
83: Revenge Arc Intermission: Hot for Teacher! Part II

Tenten hit the ground hard before rolling into a crouch as she came to a stop. Holding onto the polearm that she was wielding, she tried to use it to get back to her feet, but slipped causing her to take a knee again. Finding that her opponent wasn't bearing down on her, she decided to spend a few moments to take a breather. She saw that the reason that she was able to enjoy a short respite was because Karui was currently engaged with the Hokage.

Tenten watched mesmerized as Tsunade effortlessly seemed to dodge the Kumo-nin's blade by the thinnest of margins. Still, it spoke to Karui's skill that the Sannin had to focus on evading in order to stay ahead of her strikes. Yet, Tenten knew that the potentially deadly dance competition that she was watching would inevitably have a clear winner. That winner was decided when The Hokage dodged to the side of a diagonal downward slash by simply shifting her stance. The blade traveled along her body. Just as Karui was about to recover from the miss though, Tsunade quickly spun behind her and jammed her fist into the small of the woman's back.

Tenten winced as they had agreed to train without holding back, although it was apparent that Tsunade was still doing so since Karui didn't go flying off into the woods. But she did travel several feet in the air before hitting the ground and rolling to her feet. Karui much like she had tried to do, quickly attempted to get back to her feet. Only to experience similar results as she sunk back to her knees.

Tsunade smirked upon noticing this as she said to both of them, "Don't tell me you two are tired already. I'd at least like to break a sweat before getting to the main course."

Both women felt a surge of adrenaline from the taunt, but before they could put it to use the timer they had set went off. Hearing the buzzer Tenten felt like a failure since she hadn't scored any decisive hits on the Hokage, although she did take some solace that neither had Karui. But, since she had been acting as Tsunade's apprentice since becoming Naruto's lover, she couldn't say she was proud of her apparent lack of progress. Which made it somewhat shocking and disappointing as Tsunade said, "Tenten, today's training has shown me that there is nothing left for me to teach you."

"But..." she began to complain, yet stopped as Tsunade held up a hand having anticipated the woman's response.

"This isn't a remark on how well you performed today," The Hokage stated with a pleased smile. "But, a statement on my limitations as a teacher. Your taijutsu has improved noticeably, but my own style favors evading an opponent long enough to deliver a devastating strike. As today's training showed, you can keep up with me for a while, but you lack the techniques to put many higher-level opponents down for the count."

Tenten frowned still feeling like she was a disappointment as she said, "But, I've finally mastered incorporating my wind nature into my chakra."

Tsunade nodded, before explaining, "I know, and you should be proud of how quickly you did so. But, the problem is that your opponents will recognize that the greatest threat they will have when facing you comes from your weapons. Which even though they are far more dangerous, you are effectively still only fighting one dimensionally. You've just overcome the handicap that you would encounter when facing a fellow long distance user who can negate your ranged attacks. Now you have the option of closing in with them, giving you an advantage that they may lack."

Tenten could see where the Hokage was coming from, in that if she had faced an opponent like Temari from during her first chunin exam with her current skill set, then she probably wouldn't have fared so poorly since she would have had other options. However, in many ways, she was just as one dimensional in terms of combat since removed of her weapons, she didn't have any means of ending an opponent of Tsunade's caliber. Yet, truthfully there wasn't much Tsunade could teach her to rectify that since most of her fights ended after one or two punches, an ability which she lacked. Plus, Tenten had long ago recognized that she had no aptitude for Medical ninjutsu.

Tenten was feeling crestfallen as she still felt miles away from reaching her goal of becoming as powerful as the Sannin. Tsunade picked up on her fallen mood causing her to say, "Come on now, there's no need to look so down. You've made remarkable progress and have exhausted all that I can teach you in record time. Now it's time to pass you on to someone who I think will be able to take you to the next level."

"Who would that be?" Tenten asked, and received her answer in the form of a tri-prong being tossed over her head and which landed in front of her.

Tenten looked back in surprise where Naruto had been sitting on a rock in a meditative stance. Seeing him standing up while in Sage mode, he said, "That would be me."

Tenten looked back at the kunai and her eyes lit up as she picked it up while she asked, "Does this mean you're going to teach me the Hirashin jutsu?"

"That's right," Naruto said with a wide smile as he noticed Tenten begin to shake with excitement.

But was actually her having a mini-orgasm from the thought of being able to use such a powerful jutsu. Yet, she grew rather somber as she asked, "But, wouldn't you consider that a family jutsu."

Naruto knelt before her and giving her a tender kiss stated, "You are my family. It is also for the protection of our Family that I believe it necessary to teach it to you, especially now." Seeing she was somewhat confused by what was driving the imperativeness behind his words, he explained, "When Sasuke isolated me, it just so happened that he also done so to the only other woman who could have aided Sakura. Teaching you the Hiraishin would give us another person capable of teleporting herself and others where assistance is required."

