

It hasn't been heard of in centuries He never expected to have another mate Having always wished for a mate, Gianna Walt finally gets what she has been wishing for but she didn't expect him to be Alpha Vladimir of Crest fall pack. Alpha Vladimir of Crest fall pack didn't expect to have a second mate after the tragic death of his first mate and unborn child. So when he begrudgingly goes to the Moon child pack for the soon-to-be Alpha's wedding and meets his second chance mate, he is determined to have her as the Luna of his pack and nothing more. With the mystery surrounding the death of his first mate and a mistake of a drunken night, would his plan of keeping her at arm's length succeed or would she fight to mean something more to him?

Hannie305 · 奇幻言情
27 Chs


Please would you all excuse me" I said to Carlos, Lily, Vladimir and the other guy who I'm guessing was Vladimir's beta before I turned and walked away without waiting for his response or what anyone had to say feeling his eyes on me as I left.

All that kept running through my mind was that I'd found my mate and he was none other than Alpha Vladimir of Crest Fall pack one of the strongest Alpha if not the strongest in America and he was known for being ruthless, cold, fiercely aggressive and arrogant, he had a bad reputation and yet he was still respected, admired and feared all at the same time but no one blamed him a man who could survive losing his mate and unborn child well let's just say he was never the same again and now I was mated to him.

Everyone knew that he had loved his mate Selena they had been childhood friends just like Liv and me. The perfect couple. I couldn't possibly compete with that I didn't even want to have to compete with that. I didn't.

I quickened my pace to the pack house not bothering to talk to those who were trying to gain my attention and also trying not to hit anyone in my haste to get to my room. I would have to apologize to them later but right now I could care less what they thought of me I had bigger things on my mind.

I was on the brink of tears and my father had always said to us that we shouldn't let anyone see us cry, or show unnecessary emotions as it was a sign of weakness.

I knew that I was losing control of my emotions, I could practically feel my eyes changing from my original blue to brown and red, I was angry at fate and I didn't want anyone to see me like this.

My wolf wasn't making it easy to get away seeing as she wanted to stay with Vladimir. The mate bond was already working; it was trying to force us together. I wondered if he felt the pull too.

Immediately I closed my bedroom door behind me I burst into tears I crawled to my bed and couldn't stop my tears from falling. I had always wanted what my parents had what Liv had with Jacob what my brother and Lily shared even though they had been together for nine years it was as if they just met, but I could see those dreams shatter.

I didn't want to be mated to him.

The door opened and Liv came inside she was saying something but stopped when she saw me. She sat on my bed beside me and I immediately threw myself in her arms as a new wave of tears ran down my cheeks. I didn't know why I was crying this much I should be happy that I found him and that he wasn't dead even if he is Vladimir.

"Why is this happening too" I couldn't even finish my sentence when I started crying again. All I wanted was to be happy was that too much to ask? She pulled me to look at her.

"Hey what happened I'm here okay? Gigi, you can talk to me" she said wiping my tears that continued to fall. Liv sat there hugging me till I calmed down enough to talk to her. I was sure she was confused and extremely worried because the only time she had ever seen me cry was when we had all thought that Carlos had died.

"Carlos told me to come check on you because you left as if someone was chasing you "

"I found my mate ". I said trying to stop the tears that threatened to fall at the thought of him.

"That's great Gigi you've always wanted that". She started smiling but stopped confused as to why I was crying since that was great news.

"It's Alpha Vladimir of Crest fall pack". Just saying his name made me want to cry again.

She pulled me back into a hug and just like that she understood my worries.


After Liv had managed to calm me down, we reapplied our makeup before heading back to the party. I didn't want Carlos to think that something was wrong and come looking for me considering the amount of time I had taken to bawl my eyes out.

God, I was exhausted who knew crying could be this exhausting?

I knew that after the reception Vladimir was going to meet my parents and they'll go through all the formalities needed and probably by tomorrow or next I'll be going with him to his pack. That was if he even meets with my parents.

Even though I always knew that I would have to leave my pack to start a new life with my mate in his pack I was still sad to go even more so considering the situation with Vladimir.

I signed deeply I just had to get through the reception and then every other thing would fall into its place beside I was past caring now since fate couldn't give me the one thing that I've always wanted. I shook my head trying to stop my thoughts from going back to Vladimir who's to say I won't burst into tears right in front of everyone right now my control was on edge.

I plastered on a fake smile to avoid my parents or my brother noticing that something was wrong with me, wouldn't want to spoil his day because of my problems so I pushed all thoughts of Vladimir and whatever was going to happen tonight to the back of my mind and joined the conversation Liv has been trying to engage me in.

