'He' can even keep someone like Gehrman Sparrow in check! Besides, Gehrman is quite the lofty fellow himself; he should know something about all of this. If he still decided to recruit me despite... uh, whatever is happening here, then the situation must be within the bounds of what I'm able to handle! Danitz puffed out his chest, rather proud of his reasoning.

 ...Wait. W-What did I just think? "Within the bounds of what I'm able to handle"...? Since when has that crazy son of a bitch ever cared about things like that?! A newfound clarity setting in, the pirate with a bounty of over ten thousand pounds felt every hair on his body stand on end. He was instantly moved to the verge of tears. Dogshit! What the hell did that guy drag me into! Captain, I want to return to the Golden Dream...!

Momentarily, Zhou Mingrui thought of two options: The first option was feigning victimhood to hide his true identity, and in turn gain a considerable amount of trust. He could then take a wait-and-see approach and take advantage of his circumstances where necessary. The other option was to maintain his mysterious identity in the eyes of the couple. He could then affect the subsequent development while gleaning valuable information from them.

This is... Mr. Hanged Man narrowed his eyes. "For a 'normal person', Zhou Mingrui's reasoning is unnaturally calm. This could point to outside manipulation."

Praising his thinking, then saying it's impossible for him to think so clearly on his own... Is that an insult or a compliment to Zhou Mingrui? Azik felt his lips twitch as he considered the question. If Zhou Mingrui himself were here, Azik was sure that he would be wondering something similar, covering his thoughts with a polite smile. Oh, dear. My beloved student has influenced me quite a bit.

"A Spectator would certainly be capable of such things." Miss Justice nodded. "If Zhou Mingrui truly is a false descension vessel, then he'll continue to act-" an almost unnoticeable pause- "suspiciously from now on. However, this is part of Mr. Fool's plan."

The words she couldn't quite bring herself to say died in her throat: He will continue to act like Mr. Fool.

It just... sounded too accusatory. That was the only reason she'd changed her wording. Zhou Mingrui was simply being made to carry out Mr. Fool's will, leading to his becoming a Blessed, that was all... Biting her lip, she kept her worries to herself.

"We should keep in mind that Zhou Mingrui has shown himself to be unnaturally adaptable from the beginning," Judgment Xio said quietly. Although she was still unsure where her doubts were pointing her to - or perhaps too afraid to examine them deeply - her unease had finally bubbled over enough for her to speak up. "This behavior didn't just start when he entered Mr. Fool's domain."

"Mr. Fool could extend 'His' influence into the real world even when 'He' was still awakening," Derrick pointed out. "This was proven earlier by the tarot divination."

Danitz, happy to have finally (partially) understood something, spoke up with eagerness. "Besides, what normal person would decide to impersonate a god on their own? You'd have to be crazy to even think of something like that!"

(Soon, though, he shuddered. Crazy... Gehrman Sparrow levels of crazy, at least! Maybe everyone who follows Mr. Fool is just that insane? Dogshit, why am I stuck babysitting a bunch of lunatics?!)

Impersonating a god...?! Unbeknownst to the frustrated pirate, this thoughtless comment caused many people to stiffen, the words they'd been dancing around now shoved into their faces. Whether through Mr. Fool's will or not, it was growing more and more likely that Zhou Mingrui was doing just that: impersonating a god! A normal person, not even a Beyonder, pretending to be a true Sequence 0! No matter how ridiculous it seemed, the audience had no choice but to face this possibility.

...It's true that anyone from this world, raised with faith in the seven deities, would certainly believe such impersonation to be blasphemy. Sharing the same thoughts, Audrey and Bernadette felt their hearts race. But someone from a different world, who doesn't even know to fear gods, might lack this mental barrier even without an outside push.

Unlike Bernadette, Audrey immediately scolded herself for her blasphemous thoughts. Still, just because it's possible doesn't mean it's true! Mr. Fool has proved 'His' might over and over again; I would never doubt 'Him'!

Suddenly, Benson jerked forward as if he'd realized something, then turned to Xio. "You said that Zhou Mingrui's behavior hadn't changed upon entering this gray fog. Does that mean that he was always being controlled, even in the real world?"

Is that why? Did he only treat us as siblings because he was manipulated to? Having a possible explanation for Zhou Mingrui's actions should have reassured him, but to his own surprise, Benson only felt his heart sink.

"It shouldn't be what you're thinking." Leonard spoke up before Xio had the chance, recalling what Dwayne Dantès had told him. "Mr. Fool would only interfere in matters relating to 'Him'. Outside of this, 'His' believers' lives are their own. 'He' would have no reason to affect Zhou Mingrui's feelings and actions towards you."

"So that's how it is..." Benson nodded slowly. While he wasn't sure he believed those words, they undeniably lightened the weight on his chest. It's not like it was actually Klein. It shouldn't matter so much. That time with Zhou Mingrui was only precious because it was based on a lie. It shouldn't matter so much... He pressed a hand to his head, trying to stave off the incoming migraine. For the first time in recent memory, the capable and responsible eldest brother found himself desperately wishing for a parent to guide him.

Still... The Tarot Club collectively frowned. Benson's question had caused them to recall the fanatical devotion that Gehrman Sparrow had often displayed towards Mr. Fool. Mr. World being influenced would explain a lot. It's almost like he's not even a person - just an extension of Mr. Fool's will. They had always assumed that Mr. Fool had done something for Gehrman to invoke such dedication - perhaps saved him from some terrible fate - but was that truly the case? Was he serving his god out of his own will or had he simply been forced into the life of a puppet?

The Mr. Fool they knew was not cruel by any means, but 'He' was still a god who would not shirk away from ruthlessness. Such an act was not impossible for 'Him'. Mr. World's circumstances are getting more and more complicated... 

Without the luxury of time to deliberate over the situation, he grasped hold of the thought that flashed across his mind. He made an immediate decision to try out the second idea.

Everyone sucked in a breath, feeling as if a theory had been confirmed. This did nothing to combat the dread pooling in their stomachs.

"It seems that Zhou Mingrui's status is greater than any of us imagined," Cattleya murmured. "To be chosen as a god's mouthpiece..."

"But why?" Alfred Hall frowned. "No matter what meaning transmigration holds, to entrust such a critical task to a totally ordinary person... why not have another Blessed play the role? Why does it have to be Zhou Mingrui?"

The Hanged Man crossed his arms. "Perhaps something about transmigration makes him the best candidate, or even the only possible candidate. There's just too much missing information."

In the end, everything comes back to transmigration... Everyone sighed. But does it really? Or does our lack of knowledge cause us to pin everything we don't know onto the mystery of transmigration...? How troublesome.

