
Leah Lopez

Leah watched Rudy for a few seconds and made a quick plan.

'You can do this, Leah! You have been taking acting lessons. You can make it natural. Your prey is a normal high school boy, and he is at the age when the boys only think of one thing— girls.'

Leah walked past Rudy and then pretended as if she slipped and fell into the pool. But she fell on the deeper side, where she could actually drown.

Rudy, who saw that, jumped into the pool to rescue Leah. He grabbed her by the waist and took her to the kid's side, where she could easily stand in the pool with her feet on the floor.

Leah pretended to be passed out at first, but after realizing that Rudy might apply mouth to mouth CPR on her, she changed her mind and simply hugged Rudy tightly.

She pressed her body against Rudy and said, "Don't let go! I can't swim!"

Her acting seemed so real that it even fooled Rudy. Had he used his ability to hear her thoughts, her plan would have busted in no time.