
Even if the whole World was watching // Larry Stylinson

[complete] "This school is Tomlinson's last chance." "Thats not my problem." "What about a deal. You take care of him and I will put in a good word for you at Harvard." Ugh that was a strong deal the director knew exactly how much Harry wanted to go to Harvard. "Fine" Grate now he had to deal with this little badboy. He rolled his eyes. Harry's whole life is planed he would finish his senior year go to college and live his own life everything seemed to go perfect for him. Louis is adventures, spontanious and dosn't give a fuck on planing stuff. He and his girlfriend were happy but there was something messing in her eyes. Well, falling in love was definitely not supposed to be on his to-do list. (Also available on Wattpad and soon on Ao3)

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28 Chs


It was a mistake not to take the deal. Louis hadn't been at school since then and it had already been two weeks. Mr Johnson had called him out a few times asking where he was. Harry had told him everything and he let go on Harry one last time. One last chance.

Okay, come to school and we will talk about this stupid deal.

He texted biting his tongue so hard he could taste the blood. He hated giving in, and even more when Louis left him on seen. He was so unbelievable. Time passed slowly and Harry spent his time in class making a scale with rules for that deal. The first gap was red, for the things that were taboo like smoking or drinking or even drugs. Whatever Louis planned to make him have more fun. Nothing illegal. The middle gap was for the things Louis had to 'accomplish' and the last one was for Louis, to write down his requirements.

The lesson ended and the first two gaps were filled. Harry spent his pause with Liam, sitting on a bench in the centre of the campus,  it was way too hot to stay inside. "I have no idea what I have done that he is like that."

"Me neither, he can be a total ass sometimes." 

"But why are you two friends then?"

"Because I saw that he can be different, he can be so lovely." Sure. Louis and lovely. Harry needed to suppress a laugh. This was a joke, right? But Liam's facial expression was serious. Okay, he seemed to mean what he said. It was just unimaginable for Harry to think of Louis being like a friend to him.

"This tastes horrible."  Liam made a face and put the sandwich down. "It's from the cafeteria, what do you expect." Harry laughed. He spotted Niall, at the very end of the campus together with Natalie, laughing. He looked so happy, it caused a smile on Harry's lip, so wide it hurt.

"I will go and get some food from the O.p.s, do you want something?" Harry looked back to Liam.

"No thanks," with that Liam left. God, it was really hot, Harry wished he had chosen the shorts this morning instead of his skinnies. Suddenly Harry's phone buzzed. It was a message from Louis asking where he was. Campus, he texted back expecting Louis to need at least 10 mins to find him,(the campus was very big). But within a few minutes, he took place across from him where Liam had been before.

Carrying his smirk. 

"Where have you been this week??" He asked even though he knew he wouldn't get a relatable answer for that.

"I told you, you'd need me." His smile got so wide his eyes crinkled up a bit.

Harry clenched his jaw, taking a deep breath, to calm down a bit. He hated him so much. Then he took out his journal and let it slide over to Louis who eyed it confused "What is that?"

"A list, what the hell does it look like?"

"Okay, and what am I supposed to do with that?"

"Ugh," Harry leaned over pointing at each gap explaining to him what it meant. Louis leaned back, crossing his arms in front of his chest.  "And I can write whatever I want?"

"Anything except the things in the red gap."

"Can I cross some things?"


"Okay," He shrugged, got up and threw his back over his shoulder. He knows exactly what he was doing. "Fine, but just one thing." Harry hissed watching Louis turn around.

"Gimme a pen", Louis demanded letting himself fall onto the bench again. "One" Harry clarified as Louis crossed something and wrote some stuff down. Keeping the book hidden. It took so long he insisted on taking the sheet with him to finish it during class. Harry agreed reluctantly. At least he was actually attending class. After school, they met at Louis' car.

"So, are you in?"

"Can I see the list first?"

"Nope." Louis pulled the book away just before Harry was able to reach it. "It's more fun then."

"That wasn't part of the deal"

"One of my requirements." Harry rolled his eyes. Did he have a choice? Fine.

"But I want my journal back."

Louis ripped out the page and threw the journal over "Watch out." He laughed at Harry's struggle to catch it. Then he got into his car and drove away.


To be honest, Harry started liking this deal, Louis had been at school every day this past week, he did his homework and he paid attention to every class. He was still that sassy, nerve-wracking bloke he usually was, but every day was a step closer to Harvard. And so far Louis didn't take any of his requirements so far. It was somehow a little scary because only God knows what he was up to.

Right now Harry was sitting in the car with Anne since they were on their way to the park, they had been often to when he was younger, to just have a talk and get some fresh air. There was also a cafe nearby where they decided to make a stop. Harry had told her everything about his situation with Louis. He hoped to get any device from her.

"And he really did everything you asked for??" She asked curiously raising an eyebrow at him.

"So far, yes."

"Mhm" She chuckled "What?"  She shook her head smiling down at her coffee "Nothing."

"No, tell me."

"Don't you think it's a little bit questionable that he suddenly does what you tell him to do?"

"No, he just does that to ge-"

"To get his requirements, yes I know, but what he asks for is basically you being happy right?"