"Hm." Emlyn tapped his chin and spoke up after a moment of thought. "If Mr. Fool really does have authority over transmigration - and, by extension, transmigrators - 'He' could simply influence Zhou Mingrui using that authority. That would explain why Zhou Mingrui was chosen as a vessel despite being a terrible candidate. Such a method wouldn't even require the involvement of a Spectator."

...This fellow actually said something smart for once! The Tarot Club silently marveled at the progress of their Sanguine comrade. In any case, it's no wonder Zhou Mingrui himself ended up joining the Tarot Club. Someone with a role like that must be kept close, among the upper echelons! 

"Still, though, it feels a bit strange," Xio said. "What is Zhou Mingrui supposed to make of this situation? Even if he's being manipulated, he's still conscious of his actions. It seems unusual to let him be so aware of what's going on."

"The privileges of a Blessed, perhaps?" Emlyn shrugged.

Leonard listened in silence, heart sinking uncontrollably. His vision was darkened by the memory of the closed eyes and serene smile he'd glimpsed behind Chanis Gate. So Klein was always this important... I was the one to first suggest the theory, but to be honest, I didn't really believe it. I didn't want to believe it. Those favored by the gods often meet tragic ends. He swallowed past the lump in his throat. From the second he ended up in this world, things were always going to end up this way…?

Honestly! Watching the discussion go in circles, Will Auceptin didn't bother to suppress his yawn. Making an infant like me sit through this charade is plain cruelty! Just what kind of attention span do you think an average three year-old has?

Exploit the psychological state of the others to gain the greatest advantage for himself!

"Would someone being manipulated show so much free will?" Melissa asked, clutching at her skirt. "When the method was described, I thought it would be like being hypnotized..."

Audrey's responding smile betrayed none of her true feelings. "Not quite. The Spectator pathway in particular excels in guiding others to take action without realizing they've been guided. Even while doing something harmful to themselves, they would truly believe that they're acting in their own best interest. This is similar to what Zhou Mingrui is doing now."

"I see..." Melissa looked back towards the screen and felt, once again, that such a pathway didn't suit the noble girl in front of her. But more than that... for Klein to die of possible supernatural influence, and for Zhou Mingrui to take over his body, only to immediately become entangled with an ancient god - this is just too strange! How could this happen? Why would this happen...? She swallowed around the growing lump in her throat. Was Klein killed by the Fool just to make room for a pliant descension vessel...?!

After a few seconds of silence in the fog, Zhou Mingrui chuckled. With a low but not heavy tone, he calmly spoke as though he was replying to the polite greetings from the visitors, "An attempt."

Now the real fun begins! Roselle cackled, rubbing his hands together. I'm too happy to even be upset at this charlatan behavior! Zhou Mingrui, you're going to regret collecting my diaries!

As expected, this all started from a fraud... Even to someone as jaded as Amanises, this situation seemed flat-out ridiculous. After all, it wasn't every millennium that someone managed to scam their way into becoming a true god - and on the Fool pathway, ironically enough. Anyway, 'She' had survived fifty long years of watching Roselle make a fool out of himself; this much second-hand embarrassment would be nothing. Still, 'She' felt a sudden urge to sigh. Maybe I should have supported Amon as a candidate instead. I'm sure it would have been much less trouble.

At the same time, Miss Justice and Mr. Hanged Man tensed, throats growing dry. Zhou Mingrui's suspicious thoughts were one thing; having their theory confirmed by tangible actions, actions they could confirm, was something else entirely. These words were something that the Mr. Fool they knew had undeniably said.

This was a point of no return!

The on-edge Tarot Club members picked up on this change immediately, and Mr. Star steeled himself to ask, "Is this what you remember?"

"Yes." Alger's voice was slightly hoarse. "These are the first words Mr. Fool said to us."

The temperature seemed to drop a few degrees as the crowd fell into a hush. Nobody was sure what to say. The gray fog seemed to thicken and swirl around them, obscuring their vision momentarily.

H-Heh... If I didn't know any better, I'd think Zhou Mingrui really was Mr. Fool... wouldn't that be a strange plot twist... Fors suppressed a nervous laugh. No, for Mr. World and Mr. Fool to be the same person - that's beyond strange, it's terrifying! To think Gehrman Sparrow was giving the orders all along...! I have to rebel! I'd rather die than live in servitude to a madman! She shuddered, quickly becoming lost in her delusions.

"Then, doesn't this support the idea of Zhou Mingrui being a false descension vessel?" Leonard asked carefully.

"It does, yes." Despite saying this, Cattleya felt an inexplicable nervousness. "The exact circumstances are unclear, but I'm sure Mr. Fool's memories will shed some light on the situation."

"It's just so incredible," Derrick muttered in awe. "To think something like this happened and we didn't know anything about it... and such a unique method, too... gods are truly beyond our understanding."

Audrey didn't dare look away from the screen. "As strange as it is, there's no other option that makes sense. Once you eliminate the impossible, what remains must be the truth."

Watching this discussion, Queen Mystic's eyes grew steely. But there is another option, isn't there? Unwittingly becoming a descension vessel, or unwittingly impersonating a god... both theories are equally absurd, yet nobody seems willing to consider the second one. Fear is a powerful thing, after all. Still, if you look at this situation without any preconceived notions, doesn't it seem to lead to that answer? That absurd, nonsensical answer, fitting one bearing the name of "Fool"? Even if I'm wrong, I should at least try to broaden the discussion. She opened her mouth to speak-

-and felt a light tap on her arm. She turned to meet the eyes of none other than Roselle Gustav, whose eyes were twinkling with amusement. Grinning widely, he pressed a finger to his lips.

Father... doesn't want me to speak? Bernadette blinked, but her father only smirked and turned away, saying nothing more. She looked at him in confusion. Could he tell what I was going to say? Yes... he knows the truth of this matter after all! Mr. Fool must have made contact with him on that island through me! It must not be my place to say anything yet! Although Bernadette had matured greatly, becoming wise and pragmatic, she still had a habit of idolizing her father. Nodding to herself, she swallowed her doubts and remained silent. I still have a lot to learn. Father always thinks so far ahead...

Sorry, Bernadette, but I don't want you ruining this for me yet! Roselle was willing to dabble in the ways of the charlatan if it meant he could enjoy this situation for a bit longer. He could barely restrain his maniacal laughter. This is the best entertainment I've had in centuries! It's just like a soap opera - damn, I should have invented popcorn in this world...

Meanwhile, a certain golden retriever looked on with intelligent eyes.

An attempt… an attempt? Audrey Hall looked at the mysterious guy veiled in the grayish-white fog, and the only thought was that whatever was happening was absurd, funny, horrifying, and weird.

"Absurd, funny, horrifying, and weird?" Will Auceptin snorted. "Welcome to the Beyonder world."

