
A Life Changing Game

Somewhere Outside Reality:

After traveling across dimensional barriers and multiple universes we find our stoic protagonist.

"Ughhhh!" Puking his guts out. After regaining his bearings from his mind opening journey Emilio looks around the space he finds himself in and realizes something important.

"Am I in the final boss room from Elden Ring, because if I am I would be thinking the medicine hit much harder than I thought". Emilio states to the void.

"Okay Emilio, you were just in a smelly hospital bed and now you are in some kind of extradimensional space that simultaneously has no floor nor sky yet you are walking on nothing and staring at floating lights". Emilio mentions confusingly.

"Well you could be standing on something and nothing from a certain point of view". A booming voice states from the nothingness.

"Great I am in the realm of your average Star Wars fan what's next gonna quote on how being a Star Wars fan leads to powers most would consider unnatural". Emilio quotes smartingly.

"I would be offended from your tone but that would be similar to someone getting angry over a story choice on Webnovel" The voice says good naturedly.

"I am happy not to being smited but may I know to which eldritch and/or multiversal being I am speaking to. Wait? Multiversal entities read Webnovel?". Emilio says nervously.

"Calm down, little man to answer the question yes we do as its as simple as willing a complete version to exist then reading it. Also I am not one of those multiversal malevolent entities that make things hard for others because in my opinion what good is a story where one knows that everything is out to get them". The voice remarks calmly.

Really? isn't that the main M.O that most divine beings are , essentially multiversal level chess masters". Emilio states more calmly.

"You know little one you are both right and wrong as while those you speak of exist the multiverse is infinite, their entertainment possibilities endless as their choices both matter and don't matter" The voice again states almost nonchalantly. "But we are going nowhere with this but before we continue this conversation step into the building in front of you" The voice clarifies obtusely.

"What building... oh that building of course that was totally in front of me this entire time". Emilio states matter of factly while walking into the building and finding an office room.

"Nice place" Emilio says gravely. "The man sitting in the chair just looks amused stating simply "Really a Thor reference from God of War Ragnarok?". "Really", states Emilio. "That and I don't really know how to start conversations". Emilio says as he sits in the chair opposite to the mysterious cultured being.

"Well to get started, welcome to one of my domains my junior" The hooded being states arrogantly.

"No, god please no, no, no, noooo!" Emilio says in a horrified tone as he has PTSD flashbacks to the multiple cultivation novels he had read.

"Calm down, calm down young man. No I am not one of those arrogant, young masters but I am stronger than them so no need to worry about upsetting them and their elders and their elders elders". The voice that Emilio shall call Rob.

"Ill allow that" Rob says while sitting in the chair menacingly. "Allow what?" Emilio says confused as to why. "To call me Rob, that is nowhere near close to my name but you can't say it for a cliché reason". "Let me guess too strong for this junior?" Emilio says dryly. "Yes!" Rob says looking very smug about it.

"Wait your"-"reading your mind yes I own an entire plain of existence so why should I not be able to read a single mind". Rob interrupts Emilio dryly.

"So lets get started, first I saw your suffering in the hospital and heard what you said about wanting more from life than being a cog in the machine so I am going to give you a chance to prove or put your proverbial money where your mouth is. And to do that you have to do one thing" Rob says in a serious tone. "Wh..what is it" Emilio questions nervously.

"Well to keep it simple you are going to choose six of these potions that grant a variety of effects with the seventh being given for free as Blank is meant to keep the others from ripping you apart" after Rob said that the room shifted to a classic alchemist shop with various potions lining the walls.

"What happens if I say no" Emilio asks hopelessly.

"You accept, great!". The Rob says joyously as he begins to walk around the shop and present different bottles of various sizes and from the dozens of essences that appeared on the table only or maybe ironically six stood out to Emilio.

"This is a trashy fanfiction isn't it" Emilio says while drawing circles in a corner

"Always has been" says the Rob from his chair that looks as if it is now made of star clusters.

"Well with that out of the way, would you like to play a game Mr. Reese but instead of testing your will to live your life let us begin the real test?" Rob says as he reveals his face

"With that test being?" Emilio asks. "How will you change, how will you affect the world around you, how will you change when given the chance to be more than a statistic?" The Rob says fervently which surprises Emilio as a Rob being this excited is odd as most beings at Rob's level seem almost apathetic to the plight of those lower than them.

"I know what you are thinking and that would be right in most cases but for me I am a Rob that believes in potential, I believe that most can be better when given what they need to succeed but also that most may not even know they deserve it". "Is that not hypocritical?" asks Emilio as while the Rob believes in potential he also knows that some may not be worth it. "That is what makes the multiverse", he pauses as he seems to cradle a universe" beautiful as the fact that you get to ask that question and see the answer is what makes eternity a beautiful thing but enough of the pleasantries and philosophical discussion. because this is not my story but yours to find that answer". Rob says with finality.

With that phrase another crack opens and Emilio along with the seven vials is thrown into the void to where, that is unknown but one thing is certain this shall be an adventure for good or ill it shall be seen as each choice has infinite possibilities.

To find out where Emilio went tune in next time for Essence of Unwanted Adventure.

(Please comment on the first world you would like to see or others you guys can recommend)