"No, he wants me to suffer, that is what he wants" As if Louis would want him to be happy. Pathetic.

"Sure." She just kept smiling. The park was filled up with people walking with their dogs or children playing on the playground. It was just like when he was little, just without his dad.

"Did you know Niall has a girlfriend?" Anne changed the subject. Harry chuckled "So it's finally official, huh!" Harry knew they had taken a step further since Niall had been over at 'Zayn's' almost every day. Just that Zayn didn't know anything about it. Niall was such a bad liar. "It was pretty obvious."

"They are so cute." Anne cheered and both burst out laughing. It felt really good to talk to her about all that stuff, especially when she was barely at home. That made the moments with her even more precious. "Yes, they are," Harry took a sip of his coffee right when his phone started ringing. The name 'Lou' showed up on the screen. Harry immediately denied it. Not now, please no. It was one of those days Anne was free and he wanted to spend it with her. Louis and his stupid requirements, he hadn't asked for anything the last two weeks but exactly then when Harry wasn't home.

Perfect timing. "Is that Niall?" Anne asked searching for the car keys in her bag. "No" Denied, a third time. "Ha, got em."

Pick up already I know u are free

What do you want?

Harry texted back hiding his phone a little so Anne wouldn't see who he was texting with. They were almost back home when another text message popped up on the screen.

In 10 at the O.p.s

Oh for god's sake. Harry growled stuffing the phone angrily into his pocket. "Can you let me out at the O.p.s please?" She just nodded turning the car. " Liam and Zayn are there waiting for me." He added quickly, trying not to sound as he was lying. He did a terrible job of it. She hadn't asked any further thing just dropped him and drove away. Harry knew she wouldn't be home anymore when he would be done with Louis.

One of the things thing that made him hate the boy at the moment. He stomped into the diner spotting Louis right next to the counter, smirking. Harry bit his jaw clenching his hands into fists. "Haz, finally" He pretended to check the time on his watch, he didn't even wear one. "What took you so long?"

"I told you to stop calling me that."

"No you told me not to call you Harrold, so," Louis padded his shoulder leading the way outside to his car. "What do you want?" Harry asked stopping in front of his huge black car. Louis showed him to get in. "I'm hungry." He finally said after he had put his seat belt on. Was he freaking serious now?! "And what have I to do with it?"

"You will buy it."

"I- what?" Harry laughed "That's a joke right?"

"Nope." Louis said stating the car. He smiled proudly and drove out of the parking lot. Before Harry couldn't even complain. The whole thing was so stupid. How was this supposed to make Harry be less 'boring'? Sitting in the car together with Louis was torture. Just by the look at him, Harry felt pure rage blooming in his chest, and then there was this awkward silence.

Harry didn't question anything, he wanted to talk as little as possible with Louis, and just waited for this (whatever 'this' was) to pass by quickly. They could have stayed at to O.p.s to get food but Louis insisted on driving to the very other side of the town instead. Just to get onto Harry's nerves. Keep calm, it's for Harvard, if this year is over you don't have to see him again. He reminded himself.

He finally stopped the car, a satisfied smile on his lips. Harry just shook his head getting out, slamming the door shut to show his anger. "Looks like you could use something to eat too, curls." He sassed right at the moment Harry's tummy growled. Those stupid pet names drove Harry crazy. Louis knew exactly how much he hated those.

Louis was right, he was starving. But Harry would never admit that. The diner was almost empty, just a group of teens sitting around a huge table in the left corner, not even looking up as they stepped in. Harry had never been there before, Louis led him over to a table for two.  If it was his intention to make Harry feel uncomfortable, then this was the moment he reached his goal.


"So?" Louis raised his eyebrows studying the menu.

"What do you want?"

"Hmm. I don't know yet, what about you?"

"Just order something, eat it and let me leave." Harry sighed. After a while of silence, the waitress appeared next to their table. "Hey, how can I help you two?" She smiled up from her notepad, clicking the pen in her left hand. "Hey, it's the numbers 48, 93 and 38 for me," Harry's eyes widened, as Louis carried on "Oh and, nah I guess that's it," He smiled closing the card.

"What about you?" She turned to face Harry. "Uhm, I, I will take a coke please."

"Oh, yes, me too." She just nodded turning on her heels and left. "What the hell was that?!" Louis just shrugged "M' hungry." What was he even doing? A few months ago Harry was ready to punch Louis right into the face and now he was buying him food?! Not that the will to punch him wasn't there anymore, he just had no other choice than to listen. If he wouldn't Louis would stop accomplishing his part of the deal.

Within a half hour (that the two of them had spent in silence) three filled plates were placed in front of Louis.  "Can I go now?" Stupid question. "One more thing." Louis mumbled through his full mouth. Gross. "What?" Harry rolled his eyes, his arms crossed in front of his chest. "Bring some gum to school tomorrow." He swallowed and took a sip of his coke. "I ran out just today."

"Nothing rather than that." Harry hissed through clenched teeth before he left the diner. Harry was in the middle of cursing Louis for this stupid action as he noticed that he didn't have a car because Louis had brought them over. And to be honest he had no fucking idea where the hell he was. It was at the arse end of the world.