

After hearing about Rudy's dream, Jane asked, "Do you remember anything else…?"

"Not exactly. I was running and flying so fast that I didn't pay attention to anything. Why do you ask?" he wondered with a curious and confused look on his face.

"Did you… also, enter the throne room in the dream?"

"I was on my way to the throne room when I decided to slap myself. What's wrong? You look… scared…"

"That was not this palace, but an exact copy of this one, or rather, this palace is the copy of the palace where great grandmother, Queen Nyxia used to live."

'You mentioned this when we were taking a bath. But still, why do you think that was Nyxia's palace? It could just be a normal dream, you know?"

"I am not sure if that was the old palace. But dreams are never normal. We, vampires, believe that dreams are a way to the netherworld. Some call it dreamland, but that's a cute name. The real place is not as cute as it sounds.