
Eternal Rain: Rain Lilies

It’s freezing. The coldness clings to me like second skin… my breath is coming out in little puffs of air as I gripped my knees tighter to my chest. Not a spot of warmth remained, not a single touch. The world shakes, everything is dark and blurry. But one thing remained as clear as a summer day - his footprints in the puddles of water, gradually fading as the storm continues. The shackles of numbness disabled me, trapping me on that spot. I can’t move, can’t speak for my lips are trembling. The raging storm did never end, nor did it falter. The rain continued to fall without any mercy or hesitation.

LunaPolaris · 现代言情
13 Chs

Rain Lilies: Kismet Dance

The clouds are dark, the rain threatening to fall. I was now standing still beside the tree, our tree. I could feel the same thing that happened before drawing near.

He left again, and like all those times he did, I still ran to this tree. I guess I was just looking for a reason to believe that I could live again, like those times I survived even when the rain fell as I stood still.

After we left the airport, I asked Rico to drive me here. I just wanted to be alone, but he refused to leave me. He said he'll just wait inside the car until I'm ready to go home.

Who wants to go home anyway? I'd rather hang myself here. The sadness is killing me but no tears came out. I guess my ducts are too tired to work anymore. I just stood still, feeling the silence of everything, willing myself to speak my feelings to at least relieve the heavyweight in my chest.

"Lance…" I whispered, hoping my call would be carried by the wind to wherever he is.

Blaze… I heard him response in my imagination and I smiled. It seems almost real. I heard the car honked as Rico shouted.

"Lance! My man!" he then jogged out of the car and stopped just in front of me. I couldn't say a thing when he rested his hands over my shoulders and turned me around. What I saw then caused my ducts to work again. Lance stood there with a baggage in hand. Tears rolled don my cheeks as I ran to his arms.

"Huh?" he blurted out in surprise and his bag fell from his hands. "What the?"

"Idiot! Why didn't you say you were leaving?!" I scolded him but locked my hands behind his back. I didn't feel him return my hug.

"Man its okay… I already know… take care of her okay? If you ever let her go again, I will never forgive you and I'll chase you to the ends of the underworld…" he said.

Deliberately, as if measuring each movement, Lance wrapped me in his arms. I felt the familiar warmth surge wherever he touches. I can feel our hearts beating as one. Pulling back from Lance, I turned around to face Rico.

When I saw him, I saw nothing but the man that helped me so much, the man with his contented, gentle face. I looked at Lance and he nodded, knowing what I want to do. Slowly, I approached Rico and embraced him tight. He caressed my hair gently, as if I'm as fragile as a brittle glass.

"Thank you…" I sobbed on his chest. I squeezed him tighter, trying to transfer all my thoughts, my gratitude and love through that hug.

"You don't need to thank me… be happy Irish…" he said with a smile on his voice. He pulled back and wiped my tears away. I held his face and kissed his cheek. Though tears are falling from his eyes, he continued to smile. he took my hands then and towed me to Lance.

Like what he wished, he placed my hands on Lance's. Both of their hands are warming mine, the men I will both love forever. Rico finally let go of my hand, let go of me, set my heart free.

"Invite me on your wedding day okay? I'll be mad if I'm not the best man…" Rico chuckled and waved goodbye as he retreated to hi car.

"Of course! Thank you so much Rico!" Lance shouted. The engine whined in protest as he started the car and drove away. I turned to Lance then an smiled.

"Where do you plan to go? Trying to escape riding a plane huh? What happened to your flight anyway?" I asked one question after the other. He touched my cheek and said.

"I thought I could leave again, but I couldn't… then I decided to just stay here… after all, the most important thing is to be near you… it's more bearable to see you with Rico than never seeing you at all…" thunder erupted as the first droplets of rain fell from the sky and landed on our soaring hearts. We both laughed.

"It's raining again?" I giggled as he lifted me off the ground.

"I guess the rain means different today… you know the Chinese proverb says? That the rain means the end of a struggle…" he explained and brushed the hair out of my face. The rain soaked his hair as it continued to fall down on his face, making him look more dream-like. I kissed his lips gently as he settled me back on the ground.

I stepped on something soft and without breaking the embrace, I looked down to check. What I saw brought another round of tears in my eyes as I saw the most beautiful place in sight. Lance followed my gaze and he too, was awestruck.

Rain lilies swayed beautifully everywhere, making everything a blend of pink and green, a sweet memento of our new beginning. The dew-like raindrops on their petals make them shine and glitter even when there's just a bit of sun present. They were like our own rainbow within the rain, a magic originating from our bliss. I didn't notice that this place turned out to be very beautiful, especially under the rain.

I was amazed for a moment or two, but when I looked at Lance staring at me, his eyes that are only fixed on me seem to be saying that it still prefer to look at me more than anything else. I blushed. He chuckled yet again and pulled me close.

Without tearing our gaze, he placed my hands over his shoulder, as he locked his on my waist. He started swaying to a rhythm I couldn't hear. When he opened his lips, I think I fell in love all over again.

With his voice, so angelic, light and soft, yet so deep, he began to serenade me. (Kismet by Silent Sanctuary)

Didn't mean to take you for granted

Didn't mean to show I don't care

He said those words with softness that melted my heart. He moved with me with gentleness and grace.

Didn't mean to throw away this

Once in a lifetime of chance

Being with you

He swayed us; I followed his steps, and the beautiful sound resonating in his chest where I laid my head. I absorbed all the words he sing, willing to let myself savor and make the moment last forever.

And I'll drive for 2 hours

To bring Butterfingers

I don't mind the distance

This Kismet's a dance

He pulled away and turned me around, as we swirled and swirled under the rain, the lilies tickling our ankles as we glide.

This time I surrender

My everything forever

Life doesn't matter

just our souls together

The sincerity of the song tickled my heart as new tears started to leave my eyes, touched to hear his voice again, and overjoyed that he sang this song for me.

Pride no longer has room in me

On bended knees in public I cry

Your name for everyone to know

That I love you

I love you, please hear me now

His angelic voice echoed as he sang with all of his heart, oblivious to anything but this moment. He didn't care even if I look like a mess; he still thawed me like I am some kind of a jewel or something.

And I'll drive for 2 hours

to bring Butterfingers

I don't mind the distance

this Kismet's a dance

As the song drew nearer to its end, we stopped dancing. He bent down, still singing, to pick up a rain lily, knelt down with one of his knees, looked up, and gave me the flower with a happy smile.

This time I surrender

My everything forever

Life doesn't matter

Just our souls together

His voice softened a little more if it was possible as he sang the last words with all the feelings he has. I took the lily from his hand and kissed his forehead.

"You are my kismet…" he whispered while tucking the lily behind my ear and hugged me close. I couldn't breathe for a moment, still can't get over how beautiful his voice is. I wanted that voice to continue singing to me forever. We stood hugging for a long time.

"Aren't you cold? The rain should stop already…" he whined like a child and I laughed.

"I don't care even if the rain falls eternally… as long as you are with me… the cold would be warm… the rain will be the sunlight… the fierce wind would be like the breath of an angel… as long as you hold me close, the dark clouds will never hide my sky and the sun will forever shine…" I said affectionately and he chuckled.

"If I am your sun, then you are my universe… what would I ever do without you?" he rubbed his nose to mine and pulled me for another dance under the sheets of rain.