
Learning, Testing, & Blood

I sit with my head propped up against the wall of the morgue. The main reason I came back to the morgue was to go back alone, but I started thinking of alternatives.

'It's tempting to just go to the Blood Bank across the street; there are probably hundreds of more blood bags there.'

However, the more I think about it, the more I realize that I don't know enough about the situation at the Blood Bank. Maybe, in the future, I can go ahead and steal everything before it goes bad, but only after I finish forging.

I glance at Bryan, who hasn't spoken in days, 'I do have some ideas on how I could use him, though. Anyway, let's just hit the hospital storage first.'

Regaining my awareness, I look around the room to find that, other than Bryan, I seem to be alone, so I stand and begin to walk away quietly. Due to the smell of the exploded body, I moved all the humans, excluding Bryan into the storeroom. All of them are sleeping on old sheets and whatever else was in the storeroom. I put Eden in charge of taking care of them. Of all the people here, Eden is probably the most normal. Well, when it comes to some things, she still doesn't make many facial expressions.

Hearing someone walk up behind me, I stop, "Are you planning something? You are scheming something, aren't you?"

I smile and stare off into a corner, "Good afternoon, Aponi. I'm not planning to do anything to any civilians rest assured."

"Yeah, strange choice of words. Well, whatever it is, I'm not going to stop you." Aponi replies.

I turn and gaze at Aponi with surprise, "You aren't?"

"Ha! I knew it! You are planning something." Aponi cries.

Aponi reaches for me, and I take a step back.

I laugh, "Hehe, gotta be quicker than that if you want to catch me."

Aponi sighs, "Yeah, I think everyone realizes that by now. But for real. I'm not going to stop you."

"May I ask why?"

"I've realized that if I try to stop you, you'll just do things in secret. I'd rather just help you and give you my input as you go."

"Oh? Is that the only reason?" I ask with suspicion.

Aponi's expression changes slightly, "Well, I've had some odd dreams lately… and I've come to realize I can't fight what I am now. So my choices are suicide or embracing it. I already decided I didn't want to die. I've got things I want to do. I have a strong urge to help."

I smile and move closer to Aponi, "Okay, then. I want your help right this second."

I grab Aponi's hand and drag her toward the exploded corpse. I yank open the rack exposing the green gooey mess—the thick, stale air washes over my face giving the feeling of being hit by a cloud of mist. The smell follows immediately, and I suppress the tears welling up in my eyes.

"I want you to absorb this body. The smell is horrifyingly bad, and you could use the practice." I say with a grin.

Aponi's face turns green, and she gags, "Is this about that ability you told me about?"

I nod and extend my nail and cut Aponi's palm. She flinches and stares at the thin line of blood growing on her palm.

"Now, absorb this smell away," I command.

She looks between me and the corpse, "I don't know what to do."

I stop to think for a moment, "Hmm, just focus on the spot between and behind your eyes."

"Eira, what the hell does between and behind mean?"

"I'm glad you asked," I reply

I motion for Aponi to come closer. When she gets close, I poke her hard between the eyebrows.

"Now focus on that pain and figure it out. Keep in mind it could be different; that's just how it works for me."

Aponi rubs her forehead, "God, that hurt. It feels like you could poke through a block of concrete."

"Maybe, I haven't tried. I can test it on you if you want, though."

"No! That's fine. I'll see what I can do about this before I vomit." Aponi says quickly.

"Good. Ask Eden if you need any more help."

I wave and walk away before the smell gives me a headache leaving Aponi to figure out her talent. I slip out of the morgue and make my way back to Pathology.

When I'm about halfway, I slide into a corner, lower my hood, and tap the flower in my hair. It glows for a moment, and suddenly the top hat is back on my head.

'Ah, I love the way this thing looks, but let's test its ability.'

I focus on injecting mana into the hat, and it lights up with a very faint blue glow.

'Uh, is it working? I think it's working?'

