
Eternal yearning : Shadows of Desire

In the realm of supernatural beings, young vampire Kwan seizes a rare opportunity to escape his secluded life and attend ‘all souls academy’ that welcomes witches, werewolves, and vampires. Eager to make friends after years of isolation, Kwan finds himself drawn to Gwanheok, the enigmatic alpha of the werewolf pack. Their connection deepens, defying societal expectations, but their forbidden desire is threatened by hidden secrets and prejudice. "Shadows of Desire" is a captivating tale of friendship, love, and the mysteries and conspiracies that might want to tear things apart.

S_Alii · LGBT+
9 Chs

Chapter 5 (The Blood Rain)

Seated and engaged in conversation, they momentarily forgot their classroom setting, until the teacher abruptly intervened.

"Attention, students! This is no ordinary class, for you are far from ordinary yourselves. You are ancient vampires, spanning three to four centuries. I trust that such longevity has eradicated any trace of childishness from your minds. Let us commence our study today. This stone before me shall be anointed with the blood of a vampire, performing blood magic to inscribe a runic symbol that will compel the werewolves to change their form. Yes, we have six alpha werewolves joining us. This serves as a reminder that even alphas can succumb to the influence of this runic symbol. I shall call upon each of you to participate, but remember, discipline must prevail. First, I shall demonstrate the procedure myself."

With that, the teacher proceeded to the classroom door and summoned the six werewolves who had been patiently waiting.

As the wolves entered the room, the vampires fell silent, their expressions growing serious. They fixated their gazes upon the wolves, exuding an aura akin to lifeless corpses, reminiscent of their first encounter with Kwan.

"Allow me to introduce our fellow students from the werewolf wing," the teacher announced. "They have graciously agreed to assist us in our studies, despite having no obligation to do so. This exemplifies their kind-hearted nature. Treat them as you would your fellow vampires, with utmost respect. I will not tolerate noise, arguments, or any form of conflict in this classroom."

Concluding his speech, the teacher motioned for the class to rise. Kwan hesitated initially but yielded to Yuju's arm nudging, compelling him to stand as well.

"What's going on?" Kwan inquired, surveying his perplexing surroundings.

"It's nothing. Vampires and werewolves aren't typically amicable, so the teacher wants to preempt any potential conflicts. Standing up is a way for vampires to signal their obedience and demonstrate respect for the werewolves."

"I see. I assumed this academy promoted acceptance between races, fostering an environment where everyone is friendly."

"The academy does have such a rule, but not everyone adheres to it, particularly those vampires who hail from a time when vampires and werewolves were sworn enemies. We can't blame them for not fully grasping the concept of inter-species friendship."

"Now I understand," Kwan acknowledged, his comprehension crystallized.

The vampires, having risen, bowed before their teacher and the werewolves stationed by the blackboard.

A smile tugged at the teacher's lips as he uttered,

"Well, isn't that just splendid? You're all such exceptional students, and I couldn't be more thrilled about it! Let's give a round of applause to our dear vampires, shall we? Oh, and you too, werewolves."

Reluctantly, the werewolves joined in the applause, their expressions unchanged and as lifeless as ever. They fit the werewolf stereotype perfectly, perpetually angry and fierce.

Their eyes scanned the classroom, scrutinizing every detail.

Once the class settled back into their seats, Kwan couldn't resist casting a glance at the werewolves. He observed their imposing, well-built figures. All six of them were tall males with bulging biceps that seemed ready to burst. Their intense green or hazel eyes surveyed the room. As for their hair, the alphas boasted a range of colours: three had black hair, two were blond, and one had icy white hair.

Their attire resembled military garb, donning greenish tank tops and baggy flapper jeans in a matching dark green hue. However, one of them stood out from the rest, the ice white-haired individual. He opted for a dark tank top and regular dark green pants, his muscular physique accentuated by his thick thighs and veiny hands. Kwan recognized him as the same boy he had encountered that day, the one in the black hoodie.

Kwan suddenly became aware that the ice white-haired boy was once again fixated on him. Unbeknownst to Kwan, he had also been stealing glances. As realization struck, Kwan hastily averted his gaze.

The teacher proceeded to demonstrate the spell, seizing a gray, elliptical stone in his hand. From the table before him, cluttered with knives and stones arranged meticulously, he selected one blade. With a swift motion, he slit his wrist and smeared the stone with his own blood. Then, beckoning one of the werewolves forward, he grasped the stone in his palm, intertwining his hand with that of the wolf. Suddenly, the wolf underwent a transformative metamorphosis, assuming its fearsome wolf form.

The teacher commanded the werewolf to revert to its human shape.