Audrey herself could only purse her lips, watching her thoughts be displayed on-screen. Yes, even after deepening my understanding, the Beyonder world is a mysterious place. I never would have thought of using memory powers in such a manner... as if emulating a novel. It's truly bizarre.

Danitz shivered, remembering the first time he'd received a response from Mr. Fool. It was still one of the most terrifying and memorable experiences of his life! To actually be summoned with no warning must be a thousand times more terrifying!

She was at the dressing table inside her bedroom only moments ago. But just by turning around, she had "come" into this place that was filled with gray fog!

How inconceivable!

"Such things can really happen without any warning..." Although he had vaguely known of mysticism's perils, Earl Hall felt that he was only now beginning to understand them. "This is truly a world where one could die for any reason."

And his daughter, through no fault of her own, had been sucked into it all. Who knows what lies they've been feeding her all these years...! The experienced nobleman, who Backlund high society knew to fear from the other end of a negotiation table, could only helplessly grit his teeth.

"The longer you live, the more you discover your own helplessness." As if in response to the noble, Benson let out a heavy sigh. He had begun to think such things after braving countless air raids during the war - when life or death was up to mere chance, decided by faceless generals moving pieces on a map. Perhaps if some curly-haired baboon had placed his hand a little further to the right, a bomb would have fallen directly onto my home. He stared down at his hands blankly. In that way, the Beyonder world isn't so different from the normal world... it's just something else I'm powerless against.

Audrey took a breath, revealing an impeccable, courteous smile. She asked in a somewhat perturbed way, "Sir, is the attempt over? Might you permit our return?"

"You asked just like that?" Alfred was similarly disturbed as he interrogated his sister, worried for her wellbeing. Although Zhou Mingrui didn't seem to pose a threat, and Mr. Fool was still nowhere to be found, speaking so casually in a situation like this was highly dangerous!

"I was rash." Audrey dipped her head in acknowledgement. "Thankfully Mr. Fool turned out to be a benign god, or the consequences would have been unimaginable."

...No, that's wrong. He wouldn't have been able to do anything, nor would he have wanted to... Azik felt his lips twitch slightly. In a way, weren't our situations opposite of each other? I was a high-level existence, but no one was aware of it - not even myself. Meanwhile, Zhou Mingrui pretended to be a high-level existence, leaving everyone else unaware. Heh, fate sure is a funny thing.

"Anyway, this is a pivotal moment." Xio redirected the conversation. "How will Zhou Mingrui respond or be compelled to this question?" 

Alger Wilson also had the intentions to probe Zhou Mingrui in a similar fashion, but his rich experience made him statelier. He held back his impulse and only took on the role of a silent onlooker.

The Hall family narrowed their eyes upon seeing Alger. From the beginning, this fellow had always been crafty during group discussions, careful to shift the blame away from Mr. Fool whenever possible. None of them liked the idea of such a man hanging around Audrey. At the very least, as a Spectator, she should be able to avoid being taken advantage of by someone like him... but as for the Fool 'Himself'... The Earl and Caitlyn looked at each other with solemn expressions.

Zhou Mingrui looked at the questioner. Looking through the hazy mist, he could roughly see the silhouette of the person in question. It was a tall girl with smooth blond hair, but her exact countenance could not be seen clearly.

Audrey smiled, barely keeping herself from slumping with relief. Yes, this is the same thing we experienced...! Even if his circumstances were more unusual, Zhou Mingrui really was only pulled into it! Just like us! Her joy slipped away with an involuntary shudder, and she set her jaw. N-No, there's no need to act so surprised... this should have been obvious from the beginning... is my faith simply too weak? Even when Mr. Fool is trusting us so much! For shame, Audrey!

"So he can't see their faces either…" Cattleya's expression eased. "The master of this gray fog would surely be able to manipulate it to their will. Mr. Fool is obviously capable of this - the fact that Zhou Mingrui isn't provides another degree of separation between the two. "

Mr. Moon finished Ma'am Hermit's train of thought. "In the end, Zhou Mingrui is only a vessel. No matter how suspicious his behavior is, he can't actually do anything!"

"Though it's still strange that Zhou Mingrui managed to summon you two," Fors muttered, glancing towards Mr. Hanged Man and Miss Justice. "Surely that has to count as doing something, doesn't it?"

"It's probably not that he actually summoned us; the situation has just been arranged by Mr. Fool or Mysteries to look like that." Alger quickly shut this argument down. "Remember that the one hosting this viewing is not our ally."

But... how else do you explain what we saw... perhaps I'm not imaginative enough as an author... Fors didn't reply. (Hearing this, Queen Mystic also grit her teeth.)

"Mysteries" this, "Mr. Fool" that - they keep throwing all these names around! Who knows how many other hidden existences could be involved! Hibbert Hall frowned to himself. Such a situation has too many convenient scapegoats - too many ways to brush the unexplained parts under the rug. It's all so strange. Just what is the Fool's true nature, anyway? Why go to such lengths to not reveal 'Himself'?

I wonder why Mr. Fool would let Zhou Mingrui access those crimson summoning lights but not see the others' faces. Why draw the line there? Derrick's brow furrowed. I suppose that even if Mr. World is a Blessed, he's still a future Tarot Club member who must obey the rules of the gathering... still, for Mr. Fool rely so heavily on an avatar... 'He' must have woken up from a terrible condition. Perhaps 'He' never fully recovered.

He did not rush to reply the girl's question but turned around to look at the man. He had messy dark-blue hair, as well as a medium stature that was not considered stout.

Zhou Mingrui suddenly realized something. Once he became stronger or had a deeper understanding of the foggy world, perhaps it was possible for him to see through the fog and discern the girl and the man.

The slight boost in mood was instantly deflated.

"W-Well, of course he would think that," Emlyn mumbled. "He doesn't realize the reality of his own situation."

To think this delusional fellow would be the one to bring up "the reality of one's situation"... Leonard blinked, unconsciously slandering his comrade. Even though he's the one that usually needs a reality check?

A deeper understanding? Queen Mystic narrowed her eyes. From the way he was able to summon people here, it really seems as if he's the owner of this place...

...The owner...?


Bernadette felt as if she had been struck by lightning. All at once, several puzzle pieces fell into place with blazing clarity, and it was all she could to to keep her breathing even. Of course. Authority over the Seven Pure Lights is impossible to emulate or fake - unless you're the owner of a sefirah! The sefirah that sits atop the spirit world! Sefirah Castle! Such a thing would allow someone to even play god! 

