
Even God Failed Will I?

Drifting for millions of years as a disembodied soul.... This Is a gigantic new world our M.C. gets thrown into. No cheat's... Well, He will make his own cheats. A world where a flesh and blood God Walked and lost his life, betrayed while protecting it from doom. So big, that a normal human can't ever hope to travel a quarter in their life, let alone around it. The possibilities seem endless! Read ahead my rough works on pat/eon SamYsekai ***I'm not into martyr stories and dislike bad emotions like; fear, Anxiety, Rage... you will feel; thrill, love, laugh... of course a story need a plot, but even in these moments, just know that I will turn it in positive emotions.**** ****Any sex scenes are *over "18" in earth time span*. So do expect Loli and crazy stuff in my special chapters, as I like to keep the story going straight.**** ****I do not own any of the outside Characters that could appear not often... He's reincarnated after all. His knowledge contain a load of earth mangas and animes***

Samuel_Demers · 奇幻
47 Chs

E.G.F.W.I? Chapter 32 - Hell Hole -

It's been a few week's since we left the village. Izuka never complained once. Of course she knows if she does I might send her back for now at least...

She is another genius, just under Tenka's IQ, still, higher than mine... We bonded pretty fast, as I like smart peoples. She loves to hear me rant about anything really.

Right now it's dark, I'm looking at a fortress built on the face of a damned cliff. This is where Beno is Holding. We have less weapons with us to stay hidden, I left them in my stomach. All we carry right now is daggers and wrist crossbow made by me. I can literally spit bolts out now, so I take advantage of that.

Amy managed to untangle the mess of pathways in my system. I can now use my full power. Of course it's still 10%, I can feel the gate to my next breakthrough, but I won't do it yet. I can wait to gain exp before. I barely adjusted to my current body and strength.

I want to fight and right now, I want to commit a massacre. These no good people are going down. I can hear the cries of woman's from here.

"Izuka! you will stay posted outside, I want you to kill whatever comes out this door, or better yet, anything that comes out is this place. Use your crow to distract the sentries before they see me."

Outside the fortress, there are 8 guards. Two beside the entrance, four patrol the hill, two are on the tower's. Pretty tough to climb the hill without being spotted.

Izuka's crow Baka, sit on top of one of the tower an cry hard to distract them.

I run while soundproofing my steps and reducing the wind friction with my power, nowhere near Tenka's level... still for these kind of thrash, its more then enough, combined with Elnora's - power concealment -.

I glide the way and appear beside the first guard that is looking at the noisy Baka. I snap his neck and tie his arm to the post so he look alive. I run to the next tower, while Baka start circling the air and cackle like a maniac. The smell and the feel of death excites Him!

I get there easy thanks to his antics. Second guard down, tied up standing too. Baka, now perch on a window frame, is cackling almost like a human. Like he can see their future.

I pull my daggers out. The dark Red metal gleams in the night under my cloak.

As soon as all the heads are turned toward the nightmare inducing cackling, I launch at them without a sound. One by one they fall on the ground. Not even their body falling make a noise, as my power cushion the fall on its own, because of my will.

The remaining guards by the door almost caught me, but he was so frighten that he could not make a sound before I beheaded him. All of this without a sound. this feels... Very dizzying. I release the wind barrier on my ears to finally hear my breath. I distance myself from the bodies a bit because of the stench. I can finally stabilize myself.

I signal Izuka to come and Baka to stop, then I spit a bunch of sharp X shaped palisade to give the time to Izuka to do his/her job lol, once they come out.

The nightmare don't stop as we can hear the cries clearly now. This night is more testing my mind than body right now...

Once Izuka is in a good spot, I slowly open the door. Inside is an empty hall with a staircase in the right section wall. There is two hallways. I want nothing more than go rescue the poor souls, but I came to kill those bastards and they make the best diversion. beside Izuka can't take too many of them on.

I enter a internal conflict on what to do. Then a good idea comes. I send Gary to tell me where they sleep and keep the weapons. First I Take the weapons in my stomach then I kill the few men that sleep, excepted one young man that look more innocent and beautiful then the rest. I just tie and gag him, then throw him out next to Izuka. Then I make my way to the Holdings.

There is a long passage carved in the stones, climbing in the mountains, with prison cells and lavish rooms next to each other. Its not hard to imagine what this place is used for. There is only one guard on duty, and he's asleep on the job. I don't even look at him, but his head falls on the floor after I passed beside him.

I hope this world is not all about this, because its going to be hard to remain sane.