Hearing someone coming, I walk out from the corner with my hood still down. It's a group of three old ladies chatting about recent events, which is pretty much what everyone talks about here.

"I voted for President McCracken, and now I regret it."

"Tell me about it! How can he keep us here! I'm old, but that doesn't mean I'm ready to die."

Suddenly one of the women stops, "Shut up, Hillary. Look over there!"

The woman points at me, and the other two turn their heads in my direction.


"So cute!"

The three old ladies charge toward me at a pace that defies their age.

"Oh my gosh! I love your green eyes; they are so pretty!"

"Green? They are clearly blue, and your blonde hair is so perfect!" Another one of the women squeals.

"Blonde? I thought she was brunette?" the last woman says. "Wait, no. I guess she is blonde…"

I raise an eyebrow, but force a grin and chuckle, "You are all far too kind! Thank you for the compliments!" I reply happily.

'So it seems they just see what they think they should see? It also seems like someone's perception changes depending on other's words and observations.'

I give the three ladies an awkward look and stare at the floor.

"What's wrong, sweetie?"

I play with my earlobe and make myself look pitiful, "Well, my sister made fun of my skin and ears. She said I was pale, and my ears were too long. It made me sad."

"Oh, dear. Your ears are so small and cute, and your skin is perfectly tan." One of the women says.

"I agree your ears are small and cute, but she's definitely not very tan." Another of the women asserts

"Ye-yeah? Maybe, you're right. Either way, she's cute!"

The woman reaches for my head. I watch as her hand phases through the top hat, and she runs her fingers through my hair.

"Your hair is so soft!" The lady exclaims.

"Thank you! But I need to be getting back now. Maybe I'll see you again someday."

"Yes, sweetie. We're in a tent near the food carts. Come find us some time."

"Yes, will do granny," I declare while walking away.

"Granny? I'm not that old, am I?"

"Yeah, you're older!"

The three old ladies laugh as I turn the corner.

I walk past a window and study my reflection, 'So the top hat doesn't actually change my appearance. It just makes people think I look different than I actually do. Well, that makes sense. It's called the Master of Deception for a reason. I should be careful there are probably a few weaknesses involved with an effect like this.'

With that thought, I return to the area Sam and I were scouting earlier. The Blood storage room is quiet, and most people have left to get in line at the dinner stalls before sundown.

I stop at the door, 'Okay, if things go how I hope great! If things start going south, then I'll deal with it. If they fire on me immediately, my shield will block it, and I'll disappear before they realize.'

I walk up to the blood stockroom door and take a deep breath before knocking loudly.

Taking on the attitude of a naive girl, I shout, "Hello, anyone in there! I've really gotta go!"

I toss open the door and hear the sounds of rapid movements and the sound of weapons being prepped. I gaze around the room and find six heavily outfitted soldiers with their guns at the ready.

I gasp and take a step back, "I-I'm sorry. Is this not the bathroom?"

"Hands up! Hands up!" One of them yells.

The soldiers start communicating on their walkie-talkies.

I put up my hands and ignore the conversation over the walkie-talkie. Instead, I start gathering the information I want, 'Two near the back left corner, two in the middle of the room, and two near the back right corner although not as far as the first group. The back wall seems to be where all the refrigeration is for the blood. I'll just need to avoid that area.'

"I'm sorry I'll just leave now!" I say as I turn around.

"Girl, don't move a damn muscle!"

I stop.

"What were you trying to do just now?"

"I thought this was the bathroom."

"Does she fit the description?" One person asks.

One man looks into a scope that is pointed at me and shows some concern.

"No, she's the right height, but nothing else seems right. Except for her body temp, which seems low."

"Huh? Let me see."

The man looks into it and frowns, "Damn, all of you new boots are worthless. Don't even know how to read a damn infrared scope. She's fine."

"But sir! Her… wait now, it looks normal? I coulda swore it was showing up cold earlier."