The conclusion had hit her with such intensity that she felt dizzy. She tightened her grip on the chair's armrests to stabilize herself. The Seven Lights didn't say much about this topic, perhaps unwilling to reveal Mr. Fool's secrets. How in the world would a ritual take Zhou Mingrui to a sefirah of all places...? No. The answer is obvious. The only way for such a thing to happen would be if the responding entity allowed it! Her fingers, ever so slightly, began to tremble. Perhaps Zhou Mingrui, just like Klein Moretti, is already dead, and the thing in his body is someone - no, something else entirely. 

Unable to help herself, Queen Mystic looked to her father, desperate for guidance. Roselle was still looking at the screen, completely relaxed - but when he sensed his daughter's gaze and saw her pale face, he smiled reassuringly and pat her hand.

"Zhou Mingrui..." she began in a low voice.

"Is my friend." Roselle finished her sentence with a grin, but his eyes were serious. "A comrade."

...He's telling the truth. Letting out a breath, Bernadette nodded. 

Surely Father should be able to tell if Zhou Mingrui had been corrupted or possessed, having experienced something similar himself, she thought as she turned to face the screen. If he's so calm, then my theory is probably wrong... I have to think about this rationally. There's another explanation for why the Seven Lights told me so little about the Celestial Worthy of Heaven and Earth: 'He' simply has been inactive for a long time, or has even died, and the enemy who called us here is someone completely different. This sefirah once belonged to the Celestial Worthy, and the luck enhancement ritual automatically leads there as part of some scheme 'He' set up long ago. This is also a possibility. And if that's the case, then Zhou Mingrui has essentially been handed a sefirah, the perfect tool to play god with... while his followers are none the wiser...

Father would find such a thing hilarious, wouldn't he?! Overcome with a different kind of horror, Bernadette once again whipped around to face Roselle.

The emperor looked back at her and winked.

As Bernadette's mind temporarily shut off, Roselle cackled smugly to himself. Heh, I was wondering how long it would take somebody to figure it out! As expected of my dear daughter, she's inherited my smarts!

In this situation, they are the visitors, and I'm the master!

Despite trying to maintain poker faces, the Tarot Club felt their expressions darken. Ugh... even if he's being manipulated to think this way, it's... They collectively swallowed. It's unsettling.

Will Auceptin raised an eyebrow in Amanises' direction, but the Evernight Goddess gave no response. Still nothing, eh? 'She' really is committed to the silent treatment. I guess it's quicker to get it over with at once instead of stopping to explain things every few seconds. He let out a satisfied "hmph". Way less work for me, too!

Mr. Fool's angels are keeping a close watch on things, but aside from 'Their' silence, 'They' aren't acting like anything is amiss, Miss Justice noted, studying the interaction she'd witnessed. The situation must be within 'Their' expectations. That's right, nothing is wrong... I'm overthinking, that's all.

After changing his mindset, Zhou Mingrui instantly noticed details that he had neglected earlier on.

The girl with a melodious voice and the mature, withdrawn man both looked considerably incorporeal. Tainted by a faint crimson red, they resembled a projected image of the two crimson red "stars" beyond the gray fog.

We really are pulled up here through our Spirit Bodies. Alfred's brow furrowed. So this is how the Tarot Club is able to meet without being aware of each other's identities. Their faces were hidden! Why are we allowed to see each other's faces now, I wonder?

The Tarot Club, however, straightened in their seats. Although they were all familiar with the gray fog that hid their faces and identities, they had never observed these crimson stars before and had no idea how to react.

"Red projections," Cattleya muttered. "Did you two experience the same thing?"

...No. This word died in Alger and Audrey's throats. Even without the spoiler policy, they would have been unable to speak it.

Their lack of response was enough of an answer. For a moment, nobody dared to speak as they tried to make sense of the scene in front of them.

"Perhaps this is something unique to the first meeting - some slight mishap in the process that Mr. Fool straightened out afterwards," Mr. Moon suggested. "'He' was still awakening, after all."

Little Sun was quick to offer a counterargument. "This seems to connect directly to those strange crimson stars from earlier, though. I think it's more likely that the abnormality is localized to Zhou Mingrui and how he apparently summoned you, not the meeting in general."

"So this is something else unique to Zhou Mingrui." The Star tried for a casual shrug. "At this point, what's one more abnormality?"

There's only so many times you can make those excuses before you're forced to acknowledge the pattern. Bernadette's mind was furiously whirling with the desire to speak. Unfortunately, Roselle was still smiling widely, paying her no mind. Is it still not time to say something? What could Father be waiting for? Don't tell me, he's just having fun watching us all squirm...?

Melissa could sense by the room's atmosphere that something was wrong, but she had no idea how to identify the source of the problem. She hadn't felt such keen powerlessness since the war - and before that, Klein's death. The feeling roiled unpleasantly in her gut. But she knew becoming overwhelmed wouldn't fix anything, so she took a deep breath and began to organize her thoughts. It makes sense for the so-called "Tarot Club" - no, for everybody here to be on edge, given the situation. But that organization in particular seems to know something about Zhou Mingrui. They even called him a Blessed earlier... still, he was only alive in this world for two months. How could he become such an impressive figure to them in that short amount of time?

Actually... A strange, choking feeling began to spread from her chest to her throat. When I told the Tarot Club about Zhou Mingrui's death earlier, they acted like it was new information... even though they didn't seem surprised at all! That's right, if he's so important, they probably would have known about his death before I said anything! Did something about the way he died turn him into a martyr, someone revered in their god's canon? No, the way they talk about him implies that he's still active. They think he's still active, at least. Perhaps some other Blessed has taken on Zhou Mingrui's identity and continued to work in the Fool's name, carrying on the legend.

Then, with a hint of bitterness: It would be fitting, for his own life to be stolen like that. The same way Klein was stolen from us.

...There was no point thinking this way. Melissa knew that. Zhou Mingrui was just another unfortunate victim, caught up in this mess; Klein's death wasn't his fault. That was the logical conclusion to make, and Melissa usually prided herself on her logic - but anything besides anger still stung too much to consider. For just a moment, she didn't want to think about how little she knew.

Besides, she thought with a grimace, from how they're reacting to the viewing, the Tarot Club obviously doesn't know everything either.

This projection was based on the connection between the crimson red and himself, an intangible connection that only he himself could realistically grasp hold of.

"This... doesn't it imply that Zhou Mingrui could both summon you and send you back?" Miss Magician asked tentatively.

"Again, he doesn't understand his own situation," Emlyn defended. "Just because he thinks he can do it doesn't mean he can actually do it."

"There's no way a mere human, who isn't even a Beyonder, could actually control this space." The Hermit nodded, taking Mr. Moon's side. After all, this is a sefirah! An item left behind by the Original Creator! It's not something just anyone could control!

