
Eternal Hazbin

(Fan Fiction of Hazbin Hotel) Around 50 Years before the events of the Pilot Damon could still feel the buzzing pain inside his head, he could feel his guts repositioning itself, and when he opened his eyes he found himself in another world... Damon is a newcomer in Hell, and down here, It's every man for himself... Delve deeper into Hell and its Hierarchy and experience Hell from a new sinner’s angle. Experience the story of Damon, a lowly sinner who gradually grows in power as he learns more about Hell and its inhabitants (This is still continuing!! I intend to go through with this story to the very end)

TheGorillaMonkey · 其他
30 Chs

Double Trouble

Damon, Leroy and Stef made quite the unlikely trio, but they were able to get the job done, and now they stood in front of Aztech and his brutish friend, ready to be initiated into their crew.

"I gotta say...I didn't expect you two to survive, and I especially didn't expect you to bring back a skilled warrior with you" Aztech said, giving Stef a little wink. "...No" Stef stated, knowing exactly what the wink meant, that little boy may be several centuries years old but he still resembled a kid.

"Your loss" he muttered, "Osomah!!!" Aztech shouted at the brute that he sat upon, Osomah raised his left hand above his head so that Aztech can reach it, and he cut the brute's palm with a knife, as blood dripped from Osomah's palm, Aztech drew the blood onto his finger and signaled Damon to step forward.

Aztech reaches his hand out and was ready to officially mark him as a member, when suddenly a stick of dynamite flew into their base. "...What is that?" Aztech asked, "SHIT!! GET DOWN!!" Damon shouted. The dynamite exploded and through the heavy smoke, two figures emerged.

"Goddamn it, I kicked that guy out a window" Stef groaned as she saw Bolt, "Well I kicked THAT guy off a roof!!" Leroy said as he saw The Groundkeeper. "Get 'Em!!!" Aztech yelled, as Osomah charged towards the Groundkeeper and they both began exchanging heavy blows.

"What is this, our third time?" Bolt asked, he took out both of his revolvers and spun them in his hand before aiming them at the trio, "I'll be sure to finish the job this time" Bolt told them.

Osomah and The Groundkeeper grappled onto each other, trying to topple the other one over. The Groundkeeper suddenly kicked Osomah back, he picked up a long blade on his back and swung it towards Osomah, who managed to block it using a piece of armor attached to his elbow. Aztech hopped off Osomah's back and jumped onto The Groundkeeper's faceless head, swinging his claws relentlessly at the man, who easily picked him up and tossed him aside. The Groundkeeper swung his blade at Osomah's head, but as the blade made contact with the metallic mask surrounding Osomah's head, the blade shattered into pieces. "Fuck" The Groundkeeper muttered as a scythe conjured into his hand and he swung it once again at Osomah.

Aztech quickly hopped up and took out a small dagger, chanting an incantation as he cut his own palm. Suddenly, blood began to float out of his open wound, the blood took the form of spikes and were flung towards The Groundkeeper, the blood spikes cut deep into the Groundkeeper's back, stunning him and allowing Osomah to lift him off the ground and toss him against the wall, rendering him temporarily unconscious.

"Holy shit, was that Blood Magic?!" Stef asked as she fired several arrows at Bolt, who shot them mid-air with his bullets. Damon picked up the Exterminator's Spear, "Someone distract him and I'll go in" Damon explained. Stef prepared some fire arrows and fired them at the roof, causing the entire pyramid to slowly catch on fire. Bolt looked up in confusion and shock, allowing Damon to get out of cover and charge at him.

Bolt snapped out of it at the last minute and narrowly dodged Damon, shooting Damon's hand and causing him to the drop the spear. "FUCK!!!" Damon shrieked, falling to the ground while holding his hand. Bolt grabbed Damon's bleeding hand and squeezed the wound, causing further pain to Damon.

Stef immediately pounced out of cover and jumped onto Bolt's back, placing him in a chokehold. "Hands off, Scarface!!!" Bolt yelled as he pulled a hunting knife out of his belt and stabbed Stef's wrist. She released him and was kicked back, Bolt held his gun out, pointing it mere inches from her face, "Game Over" he said as he was ready to end her. Stef suddenly grabbed his hand and redirected the bullet elsewhere, she took out an arrow and cut it deep into Bolt's elbow.

Stef and Bolt were both losing blood, but they pressed on. The Pyramid slowly burnt down around them as they fought like wild animals.

Leroy went to check on Damon, watching as Aztech and Osomah sprinted out of the pyramid. "We gotta help Stef" Leroy said, when suddenly he was kicked aside. Leroy groaned in pain as he looked up and saw The Groundkeeper standing over him. "Damn You Leroy!!" The Groundkeeper raised his scythe over his head, prepared to strike Leroy down. Leroy glanced around and saw the Exterminator's Spear next to Damon, who looked at Leroy and understood what he was thinking. Damon slid the Exterminator's Spear across the ground to Leroy, who picked it up and stabbed The Groundkeeper directly through the center of his face.

The Groundkeeper stumbled back, his head bobbing as he fell to his knees then went limp, "...Shit" Leroy muttered as he crawled back.

Stef and Bolt both exchanged punches and kicks, the Pyramid began falling apart around them, debris threatening to crush them if they didn't hurry out of there. "I'm gonna high-tail it outta here...I'll see y'all around" Bolt said as he sprinted towards the exit.

"What's wrong?" Stef asked as she approached Leroy, "I can't pick him up" Leroy groaned as he tried to lift Damon up. Stef sighed and simply placed his left arm on Leroy's shoulder while placing Damon's right arm on her own, "...Teamwork" she simply told him as the three of them made their escape.

As they stood in front of the burning Pyramid, news vans arrived to capture images. Aztech and Osomah are nowhere to be found and The Groundkeeper's body was now burnt to a crisp. They knew the Mistress will be more pissed than she's ever been, and in short...they're all pretty fucked.