
Yelena’s Hobby

"I don't want to hear anything, nor am I interested. But I am worried about Erika and Eric. I hope they didn't turn out like you," Rebecca remarked.

"Excuse me, they are pure and innocent from the very beginning. But Yelena wasn't. Do you want to know what she—"

"Hey!" Yelena quipped in between. "We are discussing Rudy, don't bring me into this. What do I have to do with—"

"You do. I won't stay quiet when I am accused of something I am not guilty of."

"I caught her watching porn at the age of twelve." Elena lowered her voice and whispered to Rebecca.

"For fuck's sake, sis. Why do you have to do this to me? You can't expose my sins like that."

"You are the one who started it and got your tongue slip."

"Wait, is she telling the truth?" Rebecca couldn't believe what her ears just heard, so she asked Yelena for the confirmation.

"I did not know it was porn."