I look around and notice a plaque on each room doors. Its probably their names, but I can't be sure since I don't know how to write common, and this is the first time I see the language from this world too. It look like Minecraft writing.

Most of the cell are empty, for night activities I presume. I enter the first door. Inside is a man wiping a Blond woman that I don't see since she as her back turned to me.

The man feels my presence and lash behind him, but I manage to catch the whip end and pull hard on it, while I launch forward and tackle him down on the ground where he pass out. I want him alive so he can explain the writing to me. I gag and tie him up.

I release the woman and cover her, then take the whip and give it to her. She look at me with dead eyes. I smile and point at the man.

A little spark come in her eyes before she feebly get up. Her arm's can barely raise the whip, so I grab her hand gently. I wait for her to calm down and realize I'm her ally. then I swing her arm and crack the whip on the man ass.

Man-" Muffled- Haaaaaaa!-"

"hehehe Again!"

-WHAP!- Haaaa! - WHAP! - Sobbing sounds - WHAP! - The man begs -

"What's that? I can't understand. You should not speak with a mouth full."

-WHAP!- Haaarggaga babaabagaga -

"You gonna be a good boy?"


-WHAP!- Haaaaaa! -

"Sorry I wanted to make sure!"

I can hear the woman giggle. I'm not sure, since I hold her back. She is pretty close to me considering she just got whipped there. I can feel the heat from the wounds. She turn around and see. Her giggling face shows joy, but she also cry.

I catch her in my arms and find an unmarked spot to rub. I inject traces amount of power inside her, but by now just letting my power concealment skill loose would heal a normal person like her.

"Nobody is going to hurt you again, ok!? as long as you are with me, or my people!"

Lady-"thank you"-

"Alright, you are the first I release, so you are going to follow me, and gather the woman in a good spot. You should know this place right?"

She nod and say "Who are you?"

"Ho! My bad, my name is Sam, pleased to meat you dear lady."

I raise my hand for a shake.

Lady-"Not that, I mean who are you and where do you belong, to which organization, why someone powerful like you would come at the end of the world to save a woman?"-

"Well, I have a lot of goals. I'm alone, no, not alone but I belong to a whole village of woman actually...Erg.. it's complicated.. one of my goals is to interrogate and kill the bastard leader of this place Beno...."

Lady-"You can't be serious Alone! You can't kill Beno alone. Rumors say, he has a new power, since he failed last time and kills peoples to get it. By the way my name is Katriel Meredith"-

"I see, It don't matter. I also became stronger since last time."

I grin at her. She looks at me eyes wide opened.

"Look, I know there is a lot you want to say, but you are going to save it for later. Now I'm killing my way up. You coming or hiding? I wish you could follow a deal with the other girls for me."

She nod, so I eat a bunch of golden cutlery around and Ammit make a light dagger for her, instead of the whip. She can't weald any weapons really. The energy is enough to make her healthy, but she seem untrained.

"If a man comes don't resist. Wait until he's close enough for you to hide your movement from sight, then stab him where it hurt as many times as you can."

She stares at the golden dagger and listen to my very graphic description.


"Hey, hey, come back on Yollan we got a job to do~~!"


After cleaning a shirt from the fat bastard for Kat, which make a robe for her, I grab the snotty asshole and get him to write the alphabet and digraph, then get the intel about this place, so I don't need him after that.

"I going to kill him now, want to watch? How should I do it?"


I cut short him by taping his shoulder with a shit load of power to keep him wide awake. I imbued him like a weapon, stiff like a rod.

Katriel-"I want to do it.... I belonged to him for a long time, I only got fed because he don't like thin woman. He whipped me when he felt like blowing steam, just like a toy. Now I can get my revenge!"

I grab her before she go nut.

"Relax, this is not going to make you feel better, but now think that when you do this, nobody is going to have to go through the same thing again."

She relax and breath in.

"Ok now do it clean, in the heart. What makes you feel better, is your new future ahead, not revenge."

I don't want her to hang up on this later, so this is the way. For Karma too, revenge is bad. She relax after hearing this and just stab him silently, like quiet a prayer.

Katriel-"~Hope you go to hell~!"

"Hehehe good. Lets go!"

We go to the next room, same thing, different scene. The man is fucking a lifeless young woman. I immobilize him then let Kat deal with the girl.

"I will go to the next room, make sure none of the woman run outside. My partner might kill them by accident. and hurry up! we don't have much time before dawn. I can't treat all the woman like I did for you because of the the time limit, there is 200 men here so... Do your best."

I quickly go to the next room, paralyze the men again, plus breaking arms and make a dagger for the woman, but this is going to take too long according to Amy. I change my plan and go back to Kat.