After the toast to the couple everyone could relax, dance, drink and mingle with each other. Throughout the whole thing even though against my better judgment I hadn't been able to stop staring at Vladimir.

He wasn't the kind of face you forget. He looked slightly different from when I had last seen him which was five years ago. He looked much more handsome and had a more serious look to him, unlike the carefree aura he had five years ago.

His hair which was styled to perfection was as dark as the night sky and you could get lost in his deep green eyes. He was built and had a good amount of muscle on him which could only have been gotten in a gym for a normal human but thanks to our metabolism we didn't need the gym. You could burn a lot of calories just by running in your wolf form.

He was all muscle and sinew and power but not in that over-the-top way where veins were popping out or anything. No, it was all sleek, smoothly shaped muscle made all the better by that golden tan.

I truly tried but I just couldn't stop myself from looking at him. I could easily blame it on the mate bond but I had to admit I was drawn to him who wouldn't? he was attractive. You could practically feel the power buzzing around him even if you weren't near him just looking at him alone. He wore authority like a second skin.

He didn't crack a smile even when some alphas came to speak to him and it was clear that they were cracking a joke but he just stared with his brooding green eyes and a scowl on his lips.

I do remember when his mate had died my brother had told me about it. I remembered feeling sad for him. Losing a mate was not an easy thing not to add to the fact that he also lost his child some people even went mad when they lose their mate but he remained sane and threw himself into building his pack into what it is today.

I admired his strength and determination so did half of the female guests present too. You couldn't really blame them he was eye candy.

My eye candy.

A split second later I realized just how possessive that thought was.

Throughout, different women and girls approached him some out rightly flirted with him while some did it shyly, and although he ignored all of them it still annoyed me. That's the thing about mates you get all possessive on them.

I didn't want any of them around him or to even talk to him not to talk of flirting with him.

My eyes had turned red more times than I could count this night and I almost crushed my champagne glass three times. My brother at one point had asked me if I was alright, I was almost crushing my third glass of champagne that night so I simply decided to stop drinking for the night Liv had dragged me to a secluded corner to talk me out of my raging jealousy as she so kindly put it.

I had sometimes caught him looking at me but immediately our eyes met he'll quickly look away. That at least appeased my wolf he was also affected by us and to be sincere I was also glad at that but it quickly changed to sadness when he'll scowl at me before turning away.

I was engaged in a conversation with Lily when Carlos came up to me and told me that we were going to my father's office to discuss something with Alpha Vladimir and I was to be there.

Immediately I knew it was time for what I'd been trying to avoid thinking about. I signed and left with Carlos I knew he wanted to ask me why I was needed in the office he was no fool I'm sure he already had an idea of what was going on but he wanted me to tell him.

"Spit it out already Car " a nickname I called him since we were kids which he hadn't liked at first but it grew on him.

He smiled "you know me too well "

"I've known you my whole life what did you expect, " I said.

He laughed before turning serious.

"Is he your mate? ". Always straight to the point.

"Yes, he is". I answered.

He nods before saying what was bothering him.

"But how I mean second chance mates haven't been heard of in like centuries I just don't get it, Gigi ".

"I also don't understand what's happening Car. I mean is this some kind of bad joke fate's playing on me" my voice broke towards the end of my statement.

He stopped walking and drew me close to hug me. "Hey don't cry Gianna everything's going to be fine okay " He only ever called me my full name when he was serious or angry.

"But nothing's going to be fine Car " I looked up to him and he wiped a tear that ran down my cheek.

"Nothing is going to be fine you know how much he loved his mate hell everyone knew, they were the perfect couple when she was still alive, He's not going to love me Car and that's the truth because no one ever truly forgets their mate and right now I don't even understand what we are to each other " He shook his head disagreeing with me.

"You don't know that Gigi I know no one truly forgets their mate but you are his mate now don't jump to conclusions".

"But I'm not jumping to any conclusion Car. If he cared about me one bit, he would have at least attempted to talk to me tonight but he didn't do that and he just scowled at me anytime we looked at each other so what exactly does that tell you Car, it sure as hell isn't the way mates are with each other. They are practically inseparable on first meeting". He signed

"Look if he doesn't realize what he has then that's only his problem. I mean who wouldn't love you you're funny, pretty, friendly and if Vladimir doesn't see that then that's his problem okay not yours".

I smiled at him because even though I knew that he was just saying these things to make me smile and feel better it did make me smile. That was Carlos for you he could make me feel better anytime. I was going to miss him so much Lily was really lucky to get my brother as her mate.

"Let's go I'm sure they are all waiting for us " I nodded and we continued towards the office.

Let's just get this done quickly.