
God.| Devil.| Grim Reaper.

"Did you see the dream I showed you?" Rudy asked with a devilish smile on his face.

"You showed me that?!"

Rudy licked his lips and said, "She was so tasty. It was fun to corrupt an innocent girl like her."

"You… are kidding. Reina is not that type of girl…" Scott stuttered.

Scott had known Reina ever since they were in high school, and he knew her better than anyone. He was aware that Reina was an innocent and meek girl who would give in to pressure if she had no other chance.

Scott took advantage of Rena's meek side and asked her out. Of course, Reina wasn't aware of Scott's true self at that time, so she accepted, thinking it was normal to go out with a boy at that age.

However, the moment Reina agreed to go out with him, he asked to sleep with her to prove her loyalty. He wanted to mark Reina as his property.