"Change of plan its taking too long I will have to kill my way up. I will make sure to kill all the men on the way you grab all the woman."

This Night quickly turns into one that I will never forget. One nightmare that makes me pray this world is not like this everywhere, because it makes me sick. I see corruption. Evil Of the human heart. My rage builds up slowly.

I enter each room one bye one fast and cut the men down one slash. So fast, that no blood flow until I leave the room.

After 25 dead, I'm in front of the first staircase. I can see the woman gathering together and following behind, under Kat's lead.

The nightmare continues to worsen on the next floor. I can see their value woman like objects, based on aesthetics. This floor as beast-woman. They are treated like animals. I just want to close my eyes, but I can't. I just keep going. Killing as swiftly as my heart bleed's.

Once I reach the second staircase, the woman finally makes it to the second floor. I'm afraid for the mental state of the captives, but I can't risk too much here. Once morning arrives I might be in trouble if too many men remain alive.

I breath in. (150 to go!)

Next floor, is composed of a bunch of bigger rooms filled with smoke. Probably, some drug, which as no effect on me. Lucky, this smoke is thick enough for me to clean the rooms fast, but I have to paralyze the girls to make sure they don't scream. The atmosphere is mellow here, one shout could ruin everything.

This floor was not so bad actually, except for having to paralyze the woman temporarily.

The next one is a mess. A real torture hell I wish I didn't see, but I need to know how bad this world is. Mutilated human's are scattered around, not only females. Some a nailed to walls, some in cages hanging from the ceiling, some missing limbs. The men on this floor all wear leather masks and carry flays.

I block the way out.

This is too much for me. These people are not human. My daggers disappears. My claws come out.

(It won't matter if they scream here, right?)

With a red glow in my eyes, I disappear an reappear in front or one of them. I let him realize the grim reaper appeared.

Men-"Hey FUCK....!"

My claws are in his belly before he can finish. Now that they are alerted, I disappear and reappear to disembowel them one by one. They scream and cry on the floor trying to fix it as best they can.

I Fix them room by room, in this insane hell. My tolerance for this slowly grow despite my will. I see contraption designed to bring pleasure and pain, while being used like a toy. Humanoids of all kinds, mutilated to suit the user's need, tortures of all kind and intensity, Pregnant woman hell.

At the end of the floor my heartbeat is fast and my blood is boiling. A strange conflict between the sadist inside me and my purpose and morality.

(I vow to never do something like this no matter how much power I have. Exceptions of my enemy, in a very small scale like soft bdsm, to make sure all my personalities are satisfied... Not like those crazy flesh rippers.)

I shiver, thinking about what is going on in their minds...

I prepare for the next hell, and let the woman release their sisters.

I get up the stairs and lucky me it seem quiet. More like a normal dormitory. I'm tempted to take a break, but not time. I just paralyze and kill my way up.

I can see the woman's here are like pieces of art. Treated better than other's.

75 men left. The next floor is a lounge. There is no way for me to be stealthily anymore, specially since I can't let them escape. I did not want to do this but, fuck it this is the best way.

I look around my eyes glowing blue, a small window in my left corner vision, displaying spatial coordinate. In a flash, Ten men disappears in my stomach.

("Ewww I'm now officially a cannibal.")

-(+110 Years)-

Amy-("Think of it as you are a new specie, on top of the food chain! ")-

("Still, It don't make this meal more appealing one bit. 110 Year for ten human's! Wtf. My body need ten year's for one!?")

Any-("More than this, even with their poor lifestyle they would have lived around 150, so almost 15 to one.")-

("Erk... I can't believe I'm doing this. Only consolation is that it's way faster.")

The men sudden disappearance caused a major commotion. I sprint in between the peoples and cut a major arteries in a bunch of the men before they realize what is going on.

There was 50 men in that room so after 25 died, the others realized this and started to battle me. Now Beno probably know I'm here, but it's too late. There is at most 25 men up there, not enough to make me flinch. They don't resist much to my eye. I feel like in the movies, walking in a crowded lounge attacked by bad guys.

I come back on earth(Yollan) once I'm in front of the next stair set. I look behind. There is a severed in half man still alive but the rest is bad. Lots of blood and organs around. My clothes are still clean hehehe. I actually waste a bit of power on that, because I hate the stench of blood and in nature, smelling like blood is stupid.

(I wonder where Kat is by now.... Probably still in the hell hole part... sigh..)

I get ready for the last boss.. cough .. Floor. I hope? :p