
Rina Meets Rudy

After Lucy and her friends left for the washroom, Rudy decided to pay the visit to the girls to see how their meeting was going on.

Sure, he could easily know that using his powers, but he wanted the girls to know that he was there.

He was also curious to see how Reina and Rize reacted when they found out that they were part of Rudy's harem.

However, when Rudy reached Reina's office, he saw two girls standing outside, arguing with Reina. He assumed it must be the customers who wanted to complain.

This had become a regular occurrence, with customers complaining about the tiniest things that should not have affected their experience at all.

A customer expressed displeasure about the color of the rides and asked for something other than red.

"What's going on here?" he asked them.

Rina turned around and saw Rudy and instantly recognized him as she had seen him in the photos.

She then turned to Reina and exclaimed, "I knew it. You were fooling around while—"