Tenten nodded happily at being trusted for such a role, although Tsunade did dampen it slightly, and replaced it with a sense of nervousness by stating, "You may have picked it up easily Naruto, but learning the Hiraishin is a difficult task. Your father trained several people in the art, but they could only accomplish it as a squad." She smirked at both of them as they looked at her in surprise from the revelation before adding, "Besides, the Hiraishin would be a Senju technique if we want to be technical as it was invented by my Granduncle. But it was a technique that the Fourth Hokage took to the next level by incorporating the technique into his fighting style."

"If that's the case," Naruto said confidently as he stood, "Then Tenten is going to surpass them both."

Tenten felt the nervousness which had appeared from hearing how difficult mastering the Hiraishin jutsu was fade from Naruto's proclamation. In its place grew a steely resolve to prove him right. Before she could give voice to it though, Karui sounding a little jealous at all the attention the brunette was receiving said, "That's great and all. But, I came to you hoping that you'd be able to step my game up."

Tsunade smirked, and Karui's cheeks colored a little as she recognized that she probably had sounded a little catty. But, the Hokage didn't harp on it as she said, "Which was why we had our little sparring match to start off our morning." Folding her arms beneath her bust, she offered her opinion on the Kumo-nin's skills, "You're a skilled sword fighter, but outside of a few jutsu that you've incorporated into your kenjutsu. There doesn't seem to be much more for you to fall back on. But, this seems to be a staple of Kumo's fighting techniques. Which is probably why your leaders are so hungry for Bloodlines."

Karui felt a desire to defend her home from the Hokage's critique, but considering Yugito's revealed origins. Not to mention how she shared a man with women her home had targeted, accepted that it was a fair one. Plus, although there were a few bloodline abilities in Kumo, most shinobi from there were devoid of them. Thus, they tended to be like her, frontline fighters who were to be supported by those with Kekkei Genkai. The cynical part of her, which had been born from the knowledge that she received from being Naruto's lover made her realize this arrangement was likely because those with the Bloodline abilities were valued more.

Then there was someone like Darui, who had been born not only with a bloodline ability. But, also had received the ability to cast a special Black Lightning which he had supposedly learned from the Third Raikage. Considering that, Karui knew that she was facing an uphill battle in becoming the Raikage. Especially as she would not only need to overcome the favoritism the Raikage showed Darui, but would need to prove herself to be the stronger of the two. As such, she figured the best way to do so would be to train with someone that already had achieved the position. Although, hearing the Hokage speak of her limitations about training Tenten, she feared she wouldn't gain much either.

Giving voice to the concern, Karui stated, "Considering what you said about your limitations in training Tenten. I'm a little concerned you'll find me to be pretty similar in ability. In fact, you could say where Tenten excelled as a long-distance fighter before, I'm already skilled in close range combat."

"Oh, ye of little faith," Tsunade replied amused before holding her hand up, a moment later a small arc of electricity appeared between her middle finger and thumb. "I don't have much talent with lightning chakra, but have been able to use what little talent I have to great effect in the right situations. I've also fought the Raikage on several occasions so have a decent idea of how he uses his chakra to boost his speed, and defense."

Karui frowned as the Raikage had an almost jinchuriki like level of chakra, which offset just how chakra intensive his Lightning Release Chakra Mode was. "No offense, but while it might be nice to have a fall back like that. Trying to incorporate that into my normal fighting style seems impossible with my current reserves."

Tsunade smirked as she replied, "Which is why in addition to training you to increase your reserves. We'll also be concentrating on control, so that you aren't wasting chakra. We may not get you to where you can use medical ninjutsu. But who knows, if you are able to release and use your chakra more efficiently, it may give you an edge in speed and power." The Hokage saw the prospect pleased Karui before shifting her focus to Naruto while she moved to stand away from the group. Once she felt there was enough distance between them, she smiled while watching as he was explaining the basics of Hiraishin to Tenten. Wanting him to show her some attention, as facing him was another reason she had asked him to attend the training, "Are you ready my Love?"

Naruto looked up while still in sage mode and gave her a nod before stepping away from Tenten. Moving to stand before her, he asked, "Are you sure you want me to start off in sage mode?"

"That's right," Tsunade replied getting into a ready stance, "and don't you dare think of going easy on me."

She need not have worried about that since no sooner had the words left her mouth, did she find that she felt the need to dodge her head to the side. Her eyes grew wide as she realized the reason why was because Naruto had closed the distance between them and had thrown a punch. Her brain tried to rationalize what just happened as it debated if he had Hirashined or if he had simply used raw speed. She was just recognizing that it had been the latter, when she felt the urge to leap back.

