
Promise (ii)

"I mean, since you have now been promoted, you will be busier. I don't think it's wise to waste your time commuting daily."

"You are absolutely right. But now that I am the chief, I have my own office with many facilities. I can bathe and sleep there. So if I am busy, I will most likely stay there."

"That's great. You can let me know if you ever need anything."

"Sure, sure. I will keep that in mind. Oh, right." Joe opened his bag and took out something while saying, "I bought this polaroid camera. Let's all take a family picture together."

"That's a nice idea." Rudy turned to Rebecca and said, "Mom, come here."

"Just a second. Let me set this stove on low."

Rudy stood in between while Rebecca and Lucy stood on his either side.

"Joe, you said it's a family picture, right? So you have to be here too," Rudy insisted.

"But then, who will take the picture?"

"There should be an automatic setting."

Angelica came out of Rudy's body and said, "I will take it."