

~ The Next Day ~

I hardly slept at all last night, yet I feel perfectly rested! I still don't have any clothes that fit me properly, so I've just been wearing one of my old t-shirts around.

My cell phone has nearly a dozen missed calls from work. I did think about trying to disguise my voice and claiming I was sick, but what's the point? I have to make preparations and to do that I can't stay here for very long anyway. But, now that I think about it, I never did send those emails or prepare postage like I told Akari I would.

'Oh well, that's not important anymore!'

Today I have set three goals for myself to complete the systems side task, experiment with my talent, and to quench my thirst.

'Let's start with completing the systems side task.'

[Side Task: New Clothes

Task Objective:

1) Buy seven changes worth of cute clothes. Must be outfits appropriate for your new form (skirts, panties, bras, etc.).

Task Reward: Storage Ring

Failure: N/A]

'I want that storage ring, and also, I'm a little uncomfortable walking around in ill-fitting clothes.'

Glancing at the clock, it shows 10:00 AM.

'I think this should be a slow time for most stores.'

Taking out a new pair of pants and a shirt, I use my claws to cut it to a size I can manage. I then slip on the same coat and sunglasses from yesterday.

Stepping outside, I feel the intense and uncomfortable sunshine. Although vampires don't spontaneously combust when in sunlight, it still feels unpleasant.

'I'll have to make sure whatever clothes I get can cover as much skin as possible.'

At this time of day, there are far fewer people walking around casually on the street. That said, I still receive a lot of stares while making my way to the store.

Quickly I enter the first clothing store that comes into view. Behind the counter are two female employees, the one on the left is tall and of average appearance while the one on the right is short and slightly above average.

'As I hoped, no one else is in the store right now.'

Seeing me walk in, the two women turn their gaze toward me.

With a smirk, the tall woman looks at me, "Little girl, does your dad know you're wearing his clothes in public?"

"Kanna, don't be so rude this girl is a customer."

"Himari, this girl clearly doesn't have any money, or she wouldn't dress like that."

Annoyed, I look at the short girl, supposedly named Himari. Taking out some money, I hold it in the air.

"Miss Himari, I have money. See look! But can you please help me pick out some clothes? I don't know my size or anything."

Looking over at the girl I assume is named Kanna, she sneers at me and walks away.

'What the hell is her problem?'

"Can I ask what you are looking for?"

"I need several different outfits. I want them to cover as much skin as possible, and, uh, they need to be cute..." my face turns hot.

Himari looks at me with a smile.

"Of course. Doesn't every girl want to feel cute?"

Breaking eye contact with Hamari, I stare at the ground and quickly follow her to the women's clothing section.

"I hope Kanna didn't leave to bad an impression. She's usually very good with customers."

I glance at Himari, "Don't worry, Miss Himari. It doesn't bother me!"

After that, I tried on several different dresses, skirts, and whatnot. Himari thought it was strange that I wouldn't take off my coat or sunglasses, but I convinced her to take my measurements while wearing them. She was actually able to infer my size accurately, and all the outfits fit quite well.

As for the undergarments, after Himari sized me at a B-cup, I wasn't sure what the system considered "cute," so I picked out a lot of underwear with little bows or animals on them.

'No one can see them anyway.'

I was also able to get a few smaller coats and an umbrella to block the sun. Looking in the dressing room mirror, I see the most beautiful little girl I've ever seen. Glistening white hair, perfect small features, long charming ears...have I always been this egotistical?

'I blame the inheritance. Yeah. Let's blame that.'

Currently, I am wearing a blue dress that runs just below my knees, a pair of white knee-high stockings, a pair of long dark blue gloves that run just up past my elbows, and then a pair of dark blue flats. Unfortunately, I still have to wear a coat over it. In the future, I hope to find a better way to hide my ears.

'I feel a little exposed? Also, there's a weird draft in a place there were never drafts before...'

Walking out of the dressing room, I pay and say goodbye to Himari.

Just as I leave the store, a strong wind blows and picks up my dress. Unconsciously, an abrupt girly scream leaves my mouth as I cover my newly purchased underwear that is covered in little pictures of kittens. Immediately I start turning my head to make sure no one saw.