Realizing she was about to be caught up in the wake of his attack, she followed the instructions her instincts provided. Landing several feet back, she was about to provide an amused comment about being glad to see he wasn't going to hold back, but she wasn't given the chance as he had begun moving almost as soon as her feet had contacted the earth. Forced on the defensive, Tsunade rather than trying to create distance between them, instead fought to remain as close as possible. Her reason for doing so was to prevent him from being able to deliver large powerful swings and thus generate the powerful pressure waves that followed them.

Still, although she managed to stay in close by either dodging or sidestepping and pivoting against his various punches. She was finding that it required almost all her focus and every bit of her talent in evasion just to stay a step ahead of him. Yet, she did have one advantage in the current situation, which was whether she landed a haymaker or a one-inch punch, she was confident her blow would be equally debilitating.

Seeing an opportunity to trade blows where she was confident that she would come out the winner, she aimed for his midsection while willing to take a glancing blow to her jaw. Yet, to her surprise, Naruto quickly leapt back creating some distance between them. Tsunade was pleased by the fact that he respected the power of her punches, as more than one opponent had believed the big wind up to her punches and kicks was necessary for the devastating power behind them. Those opponents had paid the price for guessing wrong. Yet, she figured Naruto would know better considering how she had once sent him flying by flicking his forehead.

Her lover was regarding her warily, and it was while taking in his relaxed breathing which when compared to her current state that Tsunade came to a staggering realization. She didn't believe she could win. It was a rather sobering fact, but considering how she was almost gulping down air, and covered in sweat from the short, but intense few moments that she had experienced with Naruto being on offense. She understood that time was not on her side as the longer the fight dragged on, the more the advantage would swing in his favor.

While she was pleased by Naruto's progress, she also found the moment a little disappointing since she realized that on some unconscious level, she had considered herself the strongest member of the Family. It hadn't been a measurement that she had made based solely on power, since with jinchuriki, Bijuu, and sages being members, she was aware some members far outclassed her in terms of straight power. Not that she intended that to be the case for much longer, but in terms of everything else that went into being a shinobi, she felt she was a more complete package when it came to skills and experience. She supposed it all boiled down to the belief that if push came to shove, and she had ever found herself in a situation where she needed to fight Naruto or any of the women bound to him with everything on the line. She would walk away the winner.

However now, by not gambling that his punch would beat hers, and instead pulling back to wait for a new opportunity where the advantage was decidedly in his factor. Naruto had shown her that he had developed something that when combined with the power that he already possessed, could make him unbeatable, wisdom.

Yet, the disappointment she felt at being surpassed, quickly gave way as a smile appeared on her face as the emotion was replaced by excitement. An excitement at the prospect of now having a tangible goal to grow stronger as there was someone to measure her progress against.

Still, despite the path her thoughts had traveled down, she wasn't prepared to surrender her self-perceived spot at the top without a fight so with a shout she charged forward. She noticed a wide grin appear on her lover's face, and wondered if he had been thinking along the same lines, or was simply enjoying the idea of facing the Hokage at her best. Since when she had sought him out that morning after finding him giving Ayame a good plowing in the apartment that she figured the women would be moving into, she hadn't expected that she would be making such a revelation about his growth. While a similar smile had simply appeared on his face at the idea of training, which had grown wider as she explained her plans for Tenten's future. To which he had readily agreed feeling he needed to insure future instances like Sakura's kidnapping could be prevented.

Tsunade cleared her minds of such matters as she reached her lover since she knew that she would need all her focus if she was going to keep him on the defensive. Using a mixture of kicks and punches she succeeded in keeping him on the balls of his feet as she pushed him back. She had to again give him credit in the wisdom of his strategy as unlike when she had been the one on the defensive. He would avoid her blows by the largest margin possible without looking panicked. As such, where she had managed to avoid him while remaining in relatively the same area where they had started. Naruto was moving all over the place, which while in the past had often been how he dealt with her fighting style. It also was contrary to what he was learning from Toka and Mikoto who were training him to counter a user of the Sharingan by limiting his movements as much as possible to give the Dojutsu less to read and anticipate. Still, Tsunade could see elements of that style as he leapt about in a more composed manner, rather than scrambling from point to point.

Tsunade began to grow pensive, and attributed the feeling to it seeming almost as if her lover even while being on the defensive believed he was in complete control. As if he knew that he could whether the barrage of blows, allowing her to tire herself out to the point where he would strike decisively to end it. Figuring that she needed to change strategies, she raised her leg fully above her head making it look like she intended to drive him into the ground like a spike. She was pleased to see that for a moment his eyes grew wide indicating his surprise. Naturally jumping away from her, it proved to be the correct choice as she brought it down on her true target, which had been the spot of earth that he had been standing on.

Naruto seemed to have guessed that to be the case as he was still in the air as the earth around her shattered turning the flat landscape into an uneven terrain. It also caused large chucks of the ground to shoot up into the air which she used as projectiles by kicking them at her still airborne lover.

