

Dao of Malleability consisted of a few minor Daos, all of which Alex had gained insights by directly learning the Dao of Malleability.

Alex could also see that the Dao of Malleability and the Dao of Metal were somewhat connected, so the two Daos were definitely part of a greater metal dao.

Alex returned to the solid blob of metallic staff and heated it up until it was melted and very malleable.

He struck the metal a few more times before stopping. Hitting truly wasn't going to work anymore and he needed to do something else.

He needed to use his newly learned dao.

Alex dropped his hammer and instantly used his intent to compress the metal in front of him. The world followed his command to do so and even then Alex felt the Qi being ripped out of hi to compress the metal.

It took almost everything he had to make the metal thinner, and now, it was thinner than what a normal sword would look like by nearly 20%.