'I am so glad no one was around to see that.'

Feeling a pair of eyes, I glance behind me to see Kanna smirking and waving. Embarrassed, I purse my lips and hastily leave the area.


[Side Task: New Clothes - Complete]

With the familiar voice of the system, a simple ring appears on my right hand.

I look at the ring, and in my heart, say the word "Analyze."

{Name: Simple Storage Ring

Grade: B

Details: An inconspicuous ring that uses space magic to store a limited number of items. Cannot store living things.}

'Grade B is pretty good; this must be a decent storage ring.'

The grades for items run from F- all the way to SSS. SSS items are extraordinarily rare, while F- is basically garbage.

For example, <Analyze>.

{Name: Chewing Gum **Used**

Grade: F-

Details: A common substance meant to be chewed but not swallowed. It's used.}

With that, I turn my attention back to my new ring.

'This ring is going to be very useful. I'll walk into the alley behind the stores and put everything away. I can also work on implementing my idea.'

I make my way into the alley behind the store. Holding out my right hand and with a simple thought, the newly purchased clothing disappears.

'So convenient. Okay, first, let's pull up my <Paranormal> talent and read through it a bit.'

Bringing up my status menu, I use <Analyze>.

{Name: Paranormal

Grade: S

Details: A talent that allows its user to create or cause paranormal events. It utilizes the mental strength of its users. This talent can have a heavy burden on its user; however, if the user utilizes a belief within the public consciousness, the burden can be reduced.}

Last night when I couldn't sleep, I got clarification from the system about what it meant by public consciousness. To summarize, it means if an idea or belief is popular among the public, it'll reduce the burden <Paranormal> has on my mind. In other words using already existent urban legends, creatures, myths, etc. causes less strain than trying to use one I made up.

Although it's an S class ability, it's very limited for my current self. I'm far from being able to use it to its full extent. At most, I can use it on a single person, and that's only if I use something well known within the public consciousness.

In the long term, it would be better for me to master my blood magic, but <Paranormal> will still have many interesting uses.

Not to mention mastering this ability is personal. I've long since realized this ability is what killed Robert's foster parents and ruined his childhood. Although my attachment to his past has greatly lessened since the inheritance ceremony, I still can't help but feel this is important to my moving on.


Also last night the system and I talked about another thing, namely blood, and essence.

'System, is this really the best way to go about things?'

[This system has found it to be the current most efficient way to gather blood and essence. Until the Earth reconnects with the cosmic mana stream, this method is optimal. Unless the Host wishes, there is also the squirrel idea.]

"No! No squirrels, that was a stupid idea!" I inadvertently shout.

The only real way to get those two things is by hunting something, and nonmagical animals like cats and dogs, have low quantity and quality of blood, and you may not get a single essence from them. That just leaves one other animal that is practical and accessible in a city. I don't plan to hesitate, would a lion hesitate to hunt a gazelle? No, I don't think they would.

As for if I can do it, with some of Callista's memories, death and killing have lost much of it's meaning to me; after all, god's witness much in their long lifetimes...

I scout the area around the shopping district and eventually locate an isolated and quiet street. I find a fire escape that runs along one of the older buildings, and I begin to keep an eye on pedestrian traffic.

After watching for a while, I continue to look over my status and decide to practice with my talent. As a test, I try and summon a jackalope, which is basically just a hare with antlers.

I concentrate, and a slight wave of exhaustion hits me. Suddenly a gray mist begins to condense into the shape of a small animal. After a few more moments, a little hare with antlers appears and jumps into my arms.

I giggle and hold the little jackalope high in the air, "Hehe, so cute."

For a short while, I played with the jackalope before I remembered I should save my mental strength.

'If only I could keep you...'

Stopping my talent, the jackalope disappears into a gray mist, a while later night falls over the city. I sit quietly watching over the street with a low breath. For hours, I watch motionlessly waiting for a good opportunity. Finally, I noticed a familiar girl walking down the tranquil abandoned street.

In an effort to continuously improve this novel and make it more enjoyable, this chapter was edited on 3/19/20.

Tilted_Axiscreators' thoughts