He was prepared though as he generated a massive Rasegan which he held out before him causing the projectile to become little more than ground up dust as he used the spinning chakra as a shield. Dust, which Tsunade tried to take advantage of by using it to cover her approach. Using the shrinking yellow ball of Naruto's jutsu while he ended it as a target for where to aim, she leapt into the air to make a spinning kick. The speed and power of her blow cut the shadow he cast in the dust in half, like a blade separating a torso from the body. Yet immediately upon landing Tsunade was aware that she had made a mistake since she hadn't actually connected with anything.

She quickly replayed if she had somehow misread his position wondering how he had cast a shadow, as even if he had used a shadow clone, she should have connected. Frowning as she noticed that there still appeared to be an outline of his torso on the portion of the cloud floating away from her kick, she quickly realized that she hadn't misread anything other than the fact that it appeared Naruto had learned how to use a normal bushin.

Spotting him crouching behind the lower half of the illusionary clone that she had bisected, she immediately leapt away from him. But as she did so, she instantly realized that it had been the completely wrong thing to do. Mainly as she noticed his hand was clenching at his stomach, which indicated that he was about to activate his Bijuu cloak, and so in her desire to create as much distance from her lover as possible she had leapt away with everything she had. Watching his hand twist, she watched his yellow chakra cover him in a cloak similar to what he wore in Sage mode, before he leapt after her. Aware that he would be on her before she would even land, and even if she blocked he would likely be able to react so that he could deliver the blow to an unguarded portion of her body, which at the speed and power levels they were fighting at she expected would normally be fatal, she closed her eyes expecting to feel the revenge he was going to deliver for all the blows that she had landed over the years.

But, it never came, as instead she felt a soft warmth cradle her midsection as she landed and the familiar feeling of his lips against hers. Tsunade surrendered to the kiss until pulling away to open her eyes to stare into his as she said reproachfully, "I thought we agreed that we wouldn't hold back."

Naruto gave her a disarming smile as he replied, "Seeing you just close your eyes, it looked to me like you were accepting that I got the better of you this time."

Tsunade wasn't really surprised by his being able to read her so well, but what did catch her off guard was her suddenly saying, "Let me make you Hokage."

Naruto's eyes grew wide, and for a moment she saw the young boy who would shout his desire to earn the title to anyone that would listen. Yet, it then faded and was replaced, yet not by disappointment, but a look of utter satisfaction before he leaned in to whisper in her ear. Tsunade felt a sense of shock at what he said, but before she could really reply he kissed her again softly as he added, "I need to go get cleaned up for class. I love you, my Senju Princess."

"Have fun, my Love," she replied noticing that Tenten and Karui had made themselves scarce. A quick check via her foxmark showed that they were both back at the Hidden Eddy Inn and more specifically in the Den. She wondered why, as she had felt Temari approach during her spar with Naruto. But, was glad they hadn't stuck around to view her loss. She watched her lover walking away, and considering the feelings his whispered words had stirred up inside her, wondered if there was a chakra level even above red. Confident there now was, and that she had reached it, she looked forward to catching up to the man whose back she was staring at in more ways than one now. Especially as she wanted to grow stronger to ensure that even death itself would be unable to take him from her.


Naruto was rubbing a towel through his hair as he made his way out of the shower room located between Club N, and the Den's Master Bedroom. His reason for using it as opposed to the one in his apartment was because with his bed currently being occupied by his naked mother and Sakura, he didn't want to temp himself into playing hooky. He smiled softly as he spent a moment in self-congratulation as he thought of Tsunade's offer to make him Hokage. It had surprised him, but not as much as the fact that he wasn't even experiencing the smallest twinge of remorse at turning it down.

He had been worried that Tsunade would be disappointed, considering how much faith she had placed in his becoming Hokage. However, he knew he didn't need to be concerned about it judging from her reaction to what he had whispered to her when he had rejected the position. The truth was, Naruto hadn't really spent much time worrying about achieving his original reason for becoming a shinobi since Sasuke defected. Yet, it had faded almost completely from his mind once he had set down his current path. He briefly wondered why that was, but supposed it was because when his goal had been to bring Sasuke back, he imagined the task would easily be accomplished and then he'd move his focus back onto that. However, upon taking up the goal to bring peace to the Shinobi World, it had moved further and further away from something he had desired to achieve.

