
Joe Walker

"I didn't know I was pregnant until I was 5 months in. We had kept our marriage secret because we didn't want anyone to know. Even at that time, early marriages were frowned upon. Days passed by and I didn't know what to do.

It was a matter of time before my mum and dad found out about it, so I went to Joe and told him the truth. He was bewildered to know that. He said it should be impossible. To confirm his doubts, we went for a checkup, that too in a city 500 kilometers away from ours because everyone there knew us and our parents and we didn't want anyone to know about it.

Once it was confirmed that I was indeed 5 and half months in, Joe told me that he had something to say. Knowing Joe, I thought he would say something to reassure me and take full responsibility, but instead, what he told me left me broken," Rose sighed with a sad look on her face.