

mark dies from an overdose and meets ROB he gets a wish and decides to go to the solo leveling universe as Escanor but there is jin woo is still there and he is as op as ever. ---- right sooo another day another novel we'll see, our Escanor is gonna be more or less as powerful as you expect plus I'm gonna make his power convenient instead of lets say time oriented, I mean night time wise of course. bunch of cute girls in solo but i plan to give him only one here so I'm a member of. THE ANTI HAREM SECT. yes, no harem, never, naaaaah. story wise it's abit complicated I Don't wanna hinder jin woo's growth and story so you can expect him to be in WHITE TIGER GUILD because they are there in interesting moments which will allow the mc to interact naturally with jin woo. *I don't own anything duh, unless some original characters* Credit for cover is not mine, but I don't know who da artist is. ON A FINAL NOTE DON'T LIKE IT? Why you reading it? Why you complaining? Why you suggesting nonsense? Just write your on thing and stop with the bs ain't no one got time for dat.

noname_noname · 漫画同人
10 Chs

in death comes life.

so, i died huh.....

doesn't feel bad as i thought kinda chilli tho.

hmmm a blanket would be nice.

"I can give you that."

I look to the side and see a man in a robe looking at me.

"shit are you god?"

"No im his assistant and i kinda deleted you by mistake think of it as aaaaa typo yes typo."

"No no no wait you mean that i didn't die naturally?"

"You had a seasonal flu not yellow fever son goddamn."

"Huh makes sense so what now."

"You get a bendable wish, kinda like a big wish with little wishes on the side thats too small to count as wishes."

"Ok ok i wanna be escanor in solo leveling, with all his shit like armors and rhitta also i want to be able to control the heat i emit, have rhitta store power enough for me to go through the whole night and have my body store energy so i can also use it at night and in dungeons and lastly i want to have the ultimate form available with out it being a death sentence, hmmmm also let me understand monsters and see auras of people."

"right did you by any chance know you are coming here?also you forgot the time line."

"fuck it get me to when the gates first appeared."



I wake up in a foreign room, my heart beating wildly holy shit holy shit holy shit it's not a dream!

I stumbled out my bed and ran to the bathroom mirror.

Its him, I'm him...


Wait he kinda looks younger im teenage Escanor looks around 18.

damn makes sense since i asked to get 10 years back and i guess today is the day gates appear and people start getting powers.

I wake out to the tv and open the news and as expected nothing yet.

I leave the news on and start checking the apartment out... so.

I own a small studio apartment, with racks lots of racks carrying heavy armours.

(classic sun armor)

(white one sleeve armour)

(2 gauntlets a necklace a jacket and green pants)

(fur jacket brown shoes and pants)

(and rhitta)

(red jack with lion symbol on the back, brown boots with black pants.)

Guess he took i need everything quite literally and the glasses too.

Escanor then sized himself up he obviously skinny too skinny, and when he tried to pick anything from the mentioned stuff he couldn't, Even the jacket was made from extremely tough skin and was heavy as hell too.


Perhaps i should check the fridge, as i went to the fridge my heart suddenly ached and i had to kneel down.

"oh shit kinda hurts at first." but then he noticed that the live guests in the tv broadcast also went quiet everyone and everything changed that day the world they knew was going into chaos.

Meanwhile in tv.

"Um it seems that we are experiencing some sort of disturbance in our area and.... oh my god! that man is on fire."

As the cameras paned out to the guy screaming for help and people rushed over and started taking off their coats and trying to extinguish the flames.

"Viewers be advised that this footage maybe sensitive and is being broadcasted live to you, you have been warned."

escanor kept watching until the pain resided and then stood up after a short examination of his body he found nothing different.

he tried a bunch of stuff but still failed he even rubbed his hands against the axe rhitta but nothing happened.

so reluctantly sat down and got himself a bowl of cereal.

The supposed man on fire was then extinguished when some bright minded guy that took out his car extinguisher and sprayed the dude until the flames went out.

"it seems the man is uninjured after such intense flames even i could feel the heat from a distance it is truly a miracle." the guy was also dumb founded, half way through his screaming he stopped because he thought that was dying or he went numb from the fire but soon desperation turned to curiosity and curiosity to fascination.

After they started to calm down the man became beet red because he burned off his clothes and soon the extinguisher foam started to boil again eveyone backed off scared of the man and when the man him self started to calm down and the boiling stoped.

he brought out his hand and snaped his fingers, a lighter flame came from between his finger, he was shocked still and so he kept snapping until a smile crept on his face, and thanks to his performance alot of people around the world saw it too.

"brought to you by cnn." oh.

as i went to look outside i saw countless lights on people walking around the streets.

there was a commotion nearby.

i wore a jacket and went to check it out.

this was your classic fenced off compound so eveyone here knew eveyone else except me of course just as we passed the next corner came into view a gate right in the middle of a children's playground.

With some women crying next to the gate.