In point of fact, Tsunade bringing it up was the first time he had thought about it in terms of being a legitimate goal for him in years. Which is why he felt his answer had been so honest, because he had answered it years previously. Yet, other recent events also factored into why he shouldn't take on the mantle of Hokage. The most obvious being his decision to support Yugito in her desire to defect from Kumo to join Akatsuki. It wasn't the action though, since Tsunade had supported it, and even shared with him that a reason she had was it weakened a potential enemy down the line, and thus in essence she had done her duty to Konoha. Yet, that was precisely why Naruto couldn't become the leader of Konoha, as he hadn't once considered his duty to the village as a shinobi. Instead, it had been his duty to Yugito, and then how it factored into his Family's ambition. From his recent adventure with Fu in Ame, he recognized that while he had a duty to the women who had joined him. Many of them in turn had duties to people who had placed their faith in them, much as they had in him. It was for such a reason, that Naruto also needed to expand his concerns outward so that the people of Konoha couldn't be his only priority. Which if he took on the task of being Hokage, would mean he would be doing so with no intention of looking out for their best interests. Ultimately, it had been Koharu who had unintentionally laid the situation out perfectly for him when she had discovered his relationship with Tsunade, and the answer he had given her hadn't changed.

In point of fact, he was pleased that it hadn't as it showed him that on some level that he hadn't been aware of. He was acting on a set of principles. That he wasn't just spouting things because they sounded good in the moment, and he understood taking the women that he seduced into his life meant he couldn't abandon them for the sake of convenience. The same part of him that had defiantly told Koharu that he would choose Tsunade over becoming Hokage, had been the one to make the decision to support Yugito.

But, that same part of him was why he needed to be honest with himself about whether he was proper Kage material. Trying to look at it from the point of view of a man tasked with protecting Konoha, he could see why both Gaara and Tsunade would differ on supporting his decision in regards to Yugito. Gaara had placed a lot of political capital in Naruto's intuitive to bring peace to the Shinobi World, and in doing so, it had made the Hardliners in his village oppose him. Naruto could understand why Gaara wouldn't want things to get stirred up with Yugito defecting, since regardless of the outcome those opposed to peace could spin things to their advantage. Even with Yugito's defection working out, the Hardliners had begun calling on Gaara to abandon the alliance with Kumo and to take advantage of their current perceived weakness.

As such, Naruto could understand where Gaara was coming from. He could even say that he could agree with the reasoning. Yet, the reason Naruto couldn't let that dissuade him was because he felt the peace built of such a sacrifice would be meaningless. He had started out wanting to build a peaceful shinobi world to please his master. Yet, at some point it had been less about that, and more for the women that he was taking into his life. It was also why he couldn't really understand his father's actions, since while it was Minato's duty to protect the village. Naruto believed his father should have wanted to do so as it provided peace and security for his family. Yet, as it turned out, Minato's family was something that he was willing to sacrifice in order to preserve the village, not preserve his family by protecting Konoha. A trait Naruto was concerned was also present in Gaara, particularly since women he loved deeply served him.

Still, although a part of him was starting to feel a little wistful at passing on the job that he had spent so much of his childhood chasing. Hearing a voice say, "Hello there, Naruto-sensei," caused the feeling to fade as he peeked out from below the towel he was rubbing around his head.

Having recognized the speaker as Tenten, he was about to tell her that even with the new arrangement between them that she didn't need to use such a formal title. The words died on his tongue as she was sitting on the bed with Temari and Karui while striking seductive poses and with all three of them dressed in school girl uniforms. Moreover, as Tenten stood from the bed, his brain shut down to focus solely on drinking in the details from the knee high black socks to the navy-blue skirt with white blouse. Naruto felt a valve shift inside him to begin the process of diverting blood to his cock, which from the way Tenten's blouse was slightly unbuttoned and her normal hair buns had been replaced with pigtails, was exactly the effect he imagined she wanted to have on him.

As if that wasn't enough, she was also sucking on a lollipop which she removed from her mouth as she asked playfully, "What's the matter Naruto-sensei? Cat got your tongue?"

Naruto chuckled as he replied, "More like I went into full on sensory overload. Still, considering you only found out about Tsunade's plans for me to train you in ninjutsu today. It seems rather strange you just so happened to have three matching uniforms laying around."

Tenten smirked as she replied, "Well, to be honest considering I've teased dressing up like this for you in the past. I had actually planned for this after you actually became a sensei. But, today seemed like a perfect time to do it."

Naruto nodded, but having headed down to the den to avoid temptation said, "Normally I would agree. However, sadly, I need to get ready for class."

Tenten pouted as she pressed into him stating, "But, Sensei I need you too. You don't want me to start feeling neglected already, do you?"

"N...no," Naruto said as her hand traveled down his stomach, "B...but I promised my students that I would head in early."

He groaned as Tenten's hand caused the towel wrapped around his hips to fall to the ground as she gripped his semi-hard cock which she stroked while they were joined by Temari, who said into his ear, "You also promised to take care of our pussies, sensei." She took his hand and moving it beneath her skirt added, "Can't you feel how wet I am, sensei? Surely, you know where you are needed most at the moment."

Naruto certainly had an idea as Temari wasn't wearing any panties so he could feel how sopping wet she was. Imagining the other two kunoichi were in similar states, and aware that technically he still had several hours before he would need to go in, he said, "It feels like you need me deep inside you."

