
Jessica or Angelica

"Give me your phone. I need to make a phone call. Two, actually."

Maria handed her phone to Rudy and said, "You are using my phone more than I do."

Rudy called Elena's number to ask for updates about her schedule, but after a few rings, the call didn't go through.

"What's wrong?" Maria asked.

"She isn't picking up. Either she ignored the call because it was an unknown caller, or she was sleeping. When I called her last night before we left for the auction, she said she had rescheduled her meeting and merged the two together.

She said she has a morning flight and will get here by evening, but she didn't tell me if she meant morning for our time zone or hers."

"Where is she right now?"

"On the other side of the world, where it's currently night. So she might be sleeping," he shrugged. "Either way, I will try calling her from my phone and see if she picks up."

Rudy then dialed his number and called Angelica as she had his phone.