
Evolution & Augmentation

As Cyrus was spending most of his time observing Cyra's changes, the time of departure grew closer and closer.

In a blink of an eye, another year has passed without him noticing.

Cyra was hanging inside a sealed medical tube. Her only way of sensing was a limited force control that couldn't even leave the tube.

Only her upper skeletal structure was intact. Anything below was missing, including her left arm.

Her hair was now reaching to the bottom of the tank.

There were countless cables connected to her body, giving her the necessary food, drink, and oxygen to stay alive.

She was also connected to a virtual reality that she could freely access.

Upon Entering, she saw a park with a female sitting on a bench.

Walking Closer, she saw the Hologram from the previous legacy in a much more natural and human like form.

"Welcome. I'm glad that you came to your senses. We have a lot to talk about!"

"What do you mean?"

"To save your life, I had to use some unnatural ways. In a sense, your no longer a citizen but Special ops agent!"


"Please look at this!"

A list of information appeared inside Cyra's head.


[The Quintic created this race

Dawn Wave corporation, they were created as super mutant Essence users to be a military security force that only answers to the corporation, The Reaper-QDW or generally referred to as QDW has long since changed its porous and goal towards gaining much more Essence they are just like a strain that sole porpoise is getting stronger at all cost, they are the most religious yet most vital Essence users through the human race history, QDW were the first modifieds, yet they still exist even to this very day as a nation whose sole goal is to harvest Essence]

[To achieve higher levels, they continuously infuse Essence inside their bodies, often causing Essence overdoses, all for the creation of much more purified descendants, most trains are horrifically mutated into abominations, but those who survived had given birth to a new and healthier generation]

[Because of their greedy nature, Acanoid-QDW, and fanatical addiction to Essence, they tend to focus on creating even more Advanced ways of extracting Essence from living organisms while always infusing their body parts with this way gained Essence]

[This strain has wholly given up anything Complicated Essence related techniques and focusing their attention on using every bit of Essence to strengthen themselves with an Essence aura]

"I don't see why is this a problem..."

"QDW-s are special military units that are forced to enter military service at some point if they survive the proceeders..."

"Wait.. what proceeders?"

"Augmentations to become fully-fledged QDW, the base DNA was repaired by it, so in theory, the body shouldn't reject the implants."

Before Cyra could continue to talk to the ship, she blacked out once more.

While he was waiting to be able to connect to Cyra again, Cyrus looked at the kids.

He was surprised to find Nomak once again heavily crushed into a wall without any strength left, while Nissa was sitting on his tail.

He was genuinely wondering what has happened but decided to let it be for now, as the other 3 were training, and he didn't want to disturb them.

Then suddenly, he was reconnected to Cyra once more. It was like jumping between dreams.

Purple lightning repeatedly flashed between her pupils. Eyes are capable of glowing under certain conditions, but that mostly related to UV lights. In Cyra's case, the purple lightning acted as a stimulant to further mutate her arhy Eyes.

[The aftereffect of radiation to the Host body, constant mutation generations after generations trying to adapt to the situations]

[Host processing speed has started to double.. triple.. ]

[int can increase processing speed, but processing speed cannot increase intelligence]

[Congratulation Host for achieving brain overdrive by connecting every neutron in the host brain, increasing processing speed and memory]

[Host is currently brain dead because of the sudden disappearance of the synaptic gap]

[restructuring is necessary]


[adjusting neutral system]

[looking for alternative communication ways between cells]

[Creating alternative pathways around neutrons and neutron transmitters are in bedded in synaptic scares that are running around the neutrons like a spiral, by doing so competitive pathways appear, Host brain will think about up to 3 or 4 solutions at the same while also quickly running a check through personality and memory-related channels to determinate the best possible action to take]

[When there are two equally good, they will be recalculated until one surpasses another because all the neutrons are connected. The Host won't feel much different as for actual effects. It will probably feel like the time has been slowed down to 1/10 of its original speed]

[Neural link between Host and the Nano-BBB has been established]

[Interactions has wholly become one, the Nano-BBB now can act as a second brain like a living skin, can predict the Host next moves and prepare the best action accordingly]

[Also, because of this, Host instinct-like reactions become much faster and natural Because the second brain is close, almost fused with the instinct. The secondary brains won't let the central brain take part in the thinking process, which in return can focus on much more important things without any worries]

[NEMP also activated Microglia pathway, that normally inactive they are used to clearing cellular debris(organic waste left behind after a cell dies) and dead neurons from nervous tissue with the process of cell eating]

Soon Cyra started regrowing the missing parts of her body. With enough energy, she recovered within two days.

The tank where she was initially kept was slowly depleted, and she could finally leave.

The changes to her body were evident as she could barely stand; she kept losing her balance.

From the 1.6 m, her height nearly doubled, and she was currently 3 meters tall. Her body size also risen even though she remained as slim as ever.

She followed the green lights on the floor to the second part of the medical facility. In the main room, four robotic assistants were waiting for her to lay in a bed.

