
Execrable Salvation

"Ye who acts righteousness will suffer greatly, only thee who cunningly wise will prevail," mutters Arnel as he stood on top of the mountains of human corpses. knowing the world he lived in is a brutal and unforgiving world for the naive and weak, he discarded his old self and become a person who is driven to survive by any means. even by taking advantage of others to suit his goals. "I will survive... even in this wretched world, I will survive..."

Rinal_Cruz · 奇幻
21 Chs

Episode 5


[just what the hell happened earlier? Why did the wretched Sola suddenly acted strangely kind like that? Not only she didn't forced herself to me like she usually does, she passionately make love rather than her abusive sex intercourse like always does before. Not only that, she isn't smell like does usually. Its shivers me just to recall how odd it was earlier…] (Arnel)

(open door)

"Arne!" (Naiah)

(quickly hug!)

"N-Naiah…?" (Arnel)

"Are you alright?! Did she beat you again?!" (Naiah)

"N-no… or rather… its weird that she didn't…" (Arnel)

"…. But she "touch" you again, didn't she…?" (Naiah)

[I had no comment on that… all the people in the orphanage knew that I was Sola's favorite toy, that's no secret. In fact, it was worse before. Sola and peoples like her as well as the director treated the orphans as their own personal slaves to do all their biddings and such without mercy. But since Sola had set her eyes on me, our dormitory has become much safer for the other orphans compare to the other ones within this orphanage.] (Arnel)

"We should get out from this place as fast as we can… I can't bare you to be used as that vile woman's pleasure toy any longer…" (Naiah)

"That… I'm most agreed upon." (Arnel)

(close door)

(head to the bed)

"But we still need more money for us to survive outside. So, if it requires me to make such sacrifice, I'll be willing to do it nonetheless..." (Arnel)

(lay on bed together)

"…. This happens because of me, isn't…?" (Naiah)

(place head on chest)

"If I wasn't here, you won't have to suffer this much and get married with big sis Char-…" (Naiah)

"No. This is my own choice. You should never blame yourself for what I had decided on, Naiah." (Arnel)

(pull head back!)

"B-but-…?!" (Naiah)

(place index finger on lip)

"You love me, don't you, Naiah?" (Arnel)

(cheeks turning pink)

"…. No fair… you always do this… no fair…" (Naiah)

(slowly put head on chest)

"For you, I will even cast my dignity aside, Naiah. You are my precious person…" (Arnel)

"T-then…" (Naiah)

(slowly wakes up)


"What are you doing?" (Arnel)

"T-that… make love…" (Naiah)

(close eyes, chuckles)

"W-why are you laughing?! A-am I not to your liking?!" (Naiah)

(flustering badly!)

"That's not it. You're cute. You really are." (Arnel)

"T-then…" (Naiah)

"I'm a dirty man, Naiah… this body has been defiled many times without my consideration." (Arnel)

"But still! I want my first with you, Arne! Only you!" (Naiah)

(grab fists tightly)

[This girl is really pure, isn't she… for her to had such resolve within her, makes consciousness bleeds in agony for tricking her like this. For me, all the kind treatment that I had give her is a means to an end, for my own self importance. But for the sake of my goals, she must remain pure until the time comes… I really am a selfish bastard.] (Arnel)


"Put you clothes back on. Aren't you cold?" (Arnel)

"… okay…" (Naiah)

(put on clothes)

(lay down)

(embrace one another gently)

"Say. This reminds me how we warm ourself a year ago when winter arrived." (Arnel)

"…. Yea… you almost died that time…" (Naiah)

[For a person who never had gone through a harsh winter, it is a hellish life and death experience for me. Thank goodness Naiah helped and stayed beside me every night that time. With little we had, its unbelivable how I survived the winter.] (Arnel)

(squeezed tightly)


"A-ah?!" (Naiah)

"Shit, did I hurt you?" (Arnel)

"…no… I-I got surprised, that's all…" (Naiah)

"If you want me to let-…" (Arnel)

"No! Its fine just like this!" (Naiah)

"….. Okay…? Well, then. Good night, Naiah." (Arnel)

(kiss forehead)

"….. Goodnight, Arne…" (Naiah)



(a week after)

(both silently looking at the bag filled with gold coins)

"... i-I still can't believe that all of this is ours…." (Charlotte)

[yup. Inside that bag are at least thirty gold coins. This is the winning amount that Charlotte got from the coliseum battle betting. Although the Black Market Betting Association had already deducted a third of the winnings, this is not a meager sum.] (Arnel)

