
infos Magical Beast Ranking

Magical Beasts are ranked from 1 to 10, with 10 being the most powerful. There is no star ranking among the Magical Beasts. When a Magical Beast advances to the 5th rank they become able to speak human language, when they advance to the 6th or 7th rank they are able to change into human form in order to accelerate their Dou Qi Training.

this is comparison levels of Magical Beasts to cultivators, this is just levels and not power, a normal cultivator can't kill a same level Magical Beasts, it require a team to hunt theme:

Rank 1 Magical Beast is equivalent to a Dou Zhe - Dou Practitioner

Rank 2 Magical Beast is equivalent to a Dou Shi - Dou Master

Rank 3 Magical Beast is equivalent to a Da Dou Shi - Dou Grand Master

Rank 4 Magical Beast is equivalent to a Dou Ling - Dou Spirit

Rank 5 Magical Beast is equivalent to a Dou Wang - Dou King

Rank 6 Magical Beast is equivalent to a Dou Huang - Dou Emperor

Rank 7 Magical Beast is equivalent to a Dou Zong - Dou Ancestor

Rank 8 Magical Beast is equivalent to a Dou Zun - Dou Venerate

Rank 9 Magical Beast is equivalent to a Dou Sheng - Dou Saint

Rank 10 Magical Beast is equivalent to a Dou Di - Dou God