As a Spectator, Miss Justice found it hard not to analyze the situation. But in a situation like this... you wouldn't necessarily have to do anything. When faced with bizarre situations, people often react with fear and latch onto to anyone who seems to understand what's going on. That principle demonstrated is through my very first Tarot Club meeting, when we first witnessed the might of Mr. Fool. Feeling herself heading in an unpleasant direction, she tried to Cogitate, but her mind was already barreling forward. However, as Zhou Mingrui himself pointed out earlier... this tactic is often used to trick people. If we simply believed he was capable of something, and he could perform certain acts with this gray fog to lend credit to himself, such as summoning and dismissing us at will, then would he even have to-!

A burst of pain, the taste of iron. Audrey bit the inside of her cheek hard enough to draw blood, cutting off her traitorous thoughts.

What am I thinking?! Blaspheming like this, let alone when Mr. Fool needs us the most, is completely unacceptable! Anyway, my idea of a false descension vessel is perfectly reasonable! She took a deep breath, using the metallic taste inside her mouth to anchor herself. But - the more I think about it, and the more is revealed... it's true that this theory seems to have problems I didn't notice before... No, I did notice; I just ignored the inconvenient details to fit my vision of things. A Spectator relying too much on their own conclusions is indeed very dangerous. I must be more careful to avoid confirmation bias in the future.

She kept her expression smooth. Still, this is only a sign of my own incompetence. Even if my theory is wrong, Mr. Fool must have methods beyond my imagination, capable of resolving my worries. Everything will make sense once we see 'His' memories!

The projection would disappear once the connection was cut, and the couple would then return… Zhou Mingrui nodded mildly and looked at the blond, chuckling. "Of course, if you make a formal request, you can return this very moment."

Roselle smacked his fist onto his seat's armrest, wheezing with laugher. Several people shot him dirty looks. Azik coughed into his hand, hiding a slight chuckle of his own.

Audrey and Alger weren't nearly so relaxed, hiding their winces at once again hearing Mr. Fool's words from Zhou Mingrui's mouth. This must be how the Moretti siblings felt, seeing "Klein" earlier, they thought with racing hearts. But this - this just feels blasphemous!

Picking up on the pair's unease, Little Sun spoke up hesitantly. "Zhou Mingrui is a vessel, isn't he? It feels unnatural, but the fact that this matches your experience is actually a good sign."

"...You're right." Alger cleared his throat, trying to recover, though a noticeable tension remained in his jaw.

Despite having mostly reconstructed his poker face, Mr. Hanged Man was finding it difficult to concentrate. But... seeing this, just how am I supposed to react... If I hadn't followed Mr. Fool for so long and witnessed so many of 'His' feats, I'm sure I'd be coming to some very strange conclusions. He swallowed heavily. What's most important is that I don't question the might of God. The rest will be revealed in time.

What a good actor. Or is that just Mr. Fool's manipulation? Benson didn't know how to react and could only sit quietly. He also acted around us, but his attitude was a little different. How much was real and how much was fake? It's almost as if Zhou Mingrui was a person made up entirely of lies... He pinched at the bridge of his nose, trying to press away the slight burn of tears.

When she did not identify any ill intention from his tone, Audrey heaved a sigh of relief. She believed that since a gentleman who was capable of such miraculous things had given his word, he would definitely abide by it stringently.

With her mind somewhat mollified, she surprisingly was in no hurry to request her leave. She rolled her virid eyes left and right, which sparkled with an abnormal radiance.

Isn't she relaxing far too quickly? Alfred's fists were clenched tightly. She didn't have much of a sense of danger back then, even though she's grown in the past few years - I suppose the Tarot Club might be behind that, too. They could have molded her into anything while she was vulnerable, and we would have been none the wiser...!

"At least someone is having fun," Will Auceptin said with a shrug, as if he'd read Alfred's thoughts.

She said in an anxious, anticipative and tempted manner, "This is such a wonderful experience… Yes, I have always been hoping that something like this would happen. I mean—I like mysteries and supernatural miracles. No, my point is—what I mean is that, Sir, what can I do to become a Beyonder?"

"Beyonder, huh," Benson muttered. This is the term for people with supernatural powers - people like Melissa. Most of the people here are probably powerful Beyonders, possessing powers beyond my imagination... If a fight were to break out, how could I protect Melissa and myself?

Miss Magician smiled at the sight of her friend, who had long outgrown such naivety, and relaxed a bit. "You used to be pretty reckless."

Audrey barely registered this comment. She gave Fors a small smile, then refocused on the screen with feverish intensity, causing the Hall family to wince. They had never seen their dear gem act this way before; in that moment, they wanted nothing more than to leave this place that was making her so uncomfortable. And then get some answers, of course.

She got more excited as she spoke, so much so she was fumbling over her words. The dream that sprouted in her as a result of listening to thrilling fantasies as told by her elders finally saw the possibility of being materialized.

If only I hadn't indulged her so much, could this have been avoided? Earl Hall looked at his daughter's sparking eyes, then sighed at the sight of the real Audrey's unwavering gaze. The contrast induced a strong sense of regret. His heart squeezed painfully. My innocent little girl, roped into a terrorist organization... moreover, the god they worship seems to have some serious abnormalities, going so far as to drag all of us into this. As soon as we get out of here, I need to do something about this.

However, with just a few words, she had already forgotten all her previous fears and horrors.

The Halls couldn't help but relax slightly, sighing with a mix of fondness and exasperation. Although such carelessness was dangerous, they couldn't deny how comforting it was to see their precious gem acting like herself again, even if only in memories. Still, one look at the current Audrey's flat expression undid any stress release they may have had.

Good question! I would also like to know the answer… Zhou Mingrui complained inwardly.

This sardonic comment was not taken with the slight humor it had been before.

"Heh, looks like nobody knows what's going on." Mr. Star tried and failed to ease the strain in the air. He didn't get any response, but he was too distracted to care; his attempt had been half-hearted anyway, most of his attention occupied elsewhere. 

Leonard had seen 0-17 only once. Just before leaving for the Southern Continent, he'd been pulled aside by Archbishop Anthony Stevenson and taken behind Chanis Gate, where he came face to face with... it. No. 'Her'. According to the archbishop, a mere high-ranking deacon such as himself would never have the security clearance to know of 'Her' existence. Leonard was special. (Funnily enough, he never seemed to enjoy being called that the same way he used to.)

He'd always suspected that this was the Goddess' way of expressing 'Her' awareness of his involvement in the Tarot Club, as well as 'Her' tacit approval; showing him 0-17, an ace up 'Her' sleeve, was a show of goodwill... well, Old Man had suspected, anyway. Leonard had taken one look at the woman's serene expression, as if simply sleeping, and lost all capacity for thought. The wound of Klein's slumber had been too fresh back then.

Now the wound was opening up before his eyes.

