
Pranking Harem


Rudy teleported to the pool house to see the girls doing something bizarre.

They were sitting, forming a circle in the dark room with no lights on.

'It seems they haven't noticed I am here. What the hell are they doing?'

Through his vision ability, Rudy saw they were playing a board game, but not the type of board game he expected them to have.

They were playing with an Ouija board. According to the movies, the board was meant to be a way to talk to the dead and bring forth spirits.

Rudy was not surprised to find them playing such a game, what caused him to let out a sigh was the fact that a ghost was playing too.

'I swear, sometimes, Angelica does such things purposely. And more importantly, why are they playing this game? Like, do they expect it to work? Do they think a ghost will appear and talk to them?'

He scoffed at their foolishness and muttered, "That only happens in movies."

Rudy opened his mouth to call them, but he had an amazing idea.