I tilt my head, and a bead of sweat drops from my neck, 'Body temp? Oh, I didn't think about them checking that, but it seems like Mr.Top Hat has me covered.'

"She's obviously not her. Listen, the bathroom's down the hall to the left. Go."

"Thank you, Mister," I reply cheerfully before closing the door and running off.

However, I don't go far. I circle back and enter a room next to the blood storage. The room is full of filing cabinets along with loose furniture that looks to have been taken from the halls and placed in here to make more room. I deactivate the top hat and put it back into its passive flower state.

I check my mana, finding the top hat seems to use something like a point of mana a minute. Not very efficient until the world's mana levels rise higher.

Having made my way to this room, I switch off the lights and move toward the wall that faces the room of soldiers.

'Let's see. Two around here, two around here, and two around here.'

I extend my nail and make several small marks in each location.

'This is going to take a while.'

At the first point, I dig my nails into the wall as silently as possible, swiveling my hand back and forth. My nails drill deeper and deeper into the wall. Once I get about what I guess is around the halfway point, I stop. Over the next few hours, I continue this going from hole to hole until I've made around twenty holes. I got back to each hole and then widen them all to around half an inch. Finally, I make one last go around and fill each hole with blood sealing off the ends to keep the blood from flowing out.

I step back and admire my work. I step back and take out the mana pulse earring. I pool some blood on the ground and place the earring in the pool. I stare at the crack beneath the door, watching the hall lights flicker and hearing the panicked voices of the people outside. Finally, when the lights turn off, I remove the earring and look back at the wall.

I snap my finger, "Blood Spikes." I whisper.

The sound of the wall cracking and breaking of objects echoes. Combined with a few quick yelps of pain.

[7 Essence Acquired]

[8 Essence Acquired]

[7 Essence Acquired]

[6 Essence Acquired]

[8 Essence Acquired]

'I missed one?'

I move to the wall and place my ear against it. Hearing the faint sounds of labored breathing just on the other side, I tap the wall checking for any studs. Not hearing anything odd, I extend my claws and stretch my arm back. With all the force I can muster, I slam my hand into the drywall.

Coming into contact with flesh, I pull it back, sending chunks of drywall flying. The wall quickly crumbles under the force of the army soldier being pulled through. Once my vision settles on his neck, I dig my fangs into it. A moment later, his labored breathing stops.

[9 Essence Acquired]

The sweet and savory taste of blood feels my nose and senses causing me to shiver in pleasure.

'Now, this is what blood should taste like. I'd rate this around a four. I wonder what blood type this person was?'

I stare at the corpses and sigh, "I should probably take them. Leaving bodies has really screwed me in the past. I might be able to salvage a couple of these corpses. Normally corpses like these are way too damaged to get any blood out of."

I store the corpses and amazingly all, but the last one fits. I drop some snacks on the floor to make room and run to the refrigerators, quickly opening them. I end up finding a few packs of platelets, some plasma, and finally, around sixty units of red blood cells. Deciding to take them all, I again press the flower, turning it into a top hat. I drop the hat on the ground and begin tossing blood bags into it.

'This was one of the additional features mentioned while using <Analyze>. The hat has a small storage capacity along with the requirement that whatever you store has to be able to fit through the hats opening.'

I start filling up the top hat until all the blood packs have been stored away. I return to my snack pile and begin tossing them into the top hat as well. Until I eventually run out of room in the top hat.

I activate the top hat's active ability. I look down at my feet, finding little bloody footprints all over the floor. I frown and walk up to a blanket one of the soldiers had been using and wipe my feet on it. I glance back at the destroyed wall, footprints, and snacks that are soaking up the bloody puddles.

I sigh, and exit the room, "Well, they'll definitely know it was me, I guess."

Happy with my haul, I skip down the hallway back toward the morgue—the lights flicker back on as I enter the stairwell.

Reminder: next chapter will be Tuesday.

Tilted_Axiscreators' thoughts