

With the satisfying taste of breakfast still lingering on their tongues, Rudy leaned back in his chair, a contented smile on his face. He glanced over at Rebecca, gratitude shining in his eyes.

"Mom, that was absolutely delicious," Rudy praised, his voice filled with appreciation. "You have such a talent for making every meal special."

Rebecca blushed, her cheeks tinged with a rosy hue. "Oh, it's nothing, really. I'm just glad you enjoyed it."

"You were amazing last night, too," He said with a smirk.

Rebeca's ears flushed after hearing that.

Unable to resist the affection welling up inside him, Rudy reached across the table, his hand gently caressing Rebecca's cheek. "No, it's more than amazing. I look forward to more nights and mornings like that. You better be ready for that every day."