
Hot and Badass Milf

Rudy hovered in space and looked upon the blue planet wistfully. His face showed no expression, it was still and stiff, like a statue.

'Why is this worrld still living a peaceful life? Where is Chaoss? Where is blood? Where is destruction? You know humansss don't deserrve to live a peaceful life. So why are you prrotecting them?'

Rudy recalled Pearu's words to which he hadn't responded.

"What am I supposed to do?" he muttered to himself.

He moved his hand and pointed it toward the blue planet before covering it with his fist.

"I can crush it with ease and kill every human on the planet. But then what? Create a new planet, a new human race, and repeat all over again? Humans would end up the same way they do in every timeline and reality.

I am in no mood to reset the world again and again. I just want to live my life peacefully with my lovers. But I know that's not possible. So let me live this life a little longer before I announce my Lordship.