
Lord's Mercy

"If you can do that, then we will be back before the sun rises," Lu Bela stated.

"Then let's go."

Rudy placed his hand on Lu Bela's shoulder and teleported to the beach where he had dropped Cassandra and John.

"So this is teleportation…" Lu Bela muttered.

"Why do you look surprised?" Rudy asked. "You have teleporting devices, too, right?"

"Yes, but this is different."


"Show me the exact location of the castle on the map. I will fly there real quick, teleport back here, and then teleport us both there."

"Or you can simply take me with you instead of going the extra mile?"

"Did you not hear when I said I will be flying at a speed faster than lightning? I will break my body into a lightning matter. Obviously, your body wouldn't be able to stand such speed and pressure."