A wide smile appeared on Temari's face as she began sauntering back to the bed while facing him, where she sat down and rested her feet on the edge of the bed to display her snatch for his viewing pleasure. Yet, before he could move to join her, Tenten stepped in front of him saying, "Before we get to that, let me show you what I learned from Tsunade-sensei so you know what kind of student you've inherited."

Naruto had a good idea of what he was in store for as she dropped down to her haunches before him and starting at the base of his rigged cock began running her tongue up to the tip. He sent a quick look over to the bed, and found Karui sensuously kissing Temari while her fingers were rubbing the blonde woman's snatch. Figuring the two women would keep each other occupied, he decided to enjoy the feeling of Tenten's treating his manhood like a popsicle. After almost every inch of his rod was coated in her saliva, she moved to his tip which she eagerly swallowed. He groaned as her tongue circled around his swollen cockhead, stopping occasionally to pay extra attention to the sensitive underside.

She then slowly began working her mouth over his length and after pulling back to the tip would plunge forward a little further. He found the slow build up maddening as he fought from using her pony tails as handholds to begin fucking her mouth. Yet, resist he did, especially as she reached the point where she had normally been able to take him. He felt his excitement spike as he anticipated his flesh sword being completely gobbled up, and naturally felt a little disappointment when she began to pull back. Yet about half way to her starting point, she reversed course and his cock was soon pressed against the back of her throat. He groaned as it no longer served as the barrier it did in the past and she began to push forward.

"Oh fuck," he said when her chin reached the point where it touched his balls. After taking a moment to savor her accomplishment, she backed off and upon swallowing him back up did so to her more comfortable portion. Still after several back and fourths, she again plunged forward as her mouth again took him balls deep. He stared down into her brown eyes as she released him from her throat and said promisingly, "I'm sure your previous teacher is extremely proud of you. You're well on your way to becoming a Legendary Sucker in your own right." Her eyes lit up with amusement and pride as she continued to bob her head along his length several times at her shallower depth, before she'd then once again deep throat him. Naruto found the unpredictability of when she would to be exhilarating and soon she had him on the edge of release. "I'm close now," he informed letting her decide how she wanted to receive his seed. To which she decided that she wanted it injected almost directly into her stomach as she buried him down her throat and then held him there.

Naruto moaned loudly as he reflectively grabbed her head and pushed that little bit further as he began filling her stomach with his cum. Tenten began to push away after several spurts of his seed, and so he let her go.

Tenten having felt like she was going to drown in his cum, let him slip free of her lips and as a result took the last few spurts on her face and clothes. After taking a few breaths she looked up as she said, "I'm sorry Naruto-sensei. It's my first time taking a real one when it was cumming. I'll get better so as to not waste any of your seed in the future."

Naruto adopting a teacher's persona tried to sound sagely as he said, "Don't worry about it. There's only so much you can learn from practice. We'll have to set aside time during your training to give you more time for real world experience."

Tenten smiled as she stood and moved to join the other kunoichi on the bed. Upon reaching it, she bent over at the waist as she took a position between Temari's legs. Naruto's cock lunged at the sight of Karui pulling the fingers she had been working inside the moaning Temari's snatch, and offered them to Tenten. The brunette greedily sucked the offered digits clean, before burying her face between the Suna-nin's outstretched thighs.

Naruto's gaze then focused on the brunette's ass as he noticed her skirt had risen up to show that she was wearing white panties. Panties, which had a very pronounced wet spot on them. Figuring that she had been the mastermind behind the themed gathering, and not to mention his feeling the need to reward her for the excellent blowjob. He walked up behind her and pushed her panties to the side before giving her every inch of him in one stroke. Tenten pulled her mouth from Temrai's ever flowing oasis as she cried out in pleasure, which gave the Suna-nin a chance to sit up to lick up some of the cum coating the weapon users face. Cum she then shared with said kunoichi as she pulled her into a passionate kiss.

Naruto watched the two kunoichi making out wetly as they passed his seed between them, occasionally stopping so Temari could lick up more, all the while he enthusiastically drilled his cock within the brunette kunoichi. His gaze drifted towards Karui as he noticed her slide off the bed, and grab the sucker that Tenten had been holding onto. Popping it into her mouth she approached him, prompting Naruto to snake a hand around her hip and grab a handful of ass before pulling her towards him. He smirked at her before asking, "So how did they convince you to go along with their little cosplay."

"No convincing was really necessary, Naruto-sensei," Karui said playfully. "They told me I could enjoy all the Leaf flavored lollipops that I could stomach." She bit down on the one she had taken from Tenten, and then dropped to her knees. She dropped the stick of the one she had finished on the floor and simply knelt near him. It took Naruto a moment to make the connection, but when he did, he pulled out of Tenten to offer his cock to the dark skinned kunoichi. Karui enthusiastically began licking his rod, cleaning it of Tenten's essence. While she did that, Naruto used his fingers to keep Tenten from backsliding too far in the pleasure department.