Was Klein always being groomed into a full-fledged descension vessel, like 0-17? Was this always Mr. Fool's plan... even though 'He' never seemed unkind and favored Klein greatly... Leonard's heart swooped into his stomach. Blood running cold, he felt as if he finally understood the warning Pallez had always given him: "Trust in the might of deities, but not in 'Their' benevolence!"

Damn it! Klein has always been struggling with this, while I... Is there even anything I can do for him? Especially when it might involve going against Mr. Fool 'Himself'? Although Leonard was eternally grateful to Mr. Fool for allowing him to reunite with Klein, the choice between his god and his best friend was an easy one - especially when that god was the one hurting his friend. The problem was that he didn't have a choice. He had long accepted that his life belonged to Mr. Fool, and he'd been fine with that if it meant getting avenging Captain. He'd always believed Klein had felt the same way, choosing to walk his own path towards revenge; they were bound through their loss, and by the deity they'd sold their souls to.

In a strange way, that shared servitude had been a point of pride for Leonard. Now it was clear that he'd forgotten his place. Mr. Fool had a chain around both of their necks that 'He' would not hesitate to use. How could he fight against that?

At the very least, I thought we were connected by our choice to serve Mr. Fool, but now it's possible that I was the only one with any say in the matter? Klein didn't even know what was going on... Leonard felt his eyes start to burn. And now I'm too trapped to do a thing!  

Unbeknownst to him, however, a certain gaze was lingering on his back. The gaze soon moved from him and continued to rove around the room. Susie licked a paw absently, disguising her intelligent stare from others. This might be a good time to use Placate, but... There was a serene presence behind her, one that should have been soothing but instead made every one of her animal instincts scream danger. She blinked and shook her fur out. Seems that's not a good idea right now. 'She' wants them to vent out all their emotions without interruptions. I shouldn't do too much, anyway... after all, I'm just a dog.

Yes, even at Sequence 5, I'm just a dog! Susie let out a soft woof, catching the notice of Derrick, who relaxed slightly as he scratched her behind the ears.

He started to ponder on an answer to the question to maintain his unfathomable image.

Azik smiled. He's predigesting his Seer potion without even realizing it.

Danitz, who had long since given up on contributing meaningfully to the discussion, held back a snort of surprise. Wait, no way... I've also found myself thinking like that while acting as an oracle... am I being influenced too?! Dogshit, to think I'd share similarities with a god's vessel! Or, uh, whatever the hell it was that they were talking about. He scowled. I understand the basics of descension thanks to Captain's mysticism lessons, but this is beyond me! An oracle shouldn't have to do anything but deliver messages, damnit! Why am I here?!

...Anyway, this guy's kind of a loser, isn't he... Despite comparing himself to Zhou Mingrui just seconds earlier, Danitz was still able to think so ruthlessly. Heh. A god's vessel, indeed! Imagine if the one the high and mighty Gehrman Sparrow has been reporting to all this time was actually this chump! If that son of a bitch ever found out, he'd lose control on the spot! Now wearing a giddy smile, the pirate entertained himself with gleeful fantasies of Gehrman falling to his knees in shock, completely tuned out from the world.2.0

H-He's faking it! He has to be! It's the only way Father would be having so much fun! Bernadette was now beyond convinced, especially by the way Roselle was refusing to meet her eyes. I knew it...! Father is enjoying this! I should just speak up then, shouldn't I? No, it's best to wait for even more evidence to make my case all at once. If I'm right, then proof will naturally come.

But even if I am right, not all of the Fool's feats can be explained away with Sefirah Castle. For instance, George III's advancement ritual and the newly established church under his command. He might very well be a 'He' after all! Still, for everything to happen so quickly… even if 'He' is just barely a 'He' at Sequence 2, that would require an impossible advancement speed, not to mention powerful backers. That explains the Evernight Goddess' presence here, but what reason does 'She' have to support Zhou Mingrui? Besides, Death and Mercury are bona fide angels who couldn't be tricked into following a false deity. Unless Sefirah Castle had something to do with it, like in the case of the Seven Pure Lights... Now committed to her theory, Queen Mystic tried to sort out the details, shocked at how quickly the Fool had made a name for 'Himself'.

At the same time, he felt that it was quite unbecoming of him to talk while standing. Shouldn't he be in a palace, sitting at the head of a long table, and on a mysterious high-back chair engraved with ancient patterns, while silently observing his visitors?

"Someone's read too many novels," Roselle sneered in Mandarin. This time, he smacked his fist onto the armrest in annoyance. "Damnit! How come you got to lead a cool secret organization with a sefirah while I got stuck with politics! How is that fair, huh, you bastard?! Answer me!"

What is he screaming about that's got him so excited... The rest of the crowd, now used to the emperor's mumblings and random bursts of laughter, had more or less started treating him like a senile old beggar. Perhaps this is what that strange alphabet in his diary sounds like when it's spoken aloud? A language from another world... but why does it have to be spoken by this guy... 

...Wait a second. Refocusing themselves on the viewing, the Tarot Club felt a collective spike of dread. Isn't Zhou Mingrui's description awfully familiar? 

Miss Justice and Mr. Hanged Man exchanged yet another grim look, hearts in their throats. That's right! Soon after we arrived in this place, what happened next was-

As soon as this thought surfaced, the gray fog started to churn, giving both Audrey and Alger a shock.

In an instant, they saw a number of towering stone pillars around them. Above them was a vast dome that encapsulated them.

Sefirah Castle... A faint recollection resurfaced in Azik's mind, causing him to blink. Yes, I remember now. But why would that ritual grant him control over such a place? Could it be that the Celestial Worthy-

His train of thought was cut off by another memory forcing its way to the surface. But this one was incomplete, only a single image flashing across his mind, accompanied by a blaring warning from his spiritual intuition. As if trying to warn him away. Him, a Sequence 2 - a weaker one, yes, due the fracture in his soul, but an angel nonetheless. What could he have just remembered? No matter the danger, he had to know; if it had to do with the Celestial Worthy, it could hold a key to helping Klein. Brow furrowed, Azik closed his eyes and tried to recall the image he'd seen--

--It was his father's face, eyes filled with fear.

...What? Azik felt himself break into a cold sweat. That memory didn't make sense. In all of his memories, Salinger had been cold and brutal, ruthless enough to turn his own son into a revival plan. Salinger existed at a level beyond the gods and inspired terror in others, but Azik was not sure that the deity 'Himself' had ever felt such helplessness in the face of another.

I remember now. My father... was scared of the Celestial Worthy.

An existence powerful enough to strike fear into Death 'Himself'. And now that existence had set 'His' sights on Klein. What in the world had his student become involved in?