"I-If anyone finds out we had this kinds of money, we can kiss our lives goodbye… s-should we ran away…? T-the Black Marker guys won't be coming for us, won't they…?" (Charlotte)

"No. They won't do so for this tiny sum. So calm down, alright?" (Arnel)

[twenty gold coins is nothing for the Black Market Betting Association to bat an eye on since they had already take their share of the winnings with the protection fee. Not to mention that they took great pride on their selves in doing business professionally. That's why I choose them in the first place rather than go to the legal ways to begin with.] (Arnel)

"As I promised, I will only take twelve gold coins. The rest is yours." (Arnel)

"Wait, what?! That's less than half of the amount in the bag! I-I only did the small stuff, its your money, all of it!" (Charlotte)

"Calm down, alright…?" (Arnel)

"How can I calm down?! Have you see how much money we gather-…?" (Charlotte)

(slowly opens)

"B-big sis…? Wh-what is going on…? Why are you fighting with big bro…?" (Cal)

[I had a feeling that he's going to come here because of Charlotte's shouts. ] (Arnel)

"See?" (Arnel)

"….. I-its fine, Cal… we are just talking about adult stuff…" (Charlotte)

"R-really…?" (Cal)

"Y-yes of course! Aren't we, Arne…?" (Charlotte)

(her eyes screams "help me")

"*sigh… yea. Now, aren't you were playing with Naiah just now?" (Arnel)

"Ah, right! Don't fight, alright~….!" (Cal)

(quickly leaves)

(door closed)

"*sigh…!" (Charlotte)

"Told you to calm down, didn't I?" (Arnel)

"Yea. Sorry for being such an idiot. But still… I can't accept the sum you told me earlier. Didn't we agreed that we both split the winnings fifty-fifty in the first place?" (Charlotte)

"I can't. I've already told you about the peoples within the orphanage, didn't I?" (Arnel)

"You did. Now that you mentioned them, why did you go this far to procure such large sum of money. As if you wanted to ran away-… wait, is that it?!" (Charlotte)

"You right. I want to leave the capital along with Naiah." (Arnel)

"….. But why…? Can't you just come and live with us? Why go that far?" (Charlotte)

"There are things that I know off but I can't share it with you. But all I can say is that we need to leave this country before winter comes." (Arnel)


"W-what… that early?! Then…?" (Charlotte)

"I had planned to leave the capital next week after getting Naiah's legal papers from the director." (Arnel)

(place both hands on table)

"You know, I'm started to get really pissed at you right now, Arnel… if I didn't find out about it, you won't going to tell me, will you…?" (Charlotte)

"….. I have no words to rebuke that…" (Arnel)

"You son of a-…? Bastard!" (Charlotte)


[I deserved that…] (Arnel)

(in the same moment outside the room)

"T-they are fighting again… I'm scared, big sis Naiah… they never do this before…" (Callum)

(hug tightly while shuddering)

(gently pat head)



"You fucking… ghaa!" (Charlotte)

(let go)

"Just why did you want to run in the first place!? Did the bastards in that blasted orphanage threaten your life!?" (Charlotte)

[well. She's not wrong about that… seeing how Sola's sent his henchmen to watch me around in recent days, she must been planning to hold me against my will within the orphanage. I know this because I just found out that she's started to behave strangely right after she knew I had received my letter of approval to leave the orphanage from the director a week ago...] (Arnel)

"Why not report them to the authorities!? If they really threaten you to stay, I will help you to bring them to justice!" (Charlotte)

"Justice? Justice mean shit in this place, you know that better than me." (Arnel)

[All the authorities are corrupt, as was written in the novel. If they can help, I already went to them from early on and not suffer such deploring and disgusting way of life.] (Arnel)

"... but still… why can't you just stay…? I can promise you a better life along with Naiah. Going away is just…" (Charlotte)


(slowly approach)

"I'm sorry, but this is the only way. And you, along with Cal should leave the capital as well." (Arnel)

"How can I leave…? This is the only place of our late parents left us…? And did you not see Cal's conditions? He cannot travel far with his health…" (Charlotte)

"That may be the case. But will you still stay after I told you that this kingdom will fall into ruin two years from now?" (Arnel)

"Wha…?" (Charlotte)

"This may be a bit of a nonsense for you to hear, but I can see the future." (Arnel)

[I hope I don't need to say this to anyone, but after what Charlotte has done for me, its the least I can give her. But its up to her if she will believe my words or not…] (Arnel)