Karui soon found she had removed almost of Tenten's flavor so lined Naruto's cock up with the weapon user's snatch, and once he plunged back inside her stood to kiss the man they shared. The two of them watched as Tenten's hands traveled up Temari's body and pushed up her blouse and bra to expose her tits. The brown-haired kunoichi fingers then zeroed in on the nubs of the Suna-nin's breast and began rolling hem while she continued to munch on her cunt. Temari arched her back as her cries grew louder and she began gyrating her hips against Tenten's excitedly munching mouth.

Tenten began to tense up as she felt her pleasure balloon near bursting. She tried to stave it off, but was sent over as Karui reading what she was doing, reached between her thighs and began attacking her clit by vigorously rubbing it. A moment later pulled her face from between Temari's thighs as she moaned out, "Shit, Sensei I'm cumming. Cum with me!"

A desire that Naruto was more than happy to comply with as he buried his cock deep inside her until it smashed into her womb. Then releasing the muscles which had been holding back the tsunami of his seed, he groaned as it flowed through him to fill her to overflow. Once the torrent ended, he pulled out and moaned due to Karui's immediately wrapping her lips around his cock as she began suctioning it clean.

Tenten remained bent over while standing on shaky legs, allowing him to enjoy the sight of his seed leaking from her. Some of it began dripping onto the ground prompting her to reach between her thighs to push it back in as she said, "Oh no, I'm wasting sensei's seed."

She let out a little yelp though as Temari grabbed her other arm and pulled her onto the bed. She landed on her back, where Temari quickly pushed her legs up above her head, and after pulling her panties off. The blonde kunoichi tossed them over her shoulder and buried her face in Tenten's honeypot enjoy it and their lover's combined flavor. Wrapping her arms around Tenen's midsection, Temrai lapped up what was readily available before probing deeper to collect the cum that had been deposited inside.

Naruto moaned before focusing down on Karui as she sucked on one of his balls before pushing his cock up against his stomach. She then ran her tongue up along his shaft and when she reached the tip continued on up to his chest and neck where upon reaching his face pulled him into a passionate kiss. She moaned into his mouth as he reached under her blouse to fondle one of her tits, while his other hand massaged the cheek of her ass.

They separated when Naruto decided he wanted to reveal more of her flesh so after unfastening a few buttons on her shirt, pulled it up over her head. He smiled as he found her to be sans bra, so bent over after grabbing a handful of her breast and began suckling at her nipple. She cooed in response while also simultaneously pulling his head firmer against her breast with one hand, while also massaging his cock with the other.

Naruto returned the favor as he buried his hand down the front of her panties as he said, "Shit, you're positively soaked. I'm going to have to get you out of these damp panties before you catch a cold."

Moaning from the finger that he slipped inside her, she smirked as she replied, "This is why you're such a beloved educator sensei. You're always worried about the wellbeing of your students." She pulled away and began shimming out of her panties while backing away. Reaching the bed, she kicked them free of her feet and then turned away to lay on her stomach. She raised her hips slightly up off the bed and looking over her shoulder stated, "Sensei, I'm feeling a little feverish. I think you need to check my temperature"

Naruto chuckled as he began fisting his cock, and asked, "Which thermometer should I bring. Rectal?"

"Mmm, maybe later," Karui answered, "Right now it definitely feels like the fever is in my pussy."

Climbing onto the bed, and straddling her hips, he said, "Don't worry. I have the perfect medicine for that. Although, it takes a bit of work to squeeze it out of the tube."

"Don't worry sensei," Karui said moaning as he began to push into her, "my pussy can handle it."

Naruto decided to put her words to the test as he gave her slow but deep strokes that crushed her womb every time he bottomed out. He groaned as her cunt squeezed down on him every time he hit her deepest part as it fought to keep him from withdrawing, only for him to almost effortless glide back in as he pushed forward. Karui moaned loudly while balling up the comforter as he began to increase his pace and the power of his thrusts. Karui felt a bit like a caterpillar moving as her hips would push back into Naruto while he began to pull back as if to delay it as much as possible, only for her entire body to rocket forward as he slammed into her.

She neared her limit, but rather than giving her relief, Naruto pulled out of her completely. She moaned in loss, and quickly found herself flipped onto her back. He swiftly moved towards her head, near where Tenten was still moaning from Temari's devouring her quim, where he could present his cock to her as he said, "Tell me, what does the Karui flavor taste like?!" He reached between her thighs and vigorously rubbed her cooch while she raised her head to begin tasting herself on his cock.

After savoring her bouquet, her hand began cradling his balls, "It's not bad, but I think it needs to be mixed with more semen." Giving her a wide smile he spun her around so her pussy was facing him, and then plunged back inside her to deliver the goods.

