
Unanswered Questions

"You will make me immortal?"

"Once I can solve the logic behind immortality… yes. I mean, I am not sure how long I am going to live, but considering I can manipulate my body… I think I am… limitless."

"Imagine living for thousands of years… sounds like a fairy tale…" Eleanor muttered.

"My life has been a fairy tale ever since… I transmigrated to this world. It has been an awesome experience so far. Really… I don't think I would have managed all that if… I didn't have the Lord's power.

I still have no idea why I was chosen as a Lord, by the way. Humans shouldn't be the Lord because of their short lifespan. And not to mention… the human race was abandoned by the Lord.

Everyone has abandoned the human world because of humans. Also… according to Angelica… I have human parents, so… yeah, we are back to square one. I don't know who my parents are.