
Evolution Tree

Tenki, a brillant scientist, suddenly woke up in Naruto as a Hyuga. As he realized where he was a screen appeared in front of him. [Byakugan] • 359° vision • The ability to see through objects • The ability to see chakra and the chakra pathway system

CrimsonCodex · 漫画同人
3 Chs

Chapter Three : Gentle Fist

Age Four

It has been four years since my birth and today officially begins my clan training. Nehai discovered that I could use chakra yesterday so today i'm starting my training.

I already started my physical training by doing 5 sets of 15 push up, 5 sets of 10 sit-ups, ten minute planks and a 700 meter run every day since i got chakra.

Thanks to this my physical energy is already almost genin level,which i know thanks to my training the Byakugan everyday since I got it,which is basically keeping it activated for as long as possibile, that made my range increase from 100 meters to 300, which made me able to see a few Hyuga genins.

I can't wait to start training in the gentle fist.

Nehai finally arrived to bring me to the training courtyard. He said "Today you'll start training in the gentle fist, it is the strongest taijutsu style in Konoha, be sure to practice hard" to which I nodded. He then brought me to the clan training grounds where an old jonin was waiting with other children. He was the First Elder, he's in charge of training the kids in the hyuga clan, his name was Hanatetsu.

He started the lesson saying "Alright today we'll start with the theory of the gentle fist and physical training to make sure your body is strong enough to use the gentle fist. The conditions to use the gentle fist are very high and unless you want to die because you weren't strong enough to hit your enemy, you WILL not slack off during your training".

He then started to explain the gentle fist "The Gentle Fist is a form of hand-to-hand combat that inflicts internal damage through attacking the body's Chakra Pathway System, subsequently injuring organs which are closely intertwined with the area of the network which has been struck. To do this, the user surgically injects a certain amount of their own chakra into the opponent's chakra pathway system, causing damage to surrounding organs due to their proximity to the chakra circulatory system. Even the slightest tap can cause severe internal damage, hence the name "gentle" fist.

By employing the use of the Byakugan they can target the tenketsu, thus enhancing the havoc and control a Gentle Fist practitioner can impose upon an opponent's chakra network. These 361 nodes are key gate-keeping interceptions in the chakra circulatory network, thus forcibly opening or sealing them in whatever manner the Gentle Fist user sees fit, is a powerful tactical option to have. The affected person's chakra flow can either be increased or disrupted completely, preventing them from using techniques.

Also any chakra-based substance can be destroyed by this technique, it is done by leaking chakra from the chakra openings in one's hands and moulding it into a needle-like shape to slice through the chakra.

Users can emit chakra from any tenketsu, making binding them with chakra-based substance impossible.

Because the chakra pathway system is invisible to the naked eye, the Byakugan is required for most techniques of this style. The Byakugan is the special dōjutsu of our clan it give us near-360 field of vision around ourselves, the ability to see through walls, peer underground or even examine the contents of a person's body. It can also make us see chakra and its pathway system including all 361Tenketsu. The ability to inflict severe internal trauma with minimal external force, combined with chakra network manipulation, makes the Gentle Fist the most reputable and fearsome taijutsu style known in all of Konohagakure".

"Today I'm going to teach you the Palm Heel Strike it is the first technique of the gentle fist. It is a quick precise thrust of your palm to the opponent's body, the attack sends chakra in the area of the foe where struck to either stun them or if you use more chakra cause severe internal damage, now i'm going to demonstrate the technique, activate your Byakugan if you can to see how i expel the chakra".

He then proceded to use the technique on a prepared dummy, I immediately activated the Byakugan, when he hit the dummy on the stomach area it exploded because of the chakra.

He said "Now i want all of you try to do it on a dummy, don't worry about failing i'm here to teach you."

I immediately went to a dummy and tried to do it but I coudn't expel the chakra fast enough, when I hit it the chakra reached it a few moments later and dissipated in the air. I tried again but this time I already had the chakra near my hand and did do it but it didn't feel right and it wasn't like the elder's.

Hanatetsu came in front of me and said " You're trying to prepare it before you expel the chakra, it's not dangerous by itself but it's a bad habit. You can't just prepare it in advance you have to do it immediately, an enemy could kill you before you're ready to use the technique. I see you have good chakra control, you probably already know how to walk on water, it helps but it's the speed you're releasing the chakra that's important. You can only keep practicing and eventually be able to do it fast enough".

'I did in fact know how to walk on water, and the other chakra control exercises, but how does he know that'.

He suddenly said"I know you can walk on water because of your ease in moving chakra, only those who can walk on water can do that or those that have a small chakra capacity, and you don't have that in fact you have almost genin level reserves".

'How the fuck did he know what i was thinking'

"Your expression, body language can reveal a lot of what you're thinking, don't worry you'll learn to hide it".

'Ok gonna need to learn how to hide it, it could expose a lot of my plans if people could just know what i'm thinking about. Anyway I better go back to practicing the Palm Heel Strike'.