
Whisphers of Ghost

When Rudy was Busy with Cassandra, Angelica and Rebecca were having a talk.

Lucy repeatedly glanced at Rebecca and Angelica, wondering what they were talking about.

'Why did Rudy bring a classmate over for no reason? I don't understand. And why is Rebecca so interactive with her? I don't think she has ever talked like that with me. We mostly talk about other things and not normal conversations.

I think it's my fault for not opening up to her like a daughter. I don't think of her as a mother, but she is Rudy's mother.'

She bit her lips and mumbled, "I can't let a random classmate beat me like this."

Lucy crouched down behind the platform while hanging her hands up.

'At this rate, I will end up becoming a nonexistent family member of his household. Rudy rarely stays home, and Rebecca sleeps during the daytime. I am not getting enough chances to interact and bond with them. I have to do something before it's too late.'