
The Sniper's Quest


This quest might actually be easier than I thought it would be. Amara told me the details, and sure enough, I likely needed Ethan.

I walked to the guild where Ethan and I would meet up, and a surprise waited for me there.

I saw Ethan there, but also Nia and some other big guy next to them with a helmet on him, covering his face. This was starting to get weird. Nia didn't have a cloak on to hide herself in public. Maybe it's not that dangerous for her to be revealed in Tyrida? Because she only is known to do a bad thing in Dunwich?

„Vincent! Look who I found!" Ethan called and motioned to Nia.

„What is she doing here?"

„She decided to stay with us."

Ethan explained that Nia found a map key for a vault a few days ago that she has kept quiet about. And she wanted help with getting everything that is in there. Nia asked the blacksmith to come with her on this journey and wanted also Ethan and me to join her. The guy next to them with the big artifact ax was apparently the blacksmith, Reve. Ethan said that Nia placed the treasure map in his shield.

There really was something off about this. There are some lies coming from his mouth, I just know it. If Nia knows about it, then why would she tell us who she barely knows? Did she maybe join us in the first place to find out if we could be trusted to come along on her journey? That would make a lot more sense.

„Ethan, I want to talk to you, alone."


We walked out of earshot from the others.

„Are you really going to stick around on this planet?" I asked.

„Well, we still don't know a way off, do we? So might as well do what we always do back in space."

„What if I told you that I might have found a way off, but it is going to be difficult."


I then told him that I meet a person that knows a way off, but only if we finish a quest for her. I explained what I was told, but not the entire truth.

There are rumors about the noble Quenton family that the daughter is actually working for the lizards. The daughter is Elishia Quenton and is eighteen. The rumors started from a different noble family that I couldn't get the name of, and people in that family allegedly found evidence about the daughter, but it wasn't good enough. Apparently the daughter was somehow taken and brainwashed by the lizards. Someone in the unknown noble family got in contact with Amara and asked her to try and find out if Elishia really is being controlled by the dynami, and to try and save her.

That is what I told Ethan. I only lied about a few things. I didn't tell him Amara's name because he would definitely recognize her. And I didn't tell him that I was needed to kill her or to get an opportunity with Amara to get a shot at her.

Elishia is really careful. She always tries to not get close to windows and mostly stays out of sight when outside. When she is outside she always has guards that block Amara's shot. Elishia is most of the time indoors in the mansion.

When Amara gets a job about killing a certain person, she tries to avoid killing others that are not on her list, but if she gets irritated enough, then there would be more corpses. I don't exactly know why she only goes for her target. Maybe because that is the person she was asked to kill? Or maybe she safes others around her target for later when she gets hits on them.

The Quenton family actually doesn't live in the Western district that I thought first. They live in the Eastern district. When I asked Amara why she was around here if her target is further away. She told me that she has a good spot around here that perfectly has the mansion in view. With her sniper rifle and some good calculations, she can easily shoot across the city. And it would be good to be around the shady area so it would be harder to find out who did it. Apparently there are a few other people around that have sniper rifles, but not as powerful as hers.

„I don't know man, this seems hard. How exactly are we going to save her?"

„Don't worry, I have a plan."

I looked over towards Nia and Reve. It would be better to have them help us, and I do want to know more about that blacksmith.

„Before I talk about the plan, let's brief them about this."

„I thought you didn't want to have her around."

„Shut up."

We told them about the situation, and then I gave in the details about the plan that Amara gave me. I didn't tell them about Ethan and I needing this quest to fly off this world, instead, I told them I would join them to the vault they talked about. Of course, Ethan didn't really like lying about this, but he knew that it might be risky to tell others we are not from this planet.

The Quenton family gave out a quest yesterday. The quest was about going into an artifact vault that was much dangerous than any other. The vault was found by other hunters, but after going into it they quickly realized that this was definitely something they couldn't do. So the hunters gave the vault map and key to the highest bidder in an auction, the winners were, of course, the Quenton family.

The family would reward the artifact hunters equal the amount that is in the vault, and also there would be a banquet in the family mansion with even more rewards.

The trip to the vault would begin in about two days when the family has selected the hunters they would want there. They would be looking for strong hunters with artifact weapons, not some new guys that would easily die.

If we would succeed in the vault, then we would go to the mansion for the banquet, and be able to get close to Elishia. That was Amara's plan. She said that she would likely not be selected for the hunt, because snipers are not that good in close-quarter combat. The vault would have many narrow corridors and small rooms, so there would be no need for a sniper.

„Do you really think we would be selected for this?" Ethan asked.