Knowing full well that Cyra was capable of rapid regeneration instead of giving her painkillers, the ship provided her an endless amount of blood and vitamins directly flowing into her bloodstream.

The first augmentation was related to her heart. To be able to supply a large number of new organs, she received three different hearts.

But each of the three hearts has three chambers introducing a completely new blood circulation system.

The reason for continually providing blood for Cyra also comes from the fact of avoiding blood loss.

The three hearts were connected to the body, and the blood flow speed became four times faster, further increasing the regeneration properties.

To avoid heart problems, the moment all four hearts were started to kick in, even more blood was automatically pumped into her body.

This system helps the body adapt to places with high gravity or pressure underwater.

To raise the blood quality and ability to carry more oxygen and other necessary components, shortly after the Heart implants, Cyra received a Das dose.

This practical fluid has activated her new protein molecules affected by the QDW and became 2-3 times effective; they are in Cyra purple blood cells.

The next proceeder wasn't so pleasant anymore as all her bones were broken and forcefully reformed around the hearts.

This way, the hearts got even more breathing places while not being blocked by the hard rock bones.

As they were reforged, the bones' color was considerably darkened while also gaining a small degree of flexibility.

Meanwhile, the operations were ongoing Cyra's body had to break the Essence absorption limit body forcibly. As a QDW, her ability related to Essence absorption was godly.

After fully regenerated, her next challenge knocked on her door as her stomach was cut open once more, and she received four other stomachs.

These were separated by seals that could be opened and closed according to situations.

This augmentation goal was to increase Cyra's ability to supply her body with enough energy to survive the strain of 4 hearts.

Each stomach can break down any organic matter to produce the necessary energy.

She also faced another bone reforming right after the stomachs were implemented.

Next, she was cut open once more, this time, her upper body and around her hearts. She received three other lungs with six lobes each.

This augmentation was a special military upgrade to store or filter oxygen whenever volcanic planets with thick smoke or poison, even oxygen low environments.

The next augmentation was related to another mutation that just happened recently. Cyra skin darkened a slightly bit and gained resistance towards a certain degree of radiation.

The next augmentation was even more painful than the previous ones. This time Cyra was melting away. The only reason she didn't suffer significant damage because she received a poison sack that was directly connected to her Saliva production.

This poison sack made her saliva contain a high concentration of Magic Acid; similarly to her previous experience, this was also an explosive acid in contact with water.

The only positive side was that it was less reactive and won't cause a nuclear blast, but nothing less, if there is a little moisture in the air spitting sparkles, is entirely possible, and smaller explosions with larger amounts.

The acid's actual primary purpose is to eat anything remotely eatable and break it down in mere seconds to reproduce enough energy and power to keep her body running.

The appendix's reaction was also started; this organ is present in every humanoid even though it's unnecessary for regular citizens. It's fundamental for soldiers to produce certain bacteria that can slow down the body's metabolism if it's necessary.

There is also a Carib pumped into the body to strengthen the interstitium. This organ is wrapped around the other organs, filled with fluid, and helps protect the organs from external shock waves.

[Starting the augmentation of the Innate Ability:{Primal Instinct} -> {Predator Instinct: Host innate ability will automatically drastically increase metabolism this will speed up and regenerate the body upon any injury suffered} ]

The ship's healing-related augmentation was dismissed because none were on the same lvl or coming close to Cyra's fastened metabolism. With the new organs, the gap became even more significant than before.

To top it off, even the sense and eye related augmentations seemed to be useless as Cyra Arcy Eyes and New brain were ages above what the ship technology could provide.

Show me my current stats!

[As you wish, Host]


[Name] [Cyra]

[Title] [Heir of the Dragon Clan]

[Race] [Feral Human] -> [Prime Human]

[Variant] [Bonanoid] -> [Acanoid-QDW]

[Driving force: Greed, Discord, Pride]

[Gender: Female]

[Bloodline] [Nidhogg]

[Int: 100.00] +2000% -> 2000.00

[Str: 100.00] +5000% -> 5 000.00

[E: 100.10] +1000% -> 1 001.00

[Life Spawn] [500 years] -> [50 000 Years]

[Innate Abilities]

<[Predator Instinct]>

[Host innate ability will automatically drastically increase metabolism. The predator will speed up and regenerate the body upon any injury suffered]

<[Fanatical Absorption]>

[Host innate ability will fanatically absorb Essence whenever it can, from whatever it can be it living organisms or from the surroundings it will supply the body with high amounts of Essence]

Wait, where did my techniques go?

[Host can't use any technique]


After the augmentations, Cyra's strength was above possible human limitations, and both her Essence and Strength were enchanted several times over.

After spending some time to get used to her strength, she used force control then released her little lizard from the book of earth.

Since she became more significant, the lizard looked relatively small next to her; the lizard was rather sad to see that she was small again. On the other hand, it was happy to see that Cyra was alright.

But they haven't seen each other for a long time. Cyra took out most of the food she could find and feed it to the lizard as a sign of saying sorry.

Then 6 hours after everything was done, the ship has allowed Cyra to go to one of the director's offices to sleep and wait for further notice.