

The empire's soldiers acted immediately upon the orders of Long Huan, the oldest remaining descendant with royal blood. Most people listened to Pearl, but those who didn't listened to Long Huan.

It was either that or leaving the army altogether, which many did as well.

Using the empire's army, they began spreading not just the news about the war and their new leaders, they also started quelling any and all problems that might have arisen in the period of war.

There were many cities that had decided to rise up against the Emperor after learning everything they did, wanting answers. Then there were places where the citizens of that city had attacked the city officials for either not showing what was being shown through the newsboards, or trying to threaten them into not going to help against the Emperor in the war.

These uprisings needed to be quelled in peaceful ways, so the Oathbreakers and the many new additions to their rank chose to do just that.