„Yes, because you have that shield, basically you are the group defender. Though there might be others with shields, I haven't seen anyone carry one around. And for Nia, she has the gauntlets that might be useful there. Then for me and Reve, we just need to be lucky."

„If you won't get picked then you are going to find some dirty way to join the quest."

„Nah, it would be too hard when the quest is from nobles, you just have to finish it."

„Finish the quest you were asked to do?"

„Of course!"

Ethan sighed.

We finished talking and quickly went towards Quenton's mansion. We needed to hurry before night time if night came then we would need to wait until the next day to sign up for the quest. We didn't want to be the last to be reviewed.


We arrive at the gates of Quenton's mansion. It was located east in Tyrida on top of a hill that overlooked most of the city. Around the big building was mostly open space with grass and a long fence that circled the entire place, behind the mansion was a giant garden, I wasn't able to see what was there because of all the bushes that were in the way.

Outside the gates are booths with many artifact hunters around them, the people in the booths were inspecting the artifact weapons. That's likely where we would sign up.

„Come on, let's try and register before they close up."

Moving towards the crowd I noticed a person with an artifact shield. He looked much better geared than Ethan and his shield did look like it would be better. I didn't like to have that guy around.

„Psst, Nia," I started whispering towards Nia and pointed towards the man. „Could you maybe do something to that guy's shield?"

Nia followed my direction towards the guy.

„Heh Heh, of course," Nia said quietly and tiptoed towards the person.

She was next to him and made herself look like she was part of the crowd, then she motioned something with her hands. Then a few seconds later she started walking back to me, but then she stopped and looked at something with curiosity, then walked in a different direction from me.

It looked like Nia didn't do much to the guy's shield, there was nothing happening to it. And where was she going now?

I kept on waiting until it would be my turn, then Nia finally came back.


„Good. . . but what exactly did you do? And where did you go off too?"

„You will see, and I kinda hacked a few others that had weapons like yours."

I looked around, and sure enough, there were others with blasters. Whatever she did I hope it would eliminate them from the selection, or to decrease their chances.

It was shield-guy's turn. He handed over his shield to the booth-guy and he started inspecting it and gave the guy a paper to write some details or something. Then the shield started to give out sparks.

Booth-guy noticed.

„Hey, what is up with your shield?"

„Huh?" Shield-guy looked up. „Uh, it shouldn't be doing that. I don't know why."

Then the shield brought out a program to make it bigger with energy. It started to look like it was malfunctioning.

People started to glance over towards the ruckus.

„Hey, Nia, I think you shouldn't do that to the others. It would look too suspicious when this was all happening at the same hour," I quietly whispered to her.

„Aww, but it is fun!"

„Seriously, don't."

„Fiiiiine," she said with dissatisfaction and closed the holographic screen that likely controlled that shield and the other hacked artifacts.

Even though Nia is an annoying little brat, she is really useful. But I could find other ways that would likely be harder. So I really didn't need her. Also, I do have a quest to bring her to Wilmer. If Amara can't get me off the planet I would do it, but for now, I am going to have her around.

The commotion ended with the shield-guy finishing up with the signup and walked out of here. He probably gets less chance now to join in the quest. No one wants a shielder that couldn't do his job with a broken shield, would they?

I might not be able to join this quest due to all the other blaster wielders. But I believe Ethan can do this. He always helps his colleagues, and also he wants off this world, so it would benefit him.

I thought blasters were supposed to be rare. So what's up with all these guys?

It was finally our turn to signup for the quest. I walked up to a booth.

„Your artifact please," booth-guy said.

I handed over the blaster, and he gave me a paper and a pen.

„Write down about your combat expertise and other things that you excel at, then I would ask you a few questions."

So basically he wants to know how good I am? I feel like people can easily make false claims about themselves, but whatever.

Booth-guy took out an artifact that started to scan my blaster with its light. Checking out the quality or something?

After a few minutes of talking with my persuasive looks and clever words, I finally finished up with the signup. I was told to come back in two days to see who would be selected to go on this hunt.

I meet up with the others.

„So how did it go?"

„I think I might be able to join."

„Did you do something to convince him or something?" Reve asked.

„I am really persuasive, you know?"

„We'll see about that, let's go to a bar and have ourselves some drinks!"

„Err, can I maybe have some?"

„Nia, no. You are still too young."

„You are not my dad, so I can do whatever!"

„Of course I'm not your father, but I will still only give you water."

„Hmph!" Nia crossed her arms and looked away from Reve.

Reve is kinda like a father to Nia, it looks like he acts like it.

We would come back in two days, is there something else I would want to do? There is nothing much. I guess I can look around the city. That is not exactly fun, I don't sightsee when I go to new places. I mostly just go straight for my assignment that would be on a planet or space stations.