
Chapter 237: Why do I feel like trying?

Duan Mu fought with a ferocity he had never known before. Every strike was infused with the pain and rage he felt, channeling his emotions into each blow. Xu Shan, initiator taken aback by Duan Mu's strength, kept up with the attacks.

Duan Mu was strong, but he wasn't any threat to him. If anything, he found it quite amusing that Duan Mu actually believed that he could kill him.

At times, Xu Shan even pretended to struggle, giving Duan Mu hope, as if he enjoyed the pain of the man before him.

The battle raged on, the clash of swords echoing through the forest. Duan Mu's hate grew stronger with each passing moment. He fought not only for revenge but also to protect others from suffering the same fate as he did.

In a final, decisive strike, Duan Mu unleashed all his energy, putting every bit of his strength behind it.

A torrential storm of destructive aura surged forward, the sheer force of it causing the ground to shake and the trees to sway.