
Chapter 27 Return



As night had come and gone, the Heaven Breaking Sect, had woken from its slumber as most people began their daily activities. Some of the disciples on the other hand ascended the mountains and looked out for their Elders and their Sect Leader.

Last night sounds of battle echoed from the forest all the way to the sect, so the disciples knew that Beast King and their Masters had engaged in battle.

As if confirming this suspicion, multiple silhouettes could be seen traversing through the forests at high speeds, all of them severely injured.

"QUICKLY, RING THE BELLS THEY'RE BACK!" One of the Lesser Elders commanded before running down the mountain with some of the disciples. They quickly descended the mountain and helped the Elders up.

"What happened out there, and where's Sect Master Long Tian?" A Lesser Elder asked, as they trudged up the hill. "Pua! W-we, underestimated the Beast King, the Sect Master distracted it so that we could escape." One of the Great Elders replied, as the faces of the disciples turned ashen.

If they lost their Sect Master, that would be an almost unrecoverable loss. Long Tian was almost indomitable under the Earth Infusing Realm, the only man in the entire Flowing River Kingdom who could match him in power would probably be the Endless Hell Sect's Sect Master Yang Hong.

"Are you... are you sure?" They questioned in fear. ".....Yes, Sect Master Long Tian, is dead!" Supreme Elder Luo Feng declared, blood seeping from the corners of his mouth.

After this the disciples hurriedly brought the Elders to recover, disaster was bound to strike the Heaven Breaking Sect soon.

Unbeknownst to the family of the presumed victim, Long Lei was in his room managing his 20 something clones. 'The Silver Gauntlet technique seems to be at least a Bronze level technique, nearly even a Silver level technique.' He thought as he gazed at his clones who were practicing the technique.

Currently he had 2 goals, master the Silver Gauntlet technique, and then master Puppet Manufacturing, after that he'd resume his regular cultivation and then attempt to breakthrough his 5 Titans technique.

'At my current rate I should take about a day to master this technique. My comprehension is already pretty high along with the fact that I have 20 clones working on it, which is like 20x speed, I'll finish soon enough.' Long Lei planned out in his mind as a smile creeped onto his face.

As he continually inspected his clone's progress he couldn't help but look at the emerald green ring his father had given him. 'It seems he's still alive.' He thought while sighing with relief, that was, till suddenly he heard a loud noise coming from the sect.




Three rings sounded out as Long Lei rushed out of his room. This implied that there was an emergency, and considering the current mission most of the Senior members of the sect were just on, this could be detrimental.

As Long Lei, found himself at the edge of his families compound he could see the large amount of disciples gathering at the northernmost mountain. Soon even Qin Mei was next to Long Lei. "...No, please, no." Qin Mei cried out as she gazed at the crowd of people.

"What happened mother?" Long Lei asked, when suddenly he felt himself moving at extreme speeds. Qin Mei had hurriedly grabbed him and rushed towards the crowd.

Seeing how distraught she was, Long Lei wasn't sure how to react, but soon he knew what happened. It barely took Qin Mei 5 minutes to reach the rest of the disciples and once there, and seeing the injured Elders, her expression broke, as tears began to form in her eyes.

"Where's Long Tian?" She asked panicked. Seeing her the disciples quickly made way, and the Elders' expressions grew solemn. "Sect Master Long Tian, has, fallen." They all declared as Qin Mei immediately fell to her knees crying.

Long Lei was shocked, he didn't know what to say or do. His ring indicated that his father was still alive but the Elders were saying he had died.

"Lei'er, come here, don't leave me too." Qin Mei said grievingly as she held her son, while Long Lei was in a state of confusion. "Qin Mei, I am sorry about all this, but now's not the time. The Royal family, and the Endless Hell Sect are already in cahoots, and in our current state a war is bound to begin." Luo Feng explained.

Hearing this Qin Mei calmed down, and wiped her tears. She was a cultivator after all, and the Mistress of the Sect, so she knew she had to contain herself. "...Yes, s-so..."Qin Mei said but she had trouble talking.

"My mother is in shock at the moment, so please let her rest for now. First order of business would be healing the elders, secondly would be appointing a new Sect Master." Long Lei quickly summarized. Hearing how pragmatic he was the disciples and Elders were quite shocked.

"As much as possible, my father's death shouldn't be made public, and the sect should be in a state of lock down. Considering that there may be spies in the sect, if we were to let them move around as usual the information may escape within the day." Long Lei declared, astounding the onlookers yet again.

'Are we sure he's just 3 years old?' Luo Feng thought as he gazed at Long Lei. "I agree with you, but for now we're not in a state to really manage the sect in full force." Luo Feng explained, as his wounds slowly closed.

"That? That's not an issue. If you'd be so kind as to come to my residence I can have you all healed with the day." Long Lei stated before turning around and hugging his mother. "I love you." He whispered, before kissing her on the cheek.

After that the disciples began to disperse, and Qin Mei took Long Lei back home before beginning to lock down the Sect slowly slowly.

Now, now this is where things get fun. From now on I think the fanfic will get a lot more funn so stay stuned, also I broke my streak yesterday which is unfortunate, but at least I uploaded 3 times this week, which is like triple my regular amount.

Well till next time, bye.

AntiSimpcreators' thoughts