
Things Never Go as Planned

Rudy and the girls ate dinner in an awkward mood. They couldn't shout or pass remarks to each other as Joe was sleeping in the next room.

Rebecca finished her plate as soon as possible and left for her night shift.

After finishing dinner, Lucy and Rudy washed the plates while Angelica and Lilim sat in the living room, discussing their next move.

"Who is that man?" Lilim asked Angelica in a low voice

"Oh, right. You don't know about that." Angelica moved her face close and whispered, "His name is Joe, and he is Lucy's father."

"I know that much from their earlier interaction. But… What is he doing here, and why is he sleeping in Rebecca's room?"

"Sis married him."


"He is her husband."

"Nice joke, Jessi. But you made one big mistake, and that is Rudy would never let the opposite sex come near any of his harem members and the girls he is interested in."

"It's not a joke."
