
Escape from Konoha

IS A TRANSLATION: Everything has to be studied to understand the meaning. Traveler Chiba Shiraishi picked up a book called "The Will of Fire" I opened it and saw that the things in it were nutritious and that the history of the village of Konoha was ageless, but the words 'will of fire' were written all over the crooked pages. Baishi couldn't sleep anyway and picked up the book "The Will of Fire" again. After reading it carefully in the middle of the night, he could see the words in the cracks, and the two words - Multilevel Marketing was written all over the book! With hesitation and fear in Shiraishi's heart, he decided that sooner or he should escape this Multi-Level Marketing brainwashing organization called Konoha! Link: https://h5.imiaobige.com/novel/244227.html?fbclid=IwAR1ByATbRm_A47hOF6fyLTBEgKDbQAxE4ECqX3VyNxNy9eJ19xomi0uQ75A

Yuahiu · 漫画同人
60 Chs

The end of the war

"Young Master Hiashi."

On the Monday morning of class, just after dawn, around six o'clock, Ayane showed up just in time to wake up Hiashi.

There was a small voice in the room and after a while, Hiashi left the room.

He didn't look at Ayane and walked right past Ayane.

To him, whether this maid can live to the end is an unknown question.

For the clan, the life of a branch person is not that important.

But few people in the trade will resist, and most people are used to being ruled.

And that habit will be firmly etched in their bones and souls and will be passed on from generation to generation.

They are overjoyed at the clan's joy, angry at the clan's anger, and saddened by the clan's sadness.

Regarding Hiashi's indifference, Ayane naturally understands that she is just doing the duty of a maid and honestly followed Hiashi.

There must be a lot of eyes around her.

She can feel it.

In the dark corner, in the silent gap, her every action was monitored.

It's not a happy thing to be the young master's maiden of the Hyuga clan.

But this kind of attention called surveillance is not something Ayane can resist.

"Lord Hiashi."

After going through several houses, Ayane is following Hiashi. As he approached the practice area, a teenager a little younger than Hiashi walked down the hall.

The appearance is also very similar to Hiashi's.

After seeing the sunrise, he lowered his head. No matter how he heard it, he was gritting his teeth and clenching his fists tightly.

"In the clan, as a ninja, you have to contain your emotions at any time. It's very ugly. You mustn't forget where you belong."

Hiashi stopped, gave Hizashi a cold look, with a stern tone, also scolded Hizashi like a brother.


It seems that calm has been restored and his grip has loosened, but Ayane knows this ninja's anger and dissatisfaction or hatred.

It's the boy's name and Hizashi.

Like Hiashi, he is the son of the Hyuga patriarch. The difference is that he was born a little later than Hiashi, so he is in the clan branch, and Hiashi is in the main clan.

He will die for the main family. All his honor and disgrace is no longer for him, but for his older brother who was once the most respected and loved.

The respect and love that once existed have now turned to hostility and hatred.

If he wasn't the patriarch's son, and he blatantly revealed his murderous aura to the next Hyuuga patriarch, he couldn't have been taken to anyone's corner, cursed to death.

Sometimes even the status between the clan branch is different.

Finding a day off is just a small episode, and for Ayane, it's not something that deserves special attention.

When I arrived at the practice field, there was an excellent Jōnin from the Hyuga clan, waiting for Hiashi for his morning exercises.

As a maid, Ayane was allowed to stay here.

After she was arranged as Hiashi's maid, her status was also higher than that of family members in general.

The sixty-four palms of the Hyuga clan, combined with the white eyes, are very powerful.

The sixty-four palms. Ayane didn't learn everything, she just learned the thirty-two palms.

On the one hand, the core members expect the people of the division to be strong, but they don't want the people of the division to learn all the unique skills of the Hyuga family.

Because once a division member surpasses the main clan in techniques, the main clan will lose prestige.

If the members of the main clan lose prestige, those who do so will be punished definitively.

If the branch person behaves well, he can learn more skills.

However, there is an absolute defensive technique called 'Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven' that only members of the main clan are qualified to learn.

Ayane doesn't particularly care about that sort of thing.

She was like the separate maids who died before, they were just an expendable tool beside him.

That's how he was raised by his father, who was the patriarch.

The main clan is the root of the Hyuga clan. Only the root is still there, and the branches and leaves are withered or blooming.

Konoha 32 years old, October.

Shiraishi remained in the first experimental medical ninja class for half a year and her grades weren't high enough. However, as the first batch of medical ninja cultivated in the village, no matter how common, the village gave him a very generous allowance.

After graduating from sixth grade, he will rush to the battlefield to work as a frontline medical ninja.

Just when Shiraishi thought like that, suddenly the news came back -

The war is over.

Yes, the war is over.

Konoha wins, Amegakure loses.

After the leader of Salamander's Hanzō gave Konoha the name of the three ninjas, Konoha Sannin, he recognized Konoha's victory and ended the three-year war between Rain Village and Konoha Village.

The so-called 'Sannin' are the three students of the Hokage, namely Orochimaru, Jiraiya, and Tsunade.

The three won Konoha's victory on the battlefield and added honor.

As a result, most people in the village were immersed in an atmosphere of joy.

Shiraishi is also very happy. After graduation, he can finally participate in the Ninja War without going to the battlefield.

Sannin returned with a large number of Konoha ninja, and countless people eagerly awaited the village.

Shiraishi is also among them, one of the lowly members.

At that time, he saw those called Sannin.

A handsome, feminine man with long, straight black hair that looks killer on the outside.

A busty ninja with light blonde hair and a big smile.

Hmm... Wait, how are there only two people in Sannin?

Shiraishi remembered that there were 3 Sannin, so why did only two of them come back?

Did he sacrifice himself at the end of the war?

Baishi couldn't help but think like that in his heart.

But at that time people didn't care because the Sannin only returned two people, what mattered was the joy and tranquility after the war.

Although I'm going to the funeral later.

Great joy and great compassion... This is a trivial matter after the war.

The Konoha Stone Memorial.

After the adults left, Shiraishi stayed here in black clothes.

The mood at the funeral was gloomy, but today the weather was very good, with clear skies.

Not every funeral day will rain or cloud.

Wearing a black mourning outfit with long black hair, Ruri stood in front of the Memorial Stone bearing the Uchiha name and earnestly placed the white chrysanthemums in her hands in front of the monuments of the dead for worship.

In this war, according to Ruri, the Uchiha clan sacrificed three superior ninjas, eleven middle ninjas, nine lesser ninjas, and over a dozen people were severely injured and incapacitated. They couldn't survive as ninjas.

"he finished."

Baishi approached and said softly to Ruri.

Ruri didn't have much sadness on her face, she was used to being separated from her family.

Every year, the bodies of tribesmen are brought back from the front lines.

She also saw the desolation and collapse of the Uchiha Ninja, who was injured and incapacitated.

Ruri put away the last handful of white chrysanthemums and whispered, "How can this end. As long as there are humans, the war will never end."

As if expecting a new battleground to appear soon.

So pessimistic... You can't say he's pessimistic, because Ruri's face has no pessimism, he just explains the facts.

Shiraishi was a little startled, wanting to say something.

"Don't worry, I'm not weak enough to need comfort. Being born in battle and dying in battle is the Uchiha's destiny."

Ruri will not pray for peace without reason.

Compared to that kind of thing, improving strength is the most important thing right now.

If one day the Uchiha loses their strong belief in the power of survival, it may be time for their destruction.