Subsequently, he handed a piece of tissue to the wolf, instructing it to clean its bloodied hand. The teacher himself had already healed, courtesy of his vampiric nature, his wounds vanishing in a blink.

Now, his gaze wandered across the classroom, preparing to call upon students for their own demonstrations.

"Alright, now that I've graced you all with my own little experiment, I trust you've grasped the procedure. If there are no further inquiries, I'll start summoning names for you brave souls to partake in this little escapade."

The professor's words lingered in the air before his gaze swept across the classroom, eventually singling out a particular boy.

Tall and athletic, he possessed a pale complexion with dark, piercing eyes. Adorned in a sleek, dark coat and matching slim pants, he confidently traversed from the third row toward the teacher and the werewolves. This display of self-assurance left Kwan pondering whether he had done this countless times before.

"Why does that boy exude such confidence? Is he full of himself or something?" Kwan whispered to Yuju.

"He appears that way because he has indeed done this countless times. He's the only vampire in this class who's been around for a staggering 500 years. Highly skilled in blood magic, he's the teacher's favorite student. He's sitting with us mere mortals because he's pursuing his PhD at the end of the year, and he needs to brush up on the fundamentals. And yes, he's quite popular due to his dashing looks. Last year, many girls nominated him as the most handsome guy in the academy. He's even caught the attention of witches and werewolves."

Kwan nodded, taking in the information. Observing the boy's black pants, which bore a familiar label, Kwan brushed aside the thought, waiting to see what would unfold.

"Ah, Jeon, my diligent student. Please introduce yourself to your new classmates, so they may familiarize themselves with you. Perhaps you can form friendships in due time," the teacher instructed, as Jeon stood beside him, towering over the teacher's stature.

"Hello, everyone! I'm Jeon, pleased to make your acquaintance. Rest assured, I'll be kind and attentive to each and every one of you. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me," Jeon proclaimed, exuding charisma, his eyes betraying nothing but ambition and unwavering confidence.

In his presence, others couldn't help but feel a sense of security.

"Excellent. Now, Jeon, demonstrate to the newcomers what I just did. Then, I'll select a few others to put to the test," the teacher commanded, directing his gaze at Jeon.

"Yes, sir!" Jeon replied enthusiastically, procuring a stone and a knife from the table. Summoning one of the werewolves to join him, he ignited a flurry of whispers throughout the class. Words swirled about his magnetic charm, while he calmly sliced his wrist, allowing the blood to cascade onto the stone. With the stone held firmly in his hand, he entwined his fingers with those of the werewolf. Before the eyes of the mesmerized onlookers, the werewolf transformed, eliciting a collective gasp of awe from the class.

Applause erupted, reverberating through the room, as the werewolf seamlessly reverted back to its human form.

The teacher gave Jeon a friendly pat on the back, signaling for him to return to his seat.

Silence enveloped the class, each student praying fervently that they wouldn't be the next victim. However, one by one, they reluctantly stepped forward, participating in the ritual. The spell continued, with every vampire in the class executing the blood magic. Then, the teacher's call fell upon Yuju, who was engrossed in conversation with Kwan.

"Yuju, come forth and demonstrate!" the teacher beckoned.

The entire class turned their gaze to Yuju, watching as she rose from her seat and made her way to the front. As she passed a girl, laughter erupted, accompanied by murmurs directed at Yuju. Without hesitation, Yuju seized the girl's hair and delivered a swift blow to the chair beside her. Such scuffles were routine among vampires, and the girl who had laughed received a warning, promptly silencing her. After all, her head had already regenerated, courtesy of their vampiric powers.

Soon, Yuju stood alongside the werewolves, the teacher instructing her to select a stone from the table. Obliging, she approached the table, procuring a stone and a knife. Moving closer to the wolf, the alpha Donghyun, notorious for his incessant proclamations of love towards Yuju despite already being involved with two other girls, pushed aside the wolf in front of him, arrogantly strutting forward. Donghyun constantly taunted and teased Yuju, earning her undying loathing.

He smirked, locking eyes with Yuju, who brimmed with fury. Her gaze remained fixed on the alpha, while she deftly slit her wrist, allowing her blood to cascade onto the stone. She demanded that Donghyun extend his arm to her, but he paid no heed. She repeated her command, this time with a resolute tone, yet he continued to defy her.

Fed up with his insolence, Yuju seized his arm forcefully, their hands clasping the stone. However, instead of reverting to his human form, Yuju wielded the knife, smearing her own blood upon a runic symbol tattooed on her arm. The moment her blood touched the tattoo, the wolf writhed in agony, emitting pitiful cries. Shock gripped the entire class as he endured excruciating pain, while the other alphas implored Yuju to cease her actions. Unyielding, she paid no heed to their pleas. It wasn't until the teacher intervened, swiftly grabbing Yuju's wrist and using a tissue to wipe away the blood from the tattoo, that the transformation halted. Donghyun reverted to his human form, his expression a mixture of anger and fear. With a fierce glare, he cast a final look at Yuju before storming out of the classroom. The class, including the other alphas, stood in stunned silence, while the teacher simmered with anger.