This entire edifice looked magnificent, grand and lofty, just like a legendary palace for giants.

"Miracle Invoker powers so early? Ugh! A expected of Sefirah Castle!" Roselle fumed in Mandarin. "A fucking god-level item drop at the beginning of the game! Damn, it's just too unfair!"

Nobody paid the emperor any mind this time; the sight in front of them had rendered everyone deathly silent, causing the atmosphere in the theater to tank. Words and well-timed summonings were one thing - this was actual, physical change!

"What in the world..." Despite the overwhelming tension, as a person completely uninvolved in the mysticism world, Benson couldn't help his awe. "A palace like that, appearing out of thin air? it's like a miracle."

...This...! The Tarot Club members didn't share his sentiments, immediately recognizing their monthly meeting place. Their hearts collectively dropped into their stomachs. This is...?! 

"Did Zhou Mingrui..." Xio trailed off, catching herself before she could finish her sentence. 

"O-Of course not," Ma'am Hermit said quickly. "Don't be ridiculous. This was obviously Mr. Fool's doing, perhaps to deepen the connection between 'Himself' and 'His' vessel-"

"Is there a reason 'He' would have to do that?"

Cattleya stiffened, her racing thoughts coming to a halt at the sound of a familiar voice. The one who had spoken was none other than her mentor, the one she respected most out of anyone: Queen Mystic.

Looks like someone figured it out... Will Auceptin, who had been taking a short nap, cracked an eye open to look at Amanises. Hmph. No reaction yet. True gods sure are patient, huh? He closed his eyes again.

Finally, Bernadette had her proof, and she could wait no longer. "There's no reason why Mr. Fool would bother to exert changes in this domain simply to align with the the thoughts of 'His' Blessed. The only thing this would accomplish is increasing Zhou Mingrui's belief that he is the owner and convener of this space. What reason does Mr. Fool have to do such a thing?"

"There are certain rituals that have to do with swapping fates," the Hermit protested, recalling the information she'd learned from analyzing the Snake of Mercury's blood. She looked towards the angel in question, hoping for some support - but Will Auceptin had his eyes closed, sucking on his thumb silently.

Why... is the Angel of Mercury staying silent? Cattleya gulped. Surely 'He' should know much more than me about such matters and would want to defend 'His' lord! Even considering the spoiler policy, there's no reason to stay quiet when the situation is so dire...! Is he so committed to acting like an infant?!

"It's possible that Mr. Fool is attempting such a ritual." Bernadette fixed her student with a steely gaze. "But don't you think there's a simpler answer to all of this?" 

She's not saying-! The Tarot Club members tensed up.

Alfred narrowed his eyes. What, that Zhou Mingrui - no, how could that be possible? Beyonders aren't so easy to trick...

"What are you implying?" Mr. Hanged Man's voice was cold.

But Queen Mystic's was colder. "You know exactly what I'm implying, Alger Wilson. As someone who's survived at sea for so long, you should be smarter than this. If Mr. Fool is awake enough to exert so much influence over the gathering, why couldn't 'He' simply host it himself, or turn Zhou Mingrui into a marionette? Do you think 'He' would hand so much control over to a normal person, who 'He' has only just taken in as 'His' Blessed? First an accidental summoning, then some overlap in dialogue, but now this?" Bernadette shook her head. "Once is happenstance. Twice is a coincidence. Three times is a pattern."

Our thought processes are quite similar! Xio straightened in shock, remembering her own doubts that she'd been hesitant to voice. I questioned many of the same things - the others must have, too, even if they refuse to admit or even recognize it! But the conclusion she's leading to is just... that road is far too thorny to travel down! The seasoned Judgment shook her head, still refusing to make the connection in her own thoughts.

Queen Mystic speaks as if 'She' has been harboring these doubts for a long time. Does 'She' know something we don't? Or is it just arrogance? Head spinning, only Alger's vast experience stopped him from losing himself to panic. Such insolence will sure incur Mr. Fool's wrath! Even thinking something like... like that - it's completely ridiculous! Mr. Fool's might and accomplishments should speak for themselves; 'He' has a church, for crying out loud! No matter how suspicious this situation is, why can't 'She' recognize that...?

'She' really said it! Audrey's back was very stiff. She wasn't sure what was scarier: Queen Mystic's thoughts, or how much of them she agreed with. Still, it's...! Such a thing is obviously impossible! There has to be something we're missing - something that will make all of this make sense!

...What? Why would she suggest that? Melissa's hands balled into fists, crumpling up the fabric of her skirt. Haven't I already told everyone? Zhou Mingrui is dead and buried! Are they just assuming they faked his death? For a terrifying second, her heart stuttered in his chest. ...It's true that it would make sense for him to do that, since his aim was to return home, which would mean abandoning us eventually. But still, I saw his corpse! His heart wasn't beating! How could someone like that, who impersonated my brother and always wore that stupid sheepish smile on his face - how could he-!

Wait, but what was she implying? Unlike Alger, Danitz's question was completely genuine. What was Queen Mystic implying?! Somebody tell me! Dogshit!

My daughter quoted me! Roselle failed to meet even Danitz's bare minimum of topicality. Uh, she quoted whoever I stole that quote from... whatever! Close enough!

Huh...? The pieces clicked a little later for Leonard, but when they did, he felt as if he'd been doused in ice water. No, that's not-

"Not possible," he blurted out.

"Not possible? Why not?" The Star was next to fall under Queen Mystic's heavy gaze. "Do you have proof to the contrary? Or do you just not want to accept it?"

Of course I don't! Of course I don't want to accept it! An irrational anger flooded through Leonard, throat constricting with the remembered stench of blood, the ache of an old absence. How could you tell me to accept a thing like that?! Because if I even consider what you're saying, then - then what would that mean for Klein?!

Mr. Star is quite upset... Seeing this, Mr. Moon inexplicably felt a little angrier. He spoke with a slight scowl. "You can talk all you want, but you haven't been able to disprove our theories, have you? Where's your damning evidence? Don't you know about presumption of guilt?"

Queen Mystic crossed her arms. "I may not be able to disprove your theories, but you can't disprove mine, either. Just consider it."

Just consider it! Emlyn mocked the centuries-old angel in his mind with a high-pitched voice. His indignance helped to distract from the growing nervousness he felt. I received a revelation from the Ancestor 'Herself' to join the Tarot Club and follow Mr. Fool! I-Is she saying that revelation is fake too?! Hmph! How insolent can someone be?! Besides, Zhou Mingrui is already the World - there's your proof! Damn spoiler policy...

Her Majesty is saying something blasphemous...! Cattleya was caught in the middle of the crossfire, unsure whose side to take. Mr. Fool and Queen Mystic were both valuable benefactors to her: on one hand, she truly believed in Mr. Fool, but on the other, how could she disappoint Bernadette, who had raised her? But if she said nothing, wouldn't that be the same thing as abandoning both of them?

