
Halo Garden

"Two days seems very long, My Lord," they said, their words carrying utmost respect for Rudy.

"I understand that the wait may feel long, but it is important that we approach this process with the utmost consideration and thoughtfulness," Rudy explained. "By opening the adoption system after two days, we can ensure that every parent is well-prepared and ready to embrace the responsibilities and joys of raising a child."

The mythical beings nodded in understanding, their excitement tempered by the realization that a little patience would lead to a more secure and well-planned adoption process. They trusted in Rudy's wisdom and commitment to the well-being of the newborns, knowing that the wait would ultimately lead to the best possible outcomes for both the children and their adoptive families.

An elderly lady stepped forward and uttered, "Who will take care of the innocent souls for two whole days? Who will feed them and provide for them? There are thousands of them."