As soon as Donghyun stormed out, the teacher made his way to the stone-laden desk, bellowing with frustration, "Return to your seats! What's done is done! Get out!"

Yuju, feeling a wave of embarrassment wash over her, slinked back to her seat. Whispers and gossip erupted among the girls in the front row, centering around Yuju and Donghyun.

Devastated, she retreated to the last seat, two seats away from Kwan. Kwan found himself at a loss, having only befriended her today. He lacked the words to console her in such trying moments. However, before he could even attempt to offer solace, the teacher called out his name.

"Kwan! Kwan Yoon!"

In an instant, Kwan's body seized up, as if a thousand needles pierced his being, rendering him utterly numb. Rising from his seat, he cast a fleeting glance at the class, busying himself as a means to traverse the hallway towards the teacher's domain. The change of scenery granted him some respite from his mounting anxiety. As he reached the front, he scanned the classroom once more, his heart pounding in his chest. To his surprise, the wolf assigned to him was none other than the enigmatic alpha with the white hair. He stood, resplendent as ever, an aura of intrigue emanating from him as he locked eyes with Kwan. The alpha's penetrating gaze only served to exacerbate Kwan's nerves.

"Ah, Kwan, welcome! Here we have our new student, who will undoubtedly show you all how it's truly done. I can sense great potential just by looking at him," the teacher boasted, his words dripping with sarcasm.

Yeah, right, Kwan retorted internally, his thoughts laced with sarcasm.

With slow, deliberate steps, Kwan approached the table, his attention fixed on the assortment of stones. Carefully, he selected one, then moved to the knives, opting for a smaller blade, mindful of his trembling hands. Drawing nearer to the white-haired alpha, their eyes locked once again. Kwan couldn't tear his gaze away from the alpha's handsome countenance, broad shoulders, and captivating presence. There was something captivating about the way the alpha stared back at Kwan, an unspoken communication that helped soothe his frayed nerves.

Without warning, Kwan swiftly slit his wrist, pouring forth a peculiar sight. Unlike the crimson hue expected, his blood oozed forth as a dark, inky liquid, cascading onto the stone. Unfazed by the anomaly, Kwan continued, his blood staining the stone in a deep, murky shade. With the stone in hand, he hesitated for a moment, then mustered the courage to speak.

"May I... hold your hand?" Kwan asked, his eyes filled with a mix of innocence, fear, and fascination.

"Yes... you can," the alpha replied, his own thoughts lost in Kwan's captivating presence. With a simple gesture, he extended his hand, and Kwan gently clasped it, immediately sensing the alpha's veiny, robust grip. The weight of the alpha's hand, significantly larger than Kwan's own, posed a delightful challenge, yet Kwan managed to steady himself, swiftly placing the stone.

Caught in a mesmerising gaze, their eyes locked, unable to break free from the enchantment they shared. They remained connected, hands intertwined, as an unusual realisation dawned upon them—the alpha had not undergone the expected transformation.

Concerned, the teacher urged Kwan to examine the spell, breaking the spellbinding connection. Blushing with shyness, Kwan fumbled to find the cause, only to be interrupted by a sudden surge of murmurs and whispers that infiltrated his ears. Overwhelmed, he instinctively covered his ears, causing the stone to slip from his grasp. As the classroom's attention turned towards the commotion, Kwan found himself pressed against the wall, his body wracked with pain. Eyes tightly shut, he beseeched the invisible tormentors, pleading, "Stop... not now, stop!"

Worriedly, the alpha approached Kwan, while the teacher inquired about the situation. However, Kwan seemed oblivious to their inquiries, his anguish rendering him deaf to their words. Suddenly, a piercing scream erupted from Kwan's lips, reverberating through the hollow halls of the vampire wing. In an instant, blood rained down from the ceiling, cascading within the confines of the classroom. The once-ordinary atmosphere transformed into a macabre spectacle, drenching the vampires' garments in crimson. The werewolves, now thoroughly alarmed, recoiled in horror, while the vampires reveled in the grotesque shower, eagerly indulging in the flowing blood. The teacher stood bewildered, struggling to comprehend the surreal events unfolding before their eyes.

"Why is there blood raining inside my class?"

The teacher silently whispered.

Meanwhile Kwan and alpha remain closed to each other witnessing the shocking scene in front of them.