Trying to suppress her growing nausea, Ma'am Hermit chose her words carefully. "Since... we don't have proof for any of our ideas yet, we can't say anything for certain." 

"That may be true." Bernadette shook her head. "But between both of our answers to this question, one requires much less bending backwards to explain, don't you think? Denying that is just an excuse. The mysticism world is strange, but nevertheless, when you hear hooves, think zebras."

(Despite the veil obscuring 'Her' face, Amanises' expression as 'She' turned to Roselle undoubtably asked, "Where did you steal that quote from?" In response, Roselle flipped the Evernight Goddess off.)

"But can't that assumption also be used as a trick?" Cattleya's voice was tinged with the slightest hint of desperation. "Simply accepting the easiest explanation and not digging any further can often lead to falling into a trap. This might be a precaution that Mr. Fool has set!"

"Do you really believe what you're saying?" Bernadette said calmly, testing her disciple. 


Cattleya paused for a moment. When she spoke again, her voice was steady.

"I want to believe in Mr. Fool."

...So that's her choice? Bernadette's gaze softened a fraction. This was the first time in Bernadette's memory that her disciple had opposed her so directly. She's grown up well while I wasn't looking.

But she still has much to learn. "If that's what you want," Queen Mystic said firmly, "then keep your promise and face the truth head-on. Don't look away."

Face the truth... Many people shifted uncomfortably.

Cattleya pursed her lips. Her Majesty may say that, but this theory makes no sense! When I first observed Mr. Fool with my Eyes of Mystery Prying, 'His' aura was undoubtably that of a strange and ancient existence! Not to mention the many accomplishments under 'His' belt - from these past few years alone, no less - and the angels under 'His' command! How could a normal human perform such feats and order around angels? The answer is that they couldn't! The more Cattleya considered the issue, the surer she felt. It's true that there are many unexplained things in this situation, but it's not as if that theory explains anything either! It just raises more questions!

All this talk about "facing the truth", but aren't they forgetting something? In all these ideas they have - playing god, descension vessels -...what happens after Zhou Mingrui dies? Mellissa's fists were clenched so tightly, she felt like her nails were about to break through skin. Why are they just ignoring that fact? Why are they pretending like nothing would change... they can't really believe he's alive somehow? No! Klein and Zhou Mingrui, they're both gone, and there's no proof otherwise!

"Excuse me, Queen Mystic? According to your theory, how do you explain Mr. Fool's many feats?" Derrick asked with an earnest expression.

"I don't know yet," Bernadette replied honestly.

"There's no need to engage with her," Alger whispered. "Some people just want to cause trouble."

"I don't believe the theory, but shouldn't we listen to the reasoning behind it?" Derrick was slightly confused by his mentor's words. He turned around and asked, "Also, isn't Mr. Fool opening up 'His' memories willingly? Why would 'He' do that if the truth was... um, something like that?"

"I don't know that for sure, either. I suspect there's something in 'His' memories that will be able to restabilize 'His' anchors."

"Just a suspicion. You see?" Alger sighed, causing Derrick to rub the back of his neck in embarrassment. He then addressed Queen Mystic coldly. "Do you have any more proof? If not, I don't think that idea is even worth taking into consideration. Even suggesting it is a grave insult to Mr. Fool."

Bernadette stood her ground. "I have plenty of proof. You just interpret it differently than I do. But the longer this viewing goes on, the clearer things will become, one way or another."

"Yes. Mr. Fool's power will become more apparent than ever."

"Is that so."

Alger and Bernadette maintained eye contact for a moment, both refusing to look away first.

Miss Justice observed with interest, trying to distract herself from the pit in her stomach. Mr. Hanged Man is quite aggressive, considering his opponent is an angel; he tends to defer to those more powerful than him, most likely as some self-defense mechanism. To think that he's been pushed this far... it just goes to show how much his dedication towards Mr. Fool, or perhaps his fear, has grown. Or that he's very desperate to avoid the idea Queen Mystic brought up - no, not good! My thoughts have circled back in this direction...!

Derrick's brow furrowed slightly. What a strange idea... I can see how Mr. Hanged Man would take it as an insult to Mr. Fool, but we're all just looking for the truth in our own way, right? Still, it does make me wonder what Mr. Fool's true nature is. Could it really be connected to Mr. World, Zhou Mingrui? In the world of mysticism, I suppose nothing is impossible. Although confused and uncertain, Little Sun was surprisingly the calmest out of everyone.

Outside of Roselle, who had never had a care in the first place. This was fun at first, but now I feel like I'm in a bureaucratic conference... The emperor rested his head on his fist with a sigh. Teaching Bernadette so much about politics, perhaps I raised her too well.

Directly under the dome where the gray fog gathered, a long, bronze table appeared with ten high-back chairs on either side in a symmetrical arrangement. The back of each chair dazzled and shone faintly with crimson red, drawing the outlines of weird constellations that differed from reality.

How nostalgic. Amanises closed 'Her' eyes, remembering 'Her' time in Rose Redemption.

"So this is where the Tarot Club meets..." Face to face with the grand palace, the experienced Alfred felt like he only now understood the might of an organization backed by a god. No wonder investigations never turned up a single hint about their meeting place. This place must exist somewhere in the spirit world, outside of normal reality!

Audrey and Alger sat face-to-face, sitting next to the Seat of Honor.

The girl looked to her sides, and could not help but mumble, "How fascinating…"

"Fascinating? It's terrifying," Fors grumbled. This whole situation is just weird! Not to mention what Queen Mystic was saying earlier - wait, no, I wasn't thinking about it! Please don't kill me, Mr. World! 

It is certainly fascinating… Zhou Mingrui extended his right hand and caressed the edge of the bronze table a little while maintaining an unperturbed expression.

That's... one of Mr. Fool's habits... The sight caused the Tarot Club to freeze. Compared to everything else, it was a small piece of evidence, but somehow infinitely more damning.

Noticing the reaction, Bernadette raised an eyebrow in their direction.

Alger frowned at this and was quick to come up with a retort. "Zhou Mingrui is abnormally calm. Nobody should be such a good actor without prior experience. This must be due to Mr. Fool controlling him!"

...Ugh... Even to Alger, that argument sounded like he was just trying to convince himself. I remember thinking that Mr. Fool looked very menacing at this time, as if this type of question was completely below 'Him'... was this what actually happened? Wait, of course not! Why am I treating Zhou Mingrui as if he's actually-

His focus was broken by Emlyn's laughter, which was slightly more shrill than usual. "Exactly! Heh, we won't be fooled by something like this!"