
Will You Join My Harem?

"What… did you say…?" Jane asked with a dazed expression on her face. Seemingly unable to comprehend what she just heard from Rudy's mouth.

"I have a harem," Rudy uttered with a straight face.

"Harem is where a man or a woman has multiple partners, right?" Jane asked with the same dazed look on her face.


"So when you say you have a harem, you mean you have multiple lovers other than Rias?"

"Indeed," Rudy nodded.

"Wait, so when you mentioned your libido last night, you said you… does that mean you sleep with them too?"

"Obviously," Rudy responded with a shoulder shrug.

Jane frowned her face and said, "When my Rias was suffering, you were busy collecting girls and seducing them like you seduced me?!"

"Oh? Who was the one who wiped my memory and rendered me clueless about Rias and the vampires' existence?"


"And…" Rudy nibbled on Jane's pointy ears and said, "What's this? Why do you look angry?"

"Of course, I will be angry! You betrayed—"