

Minutes stretched into an agonizing eternity as Rudy meticulously scrutinized each entry. Twelve instances of an Elise emerged, each sharing the same last name and age. The possibilities loomed large, casting a shadow of uncertainty over Rudy's heart. Any of these entries could represent his beloved Elise, or they could be unrelated strangers thrust into the same tragic fate.

The somber reality settled over him as Rebecca and Jessica called him to the dinner table. With a heavy heart, Rudy joined them for the meal, the weight of uncertainty overshadowing the simple act of nourishment. The answers he sought remained elusive, and the ambiguity surrounding Elise's fate persisted, casting a pall over the otherwise ordinary dinner table.

As Jessica and Rebecca observed Rudy's somber demeanor, concern etched across their faces, Jessica couldn't help but voice her worry. "Rudy, is there something wrong with the dish? Don't you like it?"