While his dick plowed Karui's depths, Tenten let out a loud cry as she climaxed from Temari's tongue. He groaned as after the Suna-nin set the brunette down, she reached between his legs to massage his swinging nuts. Having been close to release, Temari's caressing his testicles nearly pushed him over the edge. His cock swelled causing Karui to cry out as his dick hit her womb's entrance just that much sooner and harder. Karui's legs shot up and wrapped around his waist as she pulled him deeper into her while he painted her insides.

When she relaxed, he pulled out of her and knelt by her head again where she tiredly raised her head to suck his slickened rod. She moaned contently as their taste hit her tongue, and smiled softly as she, "Mmm, that's much better."

His attention shifted to Temari as she stood from the bed and began stripping out of her clothes. Moving towards her just as her skirt hit the ground, he stopped her from removing her black socks as he asked, "Don't tell me that you're done playing dress-up already?"

She spun to face him and wrapped her arms around his neck where she then answered him sweetly and in character, "No way, Naruto-sensei." She pouted slightly as she added, "But you've neglected my pussy for so long that you're going to have to work twice as hard to satisfy me, and I can't go to class in wrinkled clothes which are covered in your cum."

Naruto lowered his mouth to hers to kiss her hungrily. She gladly reciprocated, and leapt into his arms as he picked her up by the waist to plunge her onto his cock. She cried out as she rested her chin on his shoulder while he bounced her on his cock. Naruto taking her words about his need to work twice as hard to heart, created a K-clone which stepped up behind the moaning Suna-nin. Naruto spread her ass for the clone, and Temari as soon as she felt its dick press against her anus leaned back into it to pull the copy of her lover into a kiss as its rod slipped into her.

Temari was in heaven as the clone's tongue explored her mouth, while Naruto began focusing on her breasts. She marveled at her lover's stamina since despite already having cum several times, it still felt like she had been impaled by two steel rods of flesh. She imagined that even if the two Naruto weren't using their hands to support her, that she would be able to remain suspend by their cocks alone. She also marked it down as a benefit that she was able to enjoy her lover's cock in both her ass and pussy at the same time, since their synchronization was perfect. Which even as Naruto began moving backwards to the bed, they kept her contently riding on their cocks.

Upon reaching his destination, Naruto laid back on the bed and began moving his hips to begin assaulting her core. His clone raised one of its legs to rest a foot on the bed as it did the same for her ass, while Temari remained almost completely still as she did her best to whether the pleasure storm being created by the dueling cocks inside her. Almost regretting her previous statement, she moaned, "It's too much. I'm going to go crazy."

Naruto felt a wide smile as he whispered into her ear, "Good, now you know what seeing you three dressed like that did to me. It's too late to stop now!"

Both he and his clone picked up speed as they furiously slammed into her. Temari saw a white light approaching, and although recognizing it as her impending release. She also feared that it was her gate way off the mortal coil, but it enveloped her as both cocks pushed deep into her to deliver their hot loads. Temari screamed skyward as Naruto's cum filled her to the point that she wondered if she would begin coughing it up, before collapsing weakly onto of her lover.

The clone pulled out of her butt, and almost immediately it began leaking out. While Temari remained mostly oblivious to the world and what was going on around her. Karui after the clone disappeared said with a small huff, "That's no fair Sensei. You gave Tenten and Temari two loads of your cum."

Tenten also joined in, stating, "Well I want Sensei to cum inside my ass too."

Sounding on the verge of sleep, Temari joined in, "I want more too."

Naruto shook his head at his needy ladies and he sat up despite Temari's dead weight on him. Glad there was a clock nearby as he was sure his lovers and he would spend days in the den otherwise, he saw he still had a little time to spare so stated, "Alright, well if that is the case then I guess I need to fuck you in the ass Tenten, Temari in the mouth, and Karui in both so everyone is happy. But, I have other students to attend to, so let's go clean up while we get dirty."

Tenten and Karui helped Temari to her feet as they headed off to the shower room. Naruto smiled as he reflected that giving up one dream to be living the one he was now had truly been the best decision he had ever made. Especially, as he watched the three kunoichi begin stripping out of their remaining clothes before stepping out of the room. He moved to follow them, but frowned as he looked for the remains of the lollipop Karui had dropped. Finding no sign of it, he hoped one of the kunoichi had grabbed it since he didn't want to attract insects. He also found it strange that it appeared someone had also cleaned up the cum that had leaked from Tenten earlier.

Yet, before he could give the matter much thought, his focus shifted as the now completely naked kunoichi called for him, before once more disappearing into the shower room. He heard the water begin running and picturing the three beauties beneath the sprays quickly moved to join them, allowing the voyeur who had watched the gathering to crawl out from under the bed to collect more of the seed it was finding to